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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006052ChuckRock2[WHDLoad Installs Games] slavepublic2023-02-04 08:53
Assigned ToProject InfoChuck Rock 2 (Core Design)
Summary0006052: Play Button issues with Global Quitkey=$11a set
DescriptionPressing the "Play" button ingame (disc version) quits without error message to WB, when a global quitkey=$11a (play+rw+rv) it set. Normally (with keyboard quitkey) it should be Play = Pause
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem128 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0012420

DJ Mike (developer)

Not sure if this is similar to your Rainbow Islands report, but again the slave has its own CD32 pad support. As mentioned in the other report:

"Using buttons from a joypad ($103..$10a/$113..$11a) as a QuitKey will make it impossible for the installed program to detect/check/use a joypad. The installed program will think a joystick is connected. This is because of some hardware limitations that the joypad can only checked once during a 1/50 second. So dont use it for games which require a joypad."

I'm less certain why pressing Play would quit you to workbench in this situation - but it could be interference from WHDL doing CD32 pad reads itself. Again, solution should be the same as Rainbow Islands - override quitkey with a keyboard code like $59/$5d, so slave's own CD32 pad support can work again.

note ~0012423

Retro-Nerd (reporter)

Unfortunately the keyboard quitkey workaround doesn't help here. It helps to prevent the Play = Exit to WB issue. But with a keyboard quitkey set the global quitkey=$11a isn't working anymore. Probably needs an update.

note ~0012428

DJ Mike (developer)

Agreed - looking at readme the slave seems to lack built in support for quitting with FWD+BWD+YEL, which would be useful.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-02-03 20:54 Retro-Nerd New Issue
2023-02-04 00:42 DJ Mike Note Added: 0012420
2023-02-04 06:03 Retro-Nerd Note Added: 0012423
2023-02-04 08:53 DJ Mike Note Added: 0012428
+Issue History