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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005695Drakkhen[All Projects] Generalpublic2022-06-15 15:46
Assigned ToCFOUProject InfoDrakkhen (Infogrames)
Summary0005695: Getting DOS-Error #205 (object not found) on reading "Disk.1"
DescriptionApologies if this is not the correct channel, or format, to raise this issue.

For Drakkhen_v1.4_Files_0769.lha on an A500mini, it fails with error:

Getting DOS-Error #205 (object not found) on reading "Disk.1"

Note the upper case of the letter "D".

However, in the data directory in the LHA file, I see that there is a file called "disk.1" - note the lower case of the letter "d".

I thought that the Amiga was not case sensitive?

When the LHA file is unpacked and launched on a Workbench environment on the A500mini, WHDLoad loads it OK and it seems to find the "disk.1" file OK.

Is there a difference with case sensitivity when using UAE to mount an LHA package of the WHDLoad game package?
Steps To ReproduceLaunch Drakkhen_v1.4_Files_0769.lha natively on an A500mini with firmware version v1.1.1 and WHDLoad version 18.8.
Additional InformationThe A500mini uses a 'redquark' custom version of Amiberry 3.3
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem8 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.0
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0011431

solarmon (reporter)

After some further investigations, it seems the issue is related to it not finding the path to the 'data' directory. When I use "data=data" when launching it manually with the whdload command, it loads OK.

note ~0011436

solarmon (reporter)

The issue seems to be because the data directory is not defined in the slave header. The slave .info has the data directory defined as a tooltype. However, the A500mini does not launch the game using the slave icon, so it fails because it is not defined in the slave header.

note ~0011437

solarmon (reporter)

This is the 'Files' version, so is it right that it is still looking for a Disk.1 file in the data directory?

The same issue occurs for the "Image" version with Drakkhen_v1.4_Image_0769.lha on the A500mini because of the missing data path in the slave file.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-06-14 22:11 solarmon New Issue
2022-06-15 00:24 solarmon Note Added: 0011431
2022-06-15 09:08 StingRay Assigned To => CFOU
2022-06-15 09:08 StingRay Status new => assigned
2022-06-15 10:27 solarmon Note Added: 0011436
2022-06-15 15:46 solarmon Note Added: 0011437
+Issue History