Notes |
Could you pls test the attached slave ? |
Thats a lot better in the fact that it does now play to the end. The bit before where it originally crashed now runs at an increased speed as you can hear from the garbled music. |
Thanks for your feedback.
Could you try the new attached ? Music should be ok now. |
Music is fine now and it gets a lot further on. After the credits it loops back onto that same section and crashes like it did before.
Video here if you want to see its right at the end. |
Thanks for your tests.
I can not reproduce this crash under WinUAE.
Does the slave with the music speed crash too after the credits ? |
I didn't watch it that far in to be honest and I have now deleted that slave. |
I just ran the latest one again from a complete cold boot this time and again it was perfect up until it repeated that previous problem part after the credits and crashed again.
The error this time Exception "Address Error" ($B00C) at $50B98 (DbgAdr $2F278) occured. |
Okay I found the previous slave on my laptop after all with the sped up music and that does seem to play ok right through to the end. If there is an end as that scroller seems to go on and on. |
OK, thanks for testing.
Attached a new slave, should be ok now. |
Hi just tested this latest slave and now after it plays that problematic section for a second time the screen goes black and the sound becomes just static crackling. It stays like this until I press F10 to exit out of it. Here is a video showing what happens. |