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Warlock's Quest< >Warlords

Warlock the Avenger (Millennium)

download the install packageWarlockTheAvenger.lha
created at2005-03-15
size of install package75783 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Abaddon & John Girvin
Hall Of Light1669
Lemon Amiga1818


    WarlockTheAvengerWHD release 1.00


    This is release 1.00 of a hard drive installation package for the
    Millenium game "Warlock The Avenger".


    Requires an original copy of the game. One version is supported:
        - CAPSID 1413: Original release

    Requires version 44.10 or later of the standard Amiga "Installer"
    program or a compatible equivalent.

    Requires version 16.0 or later of the WHDLoad package by Bert Jahn.
    WHDLoad is available from:


    Please consider registering WHDLoad to help support future development
    of hard drive installers for your favourite Amiga games!


    Extract all files in the archive to your system.

    Double click on the "Install" icon present in the extraction
    directory and follow the instructions given by the Installer

    The game will be installed to a directory you select on your
    hard drive. You will be alerted if installation fails for any
    reason, please contact the author if this happens.


    Open the game drawer created during installation and click on the
    "WarlockTheAvenger" icon. The game will then start.

    The following keys may be used while the game is running:
      F10 = quit game and return to Workbench

    Registered WHDLoad users have the following additional features:

      - high scores are saved to hard disk

      - the CUSTOM1 tooltype may be used to activate cheats in the game
          CUSTOM1 =  1 to activate infinite shots
          CUSTOM1 =  2 to activate infinite keys
          CUSTOM1 =  4 to activate infinite freeze spells
          CUSTOM1 =  8 to activate infinite golem spells
          CUSTOM1 = 16 to activate infinite skull spells
          CUSTOM1 = 32 to activate infinite druid energy
          CUSTOM1 = 64 to activate infinite golem energy

        Values may be added together to activate multiple trainers.


    This product is provided "as is" and is used at your own risk.

    The author is not liable for any loss or damage caused by the
    use or misuse of this product.

    When running the installer it is advisable to disable any virus
    checking or debugging software you may have running.


    John Girvin

    E-Mail:    girv@girvnet.org.uk

    WWW:       http://www.girvnet.org.uk

    ICQ:       15651883

    DONATIONS: PayPal: payments@girvnet.org.uk
               NoChex: payments@girvnet.org.uk


    1.00    03/2005
      - first version
      - copy protection removed
      - trap instructions removed
      - keyboard timing fixed
      - blitter waits added
      - high score saving added
      - trainers added


    © 2005 Halibut Software.

    This product is freely distributable provided the following conditions
    are met:

        (1) all files, data and other items comprising the product are
            included intact and unmodified.

        (2) this product may not be sold for profit directly or as part
            of a compilation or other collection that is sold for profit

    Distributions contrary to this licence are an infringement of the authors
    rights under copyright legislation and will be pursued as such.


	"Warlock The Avenger" is © Millenium

    WHDLoad is © Bert Jahn

    Thanks to those who supplied disk images, you know who you are.

    Thanks to the Action Testers team for testing and bug reports.

;$VER: WarlockTheAvenger ReadMe 1.00 © 2005 Halibut Software;================================================================================

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
WarlockTheAvenger.slave - 14.03.2005 01:59:54 - 1236 bytes
required WHDLoad version16
flagsNoError ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameWarlock The Avenger
info copy1990 Millenium
info install
Installer by Girv
© 2005 Halibut Software
1.00 (14.03.05)
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000

Install Archive Content Listing
50lh052005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\CAPSID
28020lh518412005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD.info
139250lh535932005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\Install
12640lh58352005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\Install.info
37430lh515762005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\ReadMe
19900lh513102005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\ReadMe.info
103560lh597932005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\WarlockTheAvenger.col-gi1
180910lh5149282005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\WarlockTheAvenger.col-gi2
118830lh582272005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\WarlockTheAvenger.col-jg1
178610lh5142902005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\WarlockTheAvenger.col-jg2
98580lh549272005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\WarlockTheAvenger.new-jg1
61270lh543552005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\WarlockTheAvenger.new-jg2
97390lh527162005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\WarlockTheAvenger.rom-jg1
97190lh543392005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\WarlockTheAvenger.rom-jg2
12360lh59372005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\WarlockTheAvenger.slave
26030lh510962005-03-14 01:59:54WarlockTheAvengerWHD\WarlockTheAvenger.std-jg1

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