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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005741StarTrek25th[All Projects] Generalpublic2023-01-14 17:45
ReporterTorti the Smurf 
Assigned ToPsygoreProject InfoStar Trek 25th Anniversary (Interplay)
PriorityhighSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Summary0005741: To Fix this Mess of a Game and its Performance
DescriptionHi Psygore (T_T)

I "played" Star Trek 25 Anniversary today and i was SHOCKED on how bad it ran.
(i knew from back then, it was a mess but i did not remember HOW BAD it really was)

The thing is, the WHDLOAD Version runs exactly as shitty as the "normal way".

I mean, Breathless runs butter smooth in fullscreen (2x2),
Also Gloom, butter smooth , Nemac IV ect ...

Especially Wing Commander AGA (Cd32) that you fixed (THANK GOD) runs so fast that i have to use the "Speed down" feature in the WHdload Slave/Tooltypes. lol

So how on earth does this run so bad ? ( yes, total software .. even the Mouse movement is absolutly atrocious (x_x) .. all high language; i guess ... same as simon the sorcerer 2 )

But man o man... this is the worst thing somebody can play on an otherwise very nice Amiga.

Yes, i know, the Wing Commander C2P routines where fixed back in the day (1998) with the WCPatch (cant remember who done it), but Star Trek 25 anniversary (which is is a classic in my book) should deserved a similar threadment.

When people talk about this game (on amiga) , the performance comes always first and how it makes it unplayable ( besides an WinuAE JIT setting, which is cheating )

It combines two of my favorite thigs , Point and Click andventures and Space Action (there is a reason why i love Wing Commander so much)

Please, i beg you, could you do some of your Magic on this Amiga Version of this game ?

(what are the features in the current WHDLoad install anyway ???)

That would be so awesome to FIX this broken mess of a game.

Thank you so much for reading this and for (maybe) considering) to give it a try.
Steps To ReproduceJust "play" it , i dare you XD
Additional InformationTried to play it on AMIGA AGA MIST Core with about 10000 Drystones.....

What a disaster of a game. (glad i d
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem28 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
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has duplicate 0006011closed Put the code into Fast-Ram; anything to make that Slug Faster or whatever it needs. Please !! 


note ~0011617

Torti the Smurf (reporter)

Priority would not be HIGH, that was a mistake on my end.

If its ever get done, that would be amazing :)

note ~0011618

Hexaae (reporter)

It doesn't run so bad IMHO on expanded Amigas 040+ (or WinUAE), but I agree horrible mouse movements is a pain in the ass, see also my http://mantis.whdload.de/view.php?id=5743

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-07-28 20:11 Torti the Smurf New Issue
2022-07-30 11:44 Torti the Smurf Note Added: 0011617
2022-07-30 12:28 Hexaae Note Added: 0011618
2023-01-14 17:44 StingRay Assigned To => Psygore
2023-01-14 17:44 StingRay Status new => assigned
2023-01-14 17:45 StingRay Relationship added has duplicate 0006011
+Issue History