2025-02-18 04:05 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006136Neuromancer[All Projects] Generalpublic2024-11-26 22:03
Assigned ToJOTDProject InfoNeuromancer (Interplay)
Summary0006136: Illegal Instruction ($10) entering PAX -> News at the beginning of the game
Descriptionwhen you enter in PAX e click news the game crash with Illegal Instruction ($10)
Steps To Reproducestart the game - select new game - enter PAX - select news
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem128 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1.4
KickROM46 - Kick 3.1.4
Attached Files
  • jpg file icon neuromancer.jpg (159,864 bytes) 2023-11-27 18:38 -
    jpg file icon neuromancer.jpg (159,864 bytes) 2023-11-27 18:38 +
  • ? file icon .whdl_register (6,864 bytes) 2023-11-27 18:38 -
    ************************* 13-Feb-78 09:55:13 ************************18.9.6601***
    Slave='LeaderBoard.Slave' (4556 bytes)
    Resload   7FF2D440 - 7FF34EF8 (  31416) at 7FF2D440  GL=$7FF75DD0
    Slave     7FF7DC80 - 7FF7EE28 (   4520) at 7FF7DC80  BaseMemSize=$80000
    ExpMem    7FF35000 - 7FF75000 ( 262144) at 7FF35000
    attn=7() fc=65535 kn=0 zpt=-1 ep=0 ei=0
    Destroyed register SR while returning from function 'resload_GetFileSize'.
    $7ff7ec9c move.l       (4).w,a6
    $7ff7eca0 jsr          (-$198,a6)                     ;$0000a4f0
    $7ff7eca4 move.l       d0,a6
    $7ff7eca6 lea          ($7ff7ec94,pc),a2
    $7ff7ecaa move.l       d0,(a2)                        ;$7ff2d440
    $7ff7ecac move.l       ($7ff7ec24,pc),a2
    $7ff7ecb0 lea          ($7ff7ee1c,pc),a0
    $7ff7ecb4 jsr          ($34,a2)                       ;$7ff2d474
    $7ff7ecb8 move.l       #$7f3f,d0
    $7ff7ecbe move.l       d0,d1
    $7ff7ecc0 jsr          ($60,a2)                       ;$7ff2d4a0
    $7ff7ecc4 lea          ($7ff7ec8b,pc),a3
    $7ff7ecc8 move.l       a3,a0
    $7ff7ecca jsr          ($24,a2)                       ;$7ff2d464
    ›1m$7ff7ecce move.l       d0,d6
    ›22m$7ff7ecd0 lea          ($7ff7ed20,pc),a0
    $7ff7ecd4 move.l       a0,a1
    $7ff7ecd6 movem.l      (a1)+,d0-d1                    ;$a1a1a1a1
    $7ff7ecda tst.l        d0
    $7ff7ecdc beq.b        $7ff7ed3e
    $7ff7ecde cmp.l        d0,d6
    $7ff7ece0 bne.b        $7ff7ecd6
    $7ff7ece2 lea          (0,a0,d1.l),a4                 ;$51c9be5c
    $7ff7ece6 move.l       a3,d1
    $7ff7ece8 jsr          (-$96,a6)                      ;$0000a5f2
    $7ff7ecec move.l       d0,d7
    $7ff7ecee beq.b        $7ff7ed30
    $7ff7ecf0 move.l       a4,a0
    $7ff7ecf2 move.l       d7,a1
    regular stack:
    $00018AF8 7FF7ECCE 7FF6992E 00000FA0 0000B218 00000000 00065CF8 00000000 00000000
    $00018B18 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    $00018B38 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    $00018B58 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    $00018B78 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
      ----0---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7----
    Dx     3B3D  D1D1D1D1       FA0       FA8         1        3E      5EE3      AB9C
    Ax 7FF7EC8B  A1A1A1A1  7FF2D440  7FF7EC8B     18B00  7FF69134      A688
                     TTSM III   XNZVC
    PC=7FF7ECCE›22m  SR=%0000000000000000›1m  USP=18AF8  ISP=80000  MSP=7F800
    VBR=7FF76DD0  SFC=5  DFC=5  CACR=111  CAAR=0  TT0=0  TT1=0
    TC=0  CRP=100000000  SRP=100000000  MMUSR=0
    intena=%0110000001101100›22m dmacon=%›1m0000001111110000 adkcon=$1100
    vposr....A300  vhposr...0262  joy0dat..0200  joy1dat..0000  clxdat...8023  
    pot0dat..E100  pot1dat..6D00  potinp...5500  serdatr..3800  dskbytr..A000  
    deniseid.00F8  hhposr...FF10  
       ciaa:     PI ROPS		   ciab:     PI ROPS
    	cra=00000000›22m  ta=21FF<21FF	   cra=›1m00000000  ta=FFFF<FFFF
