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Turbo Sprint< >Turn'n'Burn

Turbo Trax (Arcane)

download the install packageTurboTrax_Arcane.lha
created at2009-01-11
size of install package63635 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Hall Of Light1529
Lemon Amiga1597

Short : HD-Installer for Turbo Trax
Type : game/patch
Author : Psygore (psygore@whdload.de)

That install applies to "Turbo Trax" © 1995 Arcane

It requires:
 - WHDLoad 14+
 - 576 KB ChipMem and 384 KB OtherMem (+2.3 MB OtherMem for preload option)

Version 1.1 (11.01.2009) by Psygore:
 - Slave is compatible with 68000 now
 - A new slave for 512K (chipmem) amiga will be installed too
 - Trainers added :
   - press 'HELP' key during the game to win the race
   - set CUSTOM1=1 for money=$10000 (arcade mode)
 - Pause key = P enabled (a non-existing key was assigned)
 - New install script included

Version 1.0 (04.11.2003) by Psygore:
 - Color/NewIcon (created by me) and Exoticon included
 - Stack moved in fast memory
 - OS stuff patched
 - Keyboard routine added (supports international and backspace keys)
 - Decruncher (bytekiller) relocated in fast memory
   (quit with a message error if checksum is wrong)
 - Load/Save high times to HD automatically (only for registered users)
 - Quit with F10

Thanks to:
- Tony Aksnes for the original disks.
- Captain HIT for HOL icon.

Exoticon is taken from Exotica (http://exotica.fix.no).
HOL icon is created from Hall Of Light (http://hol.abime.net).

If you have problems with this installation please report them via the
Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed via 


or via mail to: psygore@whdload.de

for full WHDLoad package and other installs refer to:

        or      aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?
        and     aminet:game/patch/

--- (_ __¬) __) \ ¬) ___)   ¬) __¬)¬__) ---
 --  /  _/__¬\  / / /_¬\  --/ _  / __)  --
  - (__/(_____)  /(_____)  /_/ \(_____) -
            (___/      \__/     \__)in 01.2009

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
TurboTrax512k.slave - 11.01.2009 18:12:44 - 1308 bytes
required WHDLoad version14
flagsNoError ClearMem
required Chip Memory496 KiB ($7c000)
required Expansion Memory896 KiB ($e0000)
info nameTurbo Trax (512k)
info copy1995 Arcane
info installInstalled & fixed by Psygore
Version 1.1 (11 Jan 2009)
TurboTrax.slave - 11.01.2009 18:12:42 - 1308 bytes
required WHDLoad version14
flagsNoError ClearMem
required Chip Memory576 KiB ($90000)
required Expansion Memory896 KiB ($e0000)
info nameTurbo Trax
info copy1995 Arcane
info installInstalled & fixed by Psygore
Version 1.1 (11 Jan 2009)

Install Archive Content Listing
39750lh517982009-01-11 18:17:28TurboTraxHD.info
308290lh577772009-01-11 11:24:24TurboTraxHD\Install-TurboTrax
37120lh525772009-01-11 18:17:28TurboTraxHD\Install-TurboTrax.info
17920lh59672009-01-11 18:19:06TurboTraxHD\ReadMe
19900lh513152009-01-11 18:17:28TurboTraxHD\ReadMe.info
13080lh59952009-01-11 18:12:44TurboTraxHD\TurboTrax512k.slave
89540lh585992003-11-04 13:51:42TurboTraxHD\TurboTrax.colexot
245280lh5212722003-11-04 13:51:42TurboTraxHD\TurboTrax.colhol
107640lh594472003-11-04 13:51:42TurboTraxHD\TurboTrax.coloricon
25720lh512352003-11-04 13:51:42TurboTraxHD\TurboTrax.inf
200090lh560522003-11-04 13:51:42TurboTraxHD\TurboTrax.newicon
13080lh59922009-01-11 18:12:42TurboTraxHD\TurboTrax.slave

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