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Captive< >Cardiaxx

Carcharodon - White Sharks (Demonware)

download the install packageCarcharodon.lha
created at2018-12-23
size of install package29144 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Galahad & StingRay
Mantis BugTracker54
Hall Of Light2929
Lemon Amiga1615

Short : HD-Installer for Carcharodon - White Sharks / Demonware
Type  : game/patch
Author: Galahad / Fairlight (GLDFLT@AOL.COM), StingRay

 This install applies to "Carcharodon - White Sharks" © 1989/1990 Demonware.
 Slave requires WHDLoad V17+.
 Game needs 0.5 MB Of Chipmem & 1.4MB of Fastmem (for preload option)

 Many thanks to Carlo Pirri for supplying the game. 

 - 1 Disk original release 


 - Full Loading from HD (REAL FILES) (compress with FImp/ProPack)
 - Protection removed (MFM/Encryption/Checksums)
 - Load/Save Hiscore to hard drive
 - Access fault removed
 - Fixed music DMA
 - Fixed diwstop ($dff090) to see hidden first screen message :)
 - Infinite lives trainer (find it!)
 - Quit Option (DEL key)

 FEATURES V1.1 (03.11.2018, StingRay)
 - RawDIC imager
 - Blitter waits added
 - Bplcon0 color bit fixes
 - Graphics bugs fixed ("GET READY", "GAME OVER" screens)
 - Out of bounds blit in equipment screen fixed
 - Trainer options added
 - Access fault in highscore screen fixed
 - Checksum disabled
 - All dataXX files can be removed, they are not needed anymore
 - High score load/save rewritten
 - High score file renamed to "Carcharodon.high"
 - Keyboard routines rewritten
 - 68000 quitkey support
 - Source code included

 FEATURES V1.1a (23.12.2018, StingRay)
 - one more keyboard routine patched, game doesn't freeze anymore
   in the highscore screen (Mantis issue #4015)
 - typo in imager slave fixed :)
 - minor code optimisations

 The copy protection system on this game is very very competent!  In fact, when I normally list the
 features of a game, I always sarcastically refer to the protection as 'lame-o-protect', fact is, this 
 protection wasn't lame in the slightest!
 I wouldn't say it was the hardest protection to crack, but it had some pretty clever ideas, all of which
 means making it RAWDic compatible is going to be a looooonnnnggg effort!
 This game has to rank as one of the BEST shoot-em-ups on the Amiga.... problem is, it's so damned hard
 that I doubt most people could reasonably expect to see the lovely graphics in the later levels.
 On an A5oo, this game is throwing loads of stuff around the screen, and it never ONCE drops a frame out of
 Not even Factor 5 could manage it with X-Out and Z-Out!
 Discover the cheat, and you will agree that Silicon Warriors (what else did they do?) have done an
 amazing job throughout.
 On the titlescreen, if you press the 'E' key, will give you a screen to change your weapons setups for
 each level.
 On the titlescreen, if you press the 'L' key, will load your previous saved game (including Hiscore)
 On the titlescreen, if you press the 'S' ley, will save your game (including Hiscore)
 Whilst playing, if the border flashes red, you got onto the hiscore table.  If whilst you are still
 playing it flashes red again, then you just advanced another position on the hiscore table.

 Holding down the fire button whilst shooting will select a different weapon, but you will see a counter
 in the centre of the status bar telling you how much time you have that weapon left.
 This counter is also used for your enemy count.  It starts off at 99 and counts down for every alien or
 wave of aliens you destroy.  This counter MUST read 0 by the time you have destroyed the end of level
 boss, otherwise you have to play the whole level again!!
 Put it this way, if Carcharodon White Sharks was a boxer and was put in the ring with R-TYPE, R-TYPE2,
 ........ it would kill them all..... its that bloody hard!!! (thats put them all in the ring at the same
Kindest Regards, Galahad of Fairlight

NOTES V1.1 (StingRay)

I finally got around to updating this patch, one of the major problems was the imager which
didn't work properly. This has now been fixed as I have coded a RawDIC imager. You don't have
to reinstall as I kept the file names compatible with the old patch. Coding the RawDIC
imager was quite a bit of work as to do it I had to fully deprotect the game (which was
fun, coding the decrypter took about 1 hour) and also understand the disk format/decoding.
The game uses custom compressed data which is unpacked on the fly during loading, this
happens in the MFM decoding part. Encryption used was quite nice as well, it featured
some neat ideas. Same for the loader, the used SYNCs were also encrypted. In the game
code there were a few checksum checks and coder also made sure to encrypt all the
"important" stuff such as number of lives and the level number. There also was a buggy
blit routine in the equipment screen, I have fixed that one as well. Same for the
problem with the trashed "GAME OVER" and "GET READY" screens, these are now displayed
properly too. As usual I have also added some trainers, to see the available in-game
keys press "HELP" during the main game. High score saving is disabled if any trainers
are used.

StingRay in November 2018.


Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
Carcharodon.slave - 23.12.2018 18:26:44 - 2424 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError EmulTrap ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory4 KiB ($1000)
info name-) Carcharodon - White Sharks (-
info copy1989/90 Demonware
info install----------------------
Installed & Fixed by
Galahad of FAiRLiGHT & StingRay/[S]carab^Scoopex
With thanks to Carlo Pirri
for the original
V1.1a (23.12.2018)
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:X:Unlimited Lives:0
C1:X:Start with Full Extra Equipmemt:2
C1:X:In-Game Keys (Press HELP during game):3
C2:L:Start at Level:1,2,3,4,5,6

Install Archive Content Listing
23341lh51707Amiga2002-02-07 17:28:16Carcharodon_Install/Carcharodon.inf
17441lh51314Amiga2018-12-23 18:31:16Carcharodon_Install/Carcharodon.islave
24241lh51825Amiga2018-12-23 18:26:44Carcharodon_Install/Carcharodon.slave
19431lh5994Amiga2018-11-03 16:03:14Carcharodon_Install.info
400251lh59985Amiga2018-11-03 15:10:06Carcharodon_Install/Install
7141lh5368Amiga2018-11-03 16:03:42Carcharodon_Install/Install.info
52831lh52652Amiga2018-12-23 18:32:28Carcharodon_Install/Readme
20401lh51585Amiga2018-11-03 16:03:42Carcharodon_Install/Readme.info
125291lh54948Amiga2018-12-23 18:26:00Carcharodon_Install/Source/carcharodon.asm
87871lh53079Amiga2018-11-03 18:08:34Carcharodon_Install/Source/Carcharodon_ImagerSlave.s

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