    	    AII ROPS			    AII ROPS
    	crb=00001000›22m  tb=C87E<FFFF	   crb=›1m10000000  tb=FFFF<FFFF
    	    10RTWCLO	  parallel	    DRCCDSOY      M3210HDS
    	pra=11111100›22m  prb=›1m11111111›22m      pra=›1m11111111›22m  prb=›1m11111111
           ddra=00000011›22m ddrb=›1m00000000›22m     ddra=›1m11000000›22m ddrb=›1m11111111
           event=00004B  icr=00  sdr=00    event=00013B  icr=04  sdr=00
    ************************* 14-Feb-78 08:49:15 ************************18.9.6601***
    Slave='Neuromancer.slave' (5848 bytes)
    Resload   7FEED440 - 7FEF4EF8 (  31416) at 7FEED440  GL=$7FF753B8
    Slave     7FF7D268 - 7FF7E91C (   5812) at 7FF7D268  BaseMemSize=$80000
    ExpMem    7FEF5000 - 7FF75000 ( 524288) at 7FEF5000
    attn=7() fc=65535 kn=0 zpt=-1 ep=0 ei=0
    Exception "Illegal Instruction" ($10) at $7FF495D2 (Task 'Initial CLI', ExpMem
    $545D2) occurred.
    $7ff495a2 cmpi.b       #1,d0
    $7ff495a6 beq.w        $7ff49628
    $7ff495aa cmpi.b       #$ff,d0
    $7ff495ae beq.w        $7ff49602
    $7ff495b2 move.l       d0,-(a7)                       ;$7ff3e710
    $7ff495b4 addq.l       #1,d2
    $7ff495b6 move.b       (0,a0,d2.l),d0                 ;$7ff49749
    $7ff495ba move.l       d0,-(a7)                       ;$7ff3e710
    $7ff495bc roxl.b       #3,d0
    $7ff495be andi.l       #3,d0
    $7ff495c4 move.l       d0,d1
    $7ff495c6 lea          ($7ff49748),a0
    $7ff495cc move.b       (0,a0,d1.l),d0                 ;$7ff4974b
    $7ff495d0 trap         #12
    ›1m$7ff495d2 dc.w         $7ff4
    ›22m$7ff495d4 suba.l       ($7ff4b5f5,pc),a2
    $7ff495d8 andi.l       #$3f,d0
    $7ff495de move.b       d0,($7ff59842)
    $7ff495e4 move.l       (a7)+,d0                       ;$7ff3e710
    $7ff495e6 move.l       d0,d1
    $7ff495e8 lea          ($7ff58ad2),a0
    $7ff495ee moveq        #0,d0
    $7ff495f0 move.b       (0,a0,d1.l),d0                 ;$7ff4974b
    $7ff495f4 cmp.b        ($7ff59842),d0
    $7ff495fa beq.w        $7ff49602
    $7ff495fe bra.w        $7ff49628
    $7ff49602 moveq        #0,d1
    $7ff49604 move.b       ($7ff49736),d1
    $7ff4960a lsl.l        #2,d1
    exception stackframe:
    $7FF74FF8 00007FF4 95D20010
    regular stack:
    $7FF3E710 000000C1 0000001B 7FF491D6 7FF48742 7FF486BA 7FF4A014 7FF4705E 7FF59898
    $7FF3E730 7FF7E622 00001F2C 1FFCF081 7FEED440 7FF39CC0 7FF2992E 00001F40 7FF3A850
    $7FF3E750 1FFCD76D 00000001 7FF355E4 1FFCF9E0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    $7FF3E770 00000000 00000000 1FFCEF2E 00000000 00000000 7FF3BCC4 FFFFFFFE 7FF355E4
    $7FF3E790 1FFCD61A 00000000 7FEEA558 00000001 5748444C 6F616400 00000000 00000000
      ----0---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7----
    Dx       6C         3         1         8        26         E         2         0
    Ax 7FF49748  7FF38D24     10508  7FF582C4  7FF3EA90     10508  7FF36E1E
                     TTSM III   XNZVC
    PC=7FF495D2›22m  SR=%0000000000000000›1m  USP=7FF3E710  ISP=7FF74FF8  MSP=7F800
    VBR=7FF763B8  SFC=5  DFC=5  CACR=2000  CAAR=0  TT0=0  TT1=0
    TC=0  CRP=100000000  SRP=100000000  MMUSR=0
    intena=%0110011111101100›22m dmacon=%›1m0000001111110000 adkcon=$1100
    vposr....A300  vhposr...0270  joy0dat..5F04  joy1dat..0000  clxdat...8023  
    pot0dat..0A00  pot1dat..9900  potinp...1500  serdatr..3800  dskbytr..A000  
    deniseid.00F8  hhposr...FF39  
       ciaa:     PI ROPS		   ciab:     PI ROPS
    	cra=00000000›22m  ta=21FF<21FF	   cra=›1m00000000  ta=FFFF<FFFF
    	    AII ROPS			    AII ROPS
    	crb=00001000›22m  tb=C87A<FFFF	   crb=›1m10000000  tb=FFFF<FFFF
    	    10RTWCLO	  parallel	    DRCCDSOY      M3210HDS
    	pra=11111100›22m  prb=›1m11111111›22m      pra=›1m11111111›22m  prb=›1m11111111
