Short: HD-Installer for Postman Pat V1.0
Author: Codetapper/Action (, ICQ: 26051687
Uploader: Codetapper/Action (
Version: 1.0
Type: game/patch
This patch applies to "Postman Pat" (c) 1989 Alternative - 1 disk.
Supported: - Original release (supplied by Decode - the CAPS image)
- Single file crack (215532 bytes)
- Slave requires WHDLoad V10+
- Game requires 512k chip mem (+370k other memory for preload option)
- Full load from HD
- Loads and saves high scores (unless you cheat!)
- Decruncher relocated to fast memory
- Colour bit fixes (x2)
- Blitter waits added (x2)
- 24 bit access faults fixed (x11)
- Music replay routine fixed
- Keyboard acknowledgement routine rewritten
- Trainer added (set CUSTOM1=1 to enable the cheat mode mentioned below)
- High score routine rewritten
- Game file can be compressed to save space (FImp, Propack etc)
- RomIcon, 2 x NewIcons, 2 x OS3.5 Icons (created by me!)
- Quit option (default key is 'F10')
- Soon to be added to Sweet Cheater!
- Get a high score and enter your name as "MANOWAR " (you must type the
four spaces after the word). Now when you restart the game you are
invincible, will not skid when you drive in the mud and can drive
through any object!
The high score routine in this game was really badly written. If you beat
any of the high scores, it moved the scores down by one position but did
not bother to move the names! This meant you kept overwriting the existing
name and so the scores did not necessarily match the person that got them!
Very lame programming and quite a hassle to fix but it's done.
Greetings to Decode for the original, Wepl for WHDLoad, IFW and fiath of
CAPS, all Action members and the WHDLoad team!
Codetapper/Action (07-Jun-2004)
Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:
________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________
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/_//__// \___ / / /CT\/ / / / / / /
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\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____//__//_/
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