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Gettysburg< >Ghostbusters II

Ghost Battle (Thalion)

download the install packageGhostBattle.lha
created at2025-01-25
size of install package66322 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Mr.Larmer & Bored Seal & Psygore
Mantis BugTracker89
Hall Of Light2721
Lemon Amiga2109

Short : HD-Installer for Ghost Battle
Type : game/patch
Author : Mr. Larmer, Bored Seal ('*' marked features) and Psygore

This patch applies to "Ghost Battle" by Thalion (c) 1991 - 1 disk.
Slave requires WHDLoad v17+, install requires RawDIC.
Game requires 0.5MB ChipRAM (+ 1MB for PreLoad)

- Game loads entirely from HD
- Disk protection removed
- Code checksum removed
* IMP! decruncher relocated into FastRAM
* Blitter waits inserted
- Keyboard handler fixed
- Music player fixed for faster CPUs
* BPLCON0 access fixed
* Highscore table is saved (file "GhostBattle.High")
* Added button wait for title picture
- MWB/NI icons included
- Quit option (your default key)

V1.5 (21-Jan-2025) by Psygore:
 - Character position on map when using level select option is fixed
 - Can still pass locked door without the required key on climbe with Up: fixed
 - Thanks again Hexaae for bug report

V1.4 (12-Dec-2024) by Psygore:
 - climbe down ladders fixed
 - custom level select fixed
 - random weapons fixed
 - bomb flashing with fire button can have an issue, fixed
 - check and fix last bitplane blitter operation to avoid writing chip memory
   beyond 512k
 - blitter wait inserted before a start blitter opertation (instead of end)
 - manual included

V1.3 (24-Oct-2024) by Psygore:
- hiscores are not used anymore to check game version
- trainers added:
  set CUSTOM1=1 for unlimited lives
      CUSTOM1=2 for unlimited energy
      CUSTOM1=4 for unlimited bombs
     (to use ie. unlimited lives+energy, set CUSTOM1=3 (1+2)
      CUSTOM2=1 to remove Up control if 2nd button is pressed
      CUSTOM2=2 to remove Fire bomb control if 3rd button is pressed
      CUSTOM3=1 to set 3rd button = GREEN (only for joystick)
      CUSTOM4=1-5 to select level
      CUSTOM5=1 to remove blitter wait fix
- CD32 buttons added
  RED   = fire
  BLUE  = jump
  GREEN = bomb
  PLAY  = pause
- install script updated

V1.2 (04-Oct-2008) by Psygore:
- stack moved in FastRAM
- another blitwaits added
- self modifying code patched
- random crashes fixed
- snoop/s option works on 68040/060
- quitkey works on 68000 system
- new install script and imager
- Exoticon added

V1.1 (11-Aug-2008) by Bored Seal:
- totally debugged in snoop mode, decruncher moved into FastRAM
- added: blitter waits, button wait for title picture
- changed: highscore is saved to separate file (and it works now)

V1.0 (25-Feb-1999)
 - first release

CHEAT MODE (taken from Sweet Cheater):
During play, pull down on the joystick and press 

to pause the game. You should still be in the crouched position when the game is paused. Now type "ERWIN IS THE BEST" for infinite lives. Use the following keys during play: Skip to next level Freeze enemies for a short time Get a shield Smart bomb Thanks to Chris Vella for disk image and Hexaae for testing/bugreport. Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs: http://www.whdload.de

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
GhostBattle.slave - 21.01.2025 21:14:52 - 3040 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError EmulTrap ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory4 KiB ($1000)
info nameGhost Battle
info copy1991 Thalion
info installinstalled & fixed by Mr.Larmer/Bored Seal
and Psygore
Version 1.5 (21 Jan 2025)
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:X:Unlimited Lives:0
C1:X:Unlimited Energy:1
C1:X:Unlimited Bombs:2
C2:X:Remove Up control (2nd button pressed:0
C2:X:Remove Fire Bomb control (3rd button pressed):1
C3:B:3rd button = GREEN (joystick)
C4:L:Start Level:--,1,2,3,4,5
C5:B:Remove BLITWAIT fix

Install Archive Content Listing
1541lh5118Amiga2024-12-12 09:50:18GhostBattleHD/Controls
19901lh51311Amiga2024-12-12 09:50:18GhostBattleHD/Controls.info
106181lh510404Amiga2008-10-04 18:15:12GhostBattleHD/GhostBattle.colexot
176081lh59107Amiga2008-10-04 18:15:12GhostBattleHD/GhostBattle.inf
2601lh5209Amiga2008-10-04 18:15:12GhostBattleHD/GhostBattle.islave
112751lh59053Amiga2008-10-04 18:15:12GhostBattleHD/GhostBattle.newicon
30401lh52153Amiga2025-01-21 21:14:52GhostBattleHD/GhostBattle.slave
31391lh52358Amiga2024-12-12 01:46:52GhostBattleHD.info
416891lh510325Amiga2024-12-12 09:50:18GhostBattleHD/Install-GhostBattle
37141lh52577Amiga2024-12-12 09:50:18GhostBattleHD/Install-GhostBattle.info
91591lh54258Amiga2024-12-12 09:50:18GhostBattleHD/Manual
19901lh51310Amiga2024-12-12 09:50:18GhostBattleHD/Manual.info
30321lh51573Amiga2025-01-21 21:14:52GhostBattleHD/ReadMe
19901lh51311Amiga2024-12-12 09:50:18GhostBattleHD/ReadMe.info
93121lh09312Amiga2025-01-22 19:59:02GhostBattleHD/src/GhostBattleHD_src.lzx

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last change : 2025-01-25
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