           ddra=00000011›22m ddrb=›1m00000000›22m     ddra=›1m11000000›22m ddrb=›1m11111111
           event=0005BF  icr=00  sdr=76    event=00013A  icr=04  sdr=00
    ? file icon .whdl_register (6,864 bytes) 2023-11-27 18:38 +
  • ? file icon .whdl_trace (15,400 bytes) 2023-11-27 18:38 -
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.20 6601] ***************************************************************************************************
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.22 6601] Slave="LeaderBoard.Slave" SavePath="DH1:WHDLoad/Saves" Preload PreloadSize=269009 LogBuffer=4096 WriteDelay=150 QuitKey=120 DebugKey=120 FreezeKey=120 RestartKey=120 CoreDumpPath="PROGDIR:" Config="BW" ConfigDelay=400 SplashDelay=50 NoNetwork Trace
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.22 6601] 18.9.6601 eaf=7 waf=7 vbr=78000084 cacr=2111 tc=82A08680 pcr=FFFFFFFF bplcon0=200 chiprev=1F
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.24 6601] mem delta 131966792
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.24 6601] name=                    attr=5 lower=78000020 upper=7FF80000 free=130200520
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.24 6601] name=        chip memory attr=703 lower=    4000 upper=  200000 free=  1766272
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.30 6601] restart point
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.30 6601] int: tbe     d=0 c=0 n=0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.30 6601] int: dskblk  d=7800099C c=FC05A0 n=780009EA
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.30 6601] int: dskblk  t=0 p=0 n=disk.resource d=7800099C c=FC05A0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.32 6601] int: softint d=0 c=F8182C n=0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.32 6601] int: ports   d=4020 c=F817AE n=0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.32 6601] int: ports   t=2 p=127 n=card.resource d=78005A80 c=FBCF2A
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.34 6601] int: ports   t=2 p=120 n=ciaa.resource d=780006B8 c=FBFBCE
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.34 6601] int: ports   t=2 p=20 n=AT-IDE d=78009D68 c=7FED9918
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.34 6601] int: coper   d=4040 c=F817AE n=0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.34 6601] int: vertb   d=4030 c=F817AE n=0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.36 6601] int: vertb   t=0 p=10 n=graphics.library d=78000EDC c=F8F696
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.36 6601] int: vertb   t=2 p=0 n=gameport.device d=780056F4 c=FBADD0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.36 6601] int: vertb   t=2 p=0 n=timer.device d=7800588C c=FC17E4
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.38 6601] int: vertb   t=2 p=0 n=compactflash.device d=7806B2C0 c=780AD1AA
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.38 6601] int: blit    d=78000EDC c=F8F8D4 n=78000F52
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.38 6601] int: blit    t=0 p=0 n=graphics.library d=78000EDC c=F8F8D4
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.40 6601] int: aud0    d=0 c=0 n=0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.40 6601] int: aud1    d=0 c=0 n=0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.40 6601] int: aud2    d=0 c=0 n=0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.42 6601] int: aud3    d=0 c=0 n=0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.42 6601] int: rbf     d=0 c=0 n=0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.42 6601] int: dsksync d=7800099C c=FC05B6 n=78000A00
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.42 6601] int: dsksync t=0 p=0 n=disk.resource d=7800099C c=FC05B6
