WHDLoad MantisBT - NewYorkWarriors
View Issue Details
0005266NewYorkWarriors[All Projects] Generalpublic2021-06-26 18:382021-08-07 22:00
ReporterSolo Kazuki 
Assigned ToWepl 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem128 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.0
KickROM39 - Kick 3.0
KickSoft40 - Kick 3.1
Summary0005266: No sound at all
DescriptionThere is no sound at all. This problem exist also in Delta Command (Arcadia version).

Same problem is also on plain 8MB FastRAM config. I have 68060@100MHz (Warp1260).
TagsNo tags attached.
related to 0002910resolved Wepl DeltaCommandArcadia Delta Command (Arcadia) - No sound in attract mode 
related to 0002918resolved Wepl NewYorkWarriors New York Warriors crackling sound 
Attached Files? NewYorkWarriors.Slave (5,192) 2021-08-03 02:27

Solo Kazuki   
2021-06-26 19:11   
I mean no sound effects, music is playing.
2021-06-26 19:48   
Try beta slave here
It partially fixed the issue for me.

Delta Command (different slave and author), is it the same symptoms you have as I described here ?
Solo Kazuki   
2021-06-27 09:31   
Nope, no difference at all. Still only music plays and no sound effects.

Yes, I have same symptoms in Delta Command.
2021-07-15 00:10   
please try attached slave, it should fix the sound fx issues
Solo Kazuki   
2021-07-15 11:21   
Now sound of machine gun is present, but after this demo on red screen... LED is blinking and reset (under WHDLoad). Game itself is looping with sequence title - "software failure" error (which is even bugged itself, two or three lines of "Guru meditation..." text are messed).
Solo Kazuki   
2021-07-15 11:42   
When pressing fire i see that everything's working. But bug is a bug, isn't?

Below is video of mentioned cycle.


As before video is put just for a short time
2021-07-19 00:14   
Probably a problem because of your 100 Mhz Warp.
It runs fine on my 60 MHz CSPPC.
Try option ChkInts. If there is a requester I may help. Otherwise I don't see a way fix without being able to reproduce.
You may also check if options ExpChip or NoCache can avoid the problem.
2021-07-19 00:24   
Ah, I can it reproduce. It happens only in PAL mode, not in NTSC.
2021-07-19 01:28   
Please test attached Slave. There was too less memory assigned.
Solo Kazuki   
2021-07-19 22:02   
Now it seems game is working ok.

But proper in-deep tests are needed... ;)

Ok, bugreport can be closed.
Pascal De Maeseneire   
2021-07-20 15:36   
(Last edited: 2021-07-26 21:20)
I tried your Slave 1.5 with SPS version (512K) and NO SPS Version (1MB).
On my real A1200 and under WINUAE all works correctly...
But on my real A500 with an ACA500Plus, I have a glitch only with 1MB version.... 512k version works correctly.
You can see the problem on my Youtube Channel http://youtube.com/watch?v=bAbpc47xeaI
I just finish to put IPF 1MB (NTSC) in the Zone.
I want to tell You that there is no Glitch with Slave 1.4 and Tooltype NTSC was not necessary...
Please could You have a look.
Best regards,

2021-07-22 00:51   
Hi Pascal, can you please try option ExpChip? This is maybe because games now uses fast memory by default now..
Pascal De Maeseneire   
2021-07-22 08:15   
Hi Wepl,

I Tried ExpLocal (Because only a 68000 CPU) and nothing changed... EXPChip and EXP24Bit doesn't works on my system.
I already tried some tooltype (Nocache,NoVBRMove,NoAutovec,ExpLocal)... But Nothing changed.

My config is an A500 rev.6A ECS 8372A 68000 512k + 512k Trapdoor
my ACA500Plus Setup is KS I have 7MB Fast Ram (About 6.3 Free in WB) and only A CPU 68000(CPU WORK at @14 Mhz) and no other accelerator card.
Best Regards,
Pascal De Maeseneire   
2021-07-22 08:27   
Hi Wepl,
I found something... on my ACA500PlUS setup
I can change CPU Speed...
and if a use my 68000 CPU @7 Mhz it works correctly... If a use @14 Mhz, @21 Mhz and @28 Mhz a have the Glitch.
Usually I use @14 Mhz for all whdload games.
Best regards,

2021-07-26 22:21   
Hi Pascal,
can you please test if the new attached Slave fixes the gfx issues (at higher speeds)?
Pascal De Maeseneire   
2021-07-27 01:07   
Hi Wepl,

I finished to test Your Latest Slave 1.5 (26.07.2021)

on my A500ACA500PlUS setup Nothing as changed for GAME 1MB Version... For 512K all works:

for 1MB version... same way with a Glitch @14 Mhz,@21 Mhz and @28 Mhz...
but @7 Mhz it works correctly...

