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Deep Space< >Defender

Defender II (Arc Developments)

download the install packageDefender2.lha
created at2001-06-10
size of install package22796 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Hall Of Light304
Lemon Amiga2363

Short:    HD-Installer for Defender 2 V1.0
Author:   Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com), ICQ: 26051687
Uploader: Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com)
Version:  1.0
Type:     game/patch

This patch applies to "Defender 2" (c) 1990 Arc - 1 disk.
Thanks to Mark Knibbs for the original!

- Slave requires WHDLoad V10+.
- Game requires 512k chip mem and 4k other memory (+0.5Mb other memory 
  for preload option)

- Full load from HD
- Rob Northen encryption removed (thanks to Mr Larmer)
- Loads and saves high scores
- Instructions included
- Empty DBF loops fixed (x6)
- Colour bit fixes (x2)
- Snoop bugs fixed
- Stack relocated to expansion memory to avoid crashes when snooping
- RomIcon, NewIcon and GlowIcon (created by me!)
- Quit option (default key is 'F10')

- Taken from Sweet Cheater by Keith Krellwitz and Codetapper!
- Click to start on the Defender 2 game, then enter one of the following 

    "INCAS"__________Replaces inviso with smart laser in stargate
    "ANDES"_____________Power is restored when the laser is fired
    "RAVEN"____________________Activates the three following keys

                  'I'____________Invicibility on/off
                  'N'_____________________Next level
                  'D'_______Fly auto pilot 23 levels

                            (LEVEL CODES)
     01-"START"      17-"LEMAC"      33-"MAGOG"       53-"IRATA"
     05-"FLOYD"      21-"ZIPPO"      37-"FUNKY"       57-"NEURO"
     09-"FURRY"      25-"LASER"      41-"DONKY"       61-"STOAT"
     13-"BEAST"      29-"DAFAD"      49-"KANJI"

Greetings to Galahad, Mr Larmer, Mark Knibbs, all Action members and the
WHDLoad team!

Codetapper/Action (09-Jun-2001)

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

            ________  ________  ________  ____  ________  ________
           _)       \_)       \_)       \_)   \_)       \_)       \
   __ ___ /___/     /   /_____/\  /     /     /   /     /   /     /
  /_//__// \___    /   /     /CT\/     /     /   /     /   /     /
        /___/     /___      /   /     /_____/___      /___/     /___ __
            \____/    \____/    \____/          \____/    \____//__//_/

           Visit the Action website for more of our productions:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
Defender2.slave - 09.06.2001 16:27:20 - 1628 bytes
required WHDLoad version10
flagsNoError EmulTrap NoKbd
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory4 KiB ($1000)
info nameDefender 2
info copy1990 Arc
info installInstalled by Codetapper/Action!
Version 1.0 (09.06.2001)
Greetings to Mr Larmer and Galahad
for technical assistance and
Mark Knibbs for the original!

Install Archive Content Listing
37420lh532072001-06-09 08:02:26Defender2HD\Defender2.glowicon
3300lh03302001-06-09 15:36:32Defender2HD\Defender2.highs
124970lh529022001-06-09 14:38:22Defender2HD\Defender2.inf
138800lh529472001-06-09 15:07:34Defender2HD\Defender2.newicon
16280lh58702001-06-09 16:27:20Defender2HD\Defender2.slave
11930lh56632001-06-09 15:44:38Defender2HD.info
50510lh515892001-06-09 15:58:10Defender2HD\Install
7100lh53522001-06-09 15:44:34Defender2HD\Install.info
125920lh550522001-06-09 12:57:40Defender2HD\Instructions
20400lh515822001-06-09 15:44:34Defender2HD\Instructions.info
24710lh511392001-06-10 23:16:10Defender2HD\ReadMe
20400lh515832001-06-09 15:44:34Defender2HD\ReadMe.info

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