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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005655Shuttle[WHDLoad Installs Games] slavepublic2022-06-28 21:45
Reporterthomas wiard 
Assigned ToJOTDProject InfoShuttle (Vektor Grafix/Virgin)
Summary0005655: black screen with music

the music is playing but the screen is staying black
the quitkey is working
TagsNo tags attached.
CPU68020 + 68851
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem0 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.2
KickROM47 - Kick 3.2
Attached Files



note ~0011404

JOTD (developer)

did you try the previous installation? was it working?

note ~0011408

thomas wiard (reporter)

yes, previous version was working

CPU = 68030 + FPU
RAM = 2Mo CHIP + 32Mo FAST
OS = 3.2

note ~0011497

JOTD (developer)

can you try with:


and report back?

note ~0011499

thomas wiard (reporter)

allright with EXPCHIP option only

thank you

note ~0011500

retrogamer (reporter)

Quitkey for 68000 is not working can take a look at it JOTD?

note ~0011501

JOTD (developer)

@thomas that defeats the purpose of adding fastmem & get better FPS... but this game has really a strange way of managing memory. Very badly coded I must say.

note ~0011502

thomas wiard (reporter)

yes the FPS rate is around 5 even with CACHE or DCACHE option
with 68030@50

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-05-26 17:10 thomas wiard New Issue
2022-06-12 19:08 JOTD Note Added: 0011404
2022-06-12 19:08 JOTD Assigned To => JOTD
2022-06-12 19:08 JOTD Status new => feedback
2022-06-12 19:54 thomas wiard Note Added: 0011408
2022-06-12 19:54 thomas wiard Status feedback => assigned
2022-06-27 23:33 JOTD Status assigned => feedback
2022-06-27 23:33 JOTD Note Added: 0011497
2022-06-28 20:52 thomas wiard Note Added: 0011499
2022-06-28 20:52 thomas wiard Status feedback => assigned
2022-06-28 20:56 retrogamer Note Added: 0011500
2022-06-28 21:17 JOTD Note Added: 0011501
2022-06-28 21:45 thomas wiard Note Added: 0011502
+Issue History