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Arachnophobia< >Arcade Pool

Arcade Fruit Machine (Zeppelin Games)

download the install packageArcadeFruitMachine.lha
created at2024-08-18
size of install package27846 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Bored Seal & DJ Mike
Mantis BugTracker1807
Hall Of Light3293
Lemon Amiga1537
download images for that installwww.whdload.de

Short : HD Installer for Arcade Fruit Machine
Author: Bored Seal, DJ Mike (djmike@crystalmike.com)
Version: 1.1
Type: game/patch
Requires: WHDLoad 18, 512k chip mem

This patch applies to "Arcade Fruit Machine" © 1991 Zeppelin.
Two known versions are supported.

Thanks to Christoph Gleisberg for supplying an original version,
and to JHZ for supplying the disk image for v1.0 install.

NOTE: If updating from v1.0, rename the .slave file to FruitMachine.slave,
or reinstall the game.


- Original disk or compatible disk image
  (Cracks are not officially supported but may work)
- Slave requires WHDLoad 18+
- Game requires 512k chip memory
  (+ approx 880k other memory for preload option)


- Game loads fully from HD
- Rob Northen Copylock protection removed
- Quit game at any time (default key F10), including on 68000 machines
- CPU-dependent (empty DBF) loops fixed x6
- Trainer/other options added - set CUSTOM1 with any of the following:
  + 1 for infinite money
  + 2 to skip intro on startup
- Color/New/Rom Icons included
- Source code included


Version 1.1 by DJ Mike (2024-08-16)
- Another version supported (Mantis issue #6535)
  (thanks to Christoph Gleisberg for supplying)
- Quit key supported on 68000 machines
- CPU-dependent (empty DBF) loops fixed
- Skip intro option added
- Infinite money trainer added
- Updated to use WHDLoad 18 for splash screen options
- OS35 icon added
- Readme and installer updated
- Source code now included

Version 1.0 by Bored Seal (2000-03-08)
- Initial release


Some updates to this install to add support for another version. I'm not
actually sure v1.0 of this install ever worked with the original, as a CRC
check in the patch relied on a cracked disk image! I've retooled the check
to be more permissive so hopefully all versions should now work.

Added a few missing fixes like empty loops that run too fast, trainers, etc.
Nothing much exciting to say about this game. It's another fruit machine
simulator. I'll let you decide if that really constitutes a game. :-)

--- DJ Mike (16th August 2024)

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
ArcadeFruitMachine.slave - 16.08.2024 11:43:16 - 756 bytes
required WHDLoad version18
flagsNoError EmulTrap ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameArcade Fruit Machine
info copy1991 Zeppelin
info installinstalled & fixed by Bored Seal & DJ Mike
Version 1.1 (16-Aug-2024)
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:X:Infinite Money:0
C1:X:Skip Intro:1

Install Archive Content Listing
43611lh53820Amiga2024-08-16 11:20:58ArcadeFruitMachineHD/ArcadeFruitMachine.colicon
109791lh53769Amiga1980-01-13 06:58:50ArcadeFruitMachineHD/ArcadeFruitMachine.newicon
59311lh52306Amiga1980-01-13 06:58:52ArcadeFruitMachineHD/ArcadeFruitMachine.romicon
7561lh5597Amiga2024-08-16 11:43:16ArcadeFruitMachineHD/ArcadeFruitMachine.slave
11931lh5663Amiga2024-08-10 20:09:36ArcadeFruitMachineHD.info
405301lh510165Amiga2024-08-16 11:46:42ArcadeFruitMachineHD/Install
7191lh5366Amiga2024-08-16 11:42:52ArcadeFruitMachineHD/Install.info
22301lh51160Amiga2024-08-16 11:52:00ArcadeFruitMachineHD/ReadMe
20041lh51547Amiga2002-09-03 13:11:20ArcadeFruitMachineHD/ReadMe.info
67771lh52732Amiga2024-08-16 11:53:06ArcadeFruitMachineHD/src/ArcadeFruitMachine.asm

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