But now ther is another problem with the same Slave and only with 1MB Game Version...

on my Real A1200 GVP 68030 @40 Mhz WITH 32MB RAM and under WinUAE too (68030)
I can't kill any enemy ... I fire but it doesn't kill anyone !!!
with the previous slave I didn't have that

On my A500ACA500Plus I can kill but with Glitch...

Sorry to report that.

Best regards,
2021-08-03 02:29   
Hi Pascal, new Slave attached
Sorry, not able to kill enemies was a faulty patch, should work again.
I think I also found Glitch problem in the 1MB version.
Can you please test?
Pascal De Maeseneire   
2021-08-03 21:52   
Hi Welp,
With Your Latest Slave 1.5 03/08/2021.
Glitch is resolved with 1MB Game version on my ACA500PLUS.
All works now for both Games and on my both Amiga(s) (A500ACA500PLUS & A1200).
Now I can Kill too on all systems and for Both games (512K & 1MB).
For myself You can close now...
Many Thanks :)
Best regards,
Solo Kazuki   
2021-08-03 22:15   
I didn't tested Yet, I'll do it tomorrow. Please wait with closing.
Solo Kazuki   
2021-08-04 18:38   
Ok, everything's ok. Bugreport may be closed.
2021-08-07 22:00   
Thanks for testing. New install released.

Issue History
2021-06-26 18:38Solo KazukiNew Issue
2021-06-26 19:11Solo KazukiNote Added: 0010444
2021-06-26 19:48RetroplayNote Added: 0010446
2021-06-26 23:52WeplAssigned To => Wepl
2021-06-26 23:52WeplStatusnew => assigned
2021-06-27 09:31Solo KazukiNote Added: 0010455
2021-07-15 00:09WeplFile Added: NewYorkWarriors.Slave
2021-07-15 00:10WeplNote Added: 0010522
2021-07-15 11:21Solo KazukiNote Added: 0010525
2021-07-15 11:42Solo KazukiNote Added: 0010526
2021-07-19 00:08WeplRelationship addedrelated to 0002918
2021-07-19 00:14WeplNote Added: 0010560
2021-07-19 00:16WeplRelationship addedrelated to 0002910
2021-07-19 00:24WeplNote Added: 0010561
2021-07-19 01:27WeplFile Deleted: NewYorkWarriors.Slave
2021-07-19 01:27WeplFile Added: NewYorkWarriors.Slave
2021-07-19 01:28WeplNote Added: 0010562
2021-07-19 22:02Solo KazukiNote Added: 0010574
2021-07-20 15:36Pascal De MaeseneireNote Added: 0010578
2021-07-22 00:51WeplNote Added: 0010582
2021-07-22 08:15Pascal De MaeseneireNote Added: 0010583
2021-07-22 08:27Pascal De MaeseneireNote Added: 0010584
2021-07-26 21:20WeplNote Edited: 0010578bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=10578#r1440
2021-07-26 22:19WeplFile Deleted: NewYorkWarriors.Slave
2021-07-26 22:20WeplFile Added: NewYorkWarriors.Slave
2021-07-26 22:21WeplNote Added: 0010623
2021-07-27 01:07Pascal De MaeseneireNote Added: 0010627
2021-08-03 02:26WeplFile Deleted: NewYorkWarriors.Slave
2021-08-03 02:27WeplFile Added: NewYorkWarriors.Slave
2021-08-03 02:29WeplNote Added: 0010640
2021-08-03 21:52Pascal De MaeseneireNote Added: 0010641
2021-08-03 22:15Solo KazukiNote Added: 0010642
2021-08-04 18:38Solo KazukiNote Added: 0010644
2021-08-07 22:00WeplStatusassigned => resolved
2021-08-07 22:00WeplResolutionopen => fixed
2021-08-07 22:00WeplNote Added: 0010681