2025-02-15 14:33 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005296SimonTheSorcerer[All Projects] Generalpublic2023-01-26 08:07
ReporterMikael Arling 
Assigned ToPsygoreProject InfoSimon The Sorcerer (Adventure Soft)
Summary0005296: Please also make support for the CD32 "Talkie" Version of STS just Some Time in
DescriptionGameVersion: CD32 Version or CD32 "Talkie" Version.
SlaveVersion: Any or Latest

Please also make support for the CD32 "Talkie" Version of STS just Some Time in the Future. PPLLEEAASSEE.
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem256 KB
FastMem64 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.2
KickROM47 - Kick 3.2
Attached Files

duplicate of 0001659assignedPsygore Simon The Sorcerer: Please also make support the CD32 Version of Simon the 
has duplicate 0005297assignedPsygore Please also make support for the CD32 "Talkie" Version of STS just Some Time in 


note ~0010534

Psygore (developer)

It will need about 260 MB of memory to preload all the files game and you have only 64 MB ;)

note ~0010546

Mikael Arling (reporter)


A 1000 thanks for Info.

Sorry for The Duplicate. It was a Web-Browser Error.

note ~0010654

Psygore (developer)

I don’t know if you are stil interested, the game will support packing files now and it will need ´only’ 85 MB of memory for preload option.

note ~0010655

Mikael Arling (reporter)

Yes I'm still interested

note ~0012366

tuko (reporter)

Also interested !

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-07-09 15:01 administrator New Issue
2021-07-09 15:01 administrator Status new => assigned
2021-07-09 15:01 administrator Assigned To => Psygore
2021-07-13 00:05 Psygore Relationship added has duplicate 0005297
2021-07-13 00:08 Psygore Relationship added duplicate of 0001659
2021-07-16 17:58 Psygore Note Added: 0010534
2021-07-17 06:28 Mikael Arling Note Added: 0010546
2021-08-05 13:54 Psygore Note Added: 0010654
2021-08-05 14:02 Mikael Arling Note Added: 0010655
2023-01-26 08:07 tuko Note Added: 0012366
+Issue History