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Nugget< >Numeric 2

Numb (Movement)

download the install packageMovement_Numb.lha
created at2008-06-24
size of install package27673 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Bored Seal & MiCK
Mantis BugTracker872
download images for that installftp.funet.fi

Short : HD-Installer for Numb AGA V1.2
Type : game/patch
Author : Bored Seal, Mick

This patch applies to "Numb" © 1993 Movement - 1 disk
Slave requires WHDLOAD V10+.
Game requires 2MB ChipRAM (+ 1MB for PreLoad)

- Game loads entirely from HD
- Cool NewIcon/GlowIcon by Frank
- Time delay added for first picture (Mick)
- Interrupts fixed for 040/060 processors (Mick)
- CUSTOM1=1 tooltype activates hidden part (Mick)
- Quit option (your default key)

v1.0 (06-May-2000) - first release (Bored Seal)
v1.1 (09-Sep-2002) - interrupts fixed, hidden part enabled, picture delayed (Mick)
v1.2 (19-Jun-2008) - taglist fixed to work with WHDLoad v16+ (BoredSeal

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
Numb.slave - 19.06.2008 18:56:00 - 1072 bytes
required WHDLoad version10
flagsDisk NoError EmulTrap ReqAGA
required Chip Memory2048 KiB ($200000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameNumb
info copy1993 Movement
info installinstalled & fixed by Bored Seal
V1.2 (19-Jun-2008)

Install Archive Content Listing
16360lh58612002-09-24 19:09:30NumbHD.info
36930lh512752008-06-21 13:55:08NumbHD\Install_Numb
17670lh58652002-09-24 19:09:30NumbHD\Install_Numb.info
140430lh5112822002-09-12 12:26:34NumbHD\Numb.glowicon
217600lh591002002-09-12 12:26:34NumbHD\Numb.newicon
10720lh56942008-06-19 18:56:00NumbHD\Numb.slave
7910lh54982008-06-19 18:01:22NumbHD\ReadMe
19900lh513102008-01-01 13:08:58NumbHD\ReadMe.info
50250lh514112008-06-19 18:56:12NumbHD\src\Numb.asm

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