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.44 6601] int: exter   d=4050 c=F817AE n=0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.44 6601] int: exter   t=2 p=120 n=ciab.resource d=78000758 c=FBFC74
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.44 6601] int: exter   t=2 p=65409 n=card.resource d=78005A80 c=FBCE10
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.46 6601] int: inten   d=0 c=0 n=0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.46 6601] int: nmi     d=4060 c=F817AE n=0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.48 6601] basesz=80000 abssz=30800 lo=4F800@78370158 hi=0@0 free=17E800
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:49.48 6601] loading kickstart
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.18 6601] data0: Data:WHDLoad/Games/L/LeaderBoard/data vdt=PFS\1 dd=DH1,scsi.device/0 ed=IDE_scsidisk 47.4 (30.12.2019) mxt=1FE00 msk=7FFFFFFE fs=Professional-File-System-III 19.2 PFS3AIO-VERSION (2.10.2018) ddt=PDS\3
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.20 6601] mem delta -840136
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.20 6601] name=                    attr=5 lower=78000020 upper=7FF80000 free=129574168
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.22 6601] name=        chip memory attr=703 lower=    4000 upper=  200000 free=  1552488
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.22 6601] dircache start
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.22 6601] using mempool puddle=12000 tresh=241 at=$780EA6A8
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.24 6601] scanning data0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.24 6601] t=-3 s=40083 xs=40083 n=title_screen
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.26 6601] t=-3 s=192 xs=192 n=splashes
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.26 6601] t=-3 s=17048 xs=17048 n=sound_data
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.28 6601] t=-3 s=35840 xs=35840 n=mountains
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.28 6601] t=-3 s=23956 xs=23956 n=golferman
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.30 6601] t=-3 s=119096 xs=119096 n=golf1
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.30 6601] t=-3 s=16458 xs=16458 n=autumntrees
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.32 6601] dirs=0 files=7 min=192 max=119096 avg=36096 sum=252673 exall=1 pudcnt=1 time=0.08
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.32 6601] mem delta -12064
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.32 6601] name=                    attr=5 lower=78000020 upper=7FF80000 free=129562104
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.34 6601] name=        chip memory attr=703 lower=    4000 upper=  200000 free=  1552488
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.34 6601] filecache start maxmem=129074856
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.34 6601] using mempool puddle=8067178 tresh=2016794 at=$780EA710
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.38 6601] s=1336 n=WHDLoad.keymap
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.38 6601] sysfile DEVS:keymaps/i loaded as WHDLoad.keymap
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.38 6601] scanning data0
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.42 6601] s=40083 n=title_screen
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.44 6601] s=192 n=splashes
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.46 6601] s=17048 n=sound_data
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.50 6601] s=35840 n=mountains
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.54 6601] s=23956 n=golferman
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.64 6601] s=119096 n=golf1
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.66 6601] s=16458 n=autumntrees
