The keyboard RAWKEY codes
All keys used with WHDLoad must be specified as raw key codes.
Therefore here is a table which shows all the rawkeys in hexadecimal
for comparision here is the us keymap:
here the french keymap:
and here the german keymap:
and here the italian keymap:
The button codes
Starting with WHDLoad version 16.8 it's also possible to quit WHDLoad using a
button on the mouse, joystick or joypad. For this there are special rawkeys
defined listed in the table below. These rawkeys are only working with the QuitKey option, not with any other key option.
To make WHDLoad able to detect a button press the option NoVBRMove must not be used, the CPU must be at
least a 68010 and the installed program must have the vertical blank interrupt
The rawkeys are listed in hexadecimal and decimal notation.
Using buttons from a joypad ($103..$10a/$113..$11a) as a QuitKey will make it impossible for the installed
program to detect/check/use a joypad. The installed program will think a
joystick is connected. This is because of some hardware limitations that the
joypad can only checked once during a 1/50 second. So dont use it for games
which require a joypad. If the installed program uses resload_ReadJoyPort
then a joypad QuitKey does not cause any problems.
The QuitKey used by pressing Reverse,
Forward and Play together is supported first starting WHDLoad version 18.4.
rawkey port 0 usually mouse |
rawkey port 1 usually stick/pad |
Mouse |
Joystick |
Joypad |
Megadrive |
Master System TecnoPlus |
$100/256 |
$110/272 |
left button |
fire |
Red/Select |
B |
A |
$101/257 |
$111/273 |
right button |
second fire |
Blue/Stop |
C |
B |
$102/258 |
$112/274 |
middle button |
third fire |
$103/259 |
$113/275 |
Play |
$104/260 |
$114/276 |
Reverse/Left Ear |
$105/261 |
$115/277 |
Forward/Right Ear |
$106/262 |
$116/278 |
Green/Shuffle |
$107/263 |
$117/279 |
Yellow/Loop |
$108/264 |
$118/280 |
Red/Select |
$109/265 |
$119/281 |
Blue/Stop |
$10a/266 |
$11a/282 |
Play+Reverse+Forward |
In the WHDLoad versions 16.4 - 16.7 it was possible to use a QuitKey of $73
to exit via pressing the left mouse button. This no longer works in WHDLoad
version 16.8 and later. The new rawkey code $100 for that must be used instead.