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.66 6601] files=8 min=192 max=119096 avg=31751 sum=254009 exall=0 pudcnt=1 time=0.32
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.68 6601] mem delta -8067248
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.68 6601] name=                    attr=5 lower=78000020 upper=7FF80000 free=121494856
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:50.70 6601] name=        chip memory attr=703 lower=    4000 upper=  200000 free=  1552488
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:58.22 6601] no CDTV detected
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:58.72 6601] xmem pt=783CB960 len=120958472
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:58.74 6601] mem delta -120953080
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:58.76 6601] name=                    attr=5 lower=78000020 upper=7FF80000 free=   534744
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:58.76 6601] name=        chip memory attr=703 lower=    4000 upper=  200000 free=  1559520
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:58.76 6601] resload start
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:58.86 6601] resload end
    [13-Feb-78 09:54:58.92 6601] no CDTV detected
    [13-Feb-78 09:55:01.00 6601] clock restored
    [13-Feb-78 09:55:01.00 6601] dircache clearing
    [13-Feb-78 09:55:01.00 6601] filecache clearing
    [13-Feb-78 09:55:01.00 6601] caches cleared
    [13-Feb-78 09:55:15.48 6601] check restart
    [13-Feb-78 09:55:15.50 6601] exit
    [13-Feb-78 09:55:15.50 6601] mem delta 129872344
    [13-Feb-78 09:55:15.50 6601] name=                    attr=5 lower=78000020 upper=7FF80000 free=130200336
    [13-Feb-78 09:55:15.52 6601] name=        chip memory attr=703 lower=    4000 upper=  200000 free=  1766272
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:30.82 6601] ***************************************************************************************************
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:30.82 6601] Slave="Neuromancer.slave" SavePath="DH1:WHDLoad/Saves" Preload PreloadSize=886854 LogBuffer=4096 WriteDelay=150 QuitKey=120 DebugKey=120 FreezeKey=120 RestartKey=120 CoreDumpPath="PROGDIR:" ConfigDelay=400 SplashDelay=50 NoNetwork Trace
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:30.84 6601] 18.9.6601 eaf=7 waf=7 vbr=78000084 cacr=2111 tc=82A08680 pcr=FFFFFFFF bplcon0=200 chiprev=1F
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:30.86 6601] mem delta 133214672
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:30.86 6601] name=                    attr=5 lower=78000020 upper=7FF80000 free=131367256
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:30.86 6601] name=        chip memory attr=703 lower=    4000 upper=  200000 free=  1847416
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:30.90 6601] restart point
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:30.92 6601] int: tbe     d=0 c=0 n=0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:30.92 6601] int: dskblk  d=7800099C c=FC05A0 n=780009EA
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:30.92 6601] int: dskblk  t=0 p=0 n=disk.resource d=7800099C c=FC05A0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:30.94 6601] int: softint d=0 c=F8182C n=0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:30.94 6601] int: ports   d=4020 c=F817AE n=0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:30.94 6601] int: ports   t=2 p=127 n=card.resource d=78005A80 c=FBCF2A
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.26 6601] int: ports   t=2 p=120 n=ciaa.resource d=780006B8 c=FBFBCE
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.26 6601] int: ports   t=2 p=20 n=AT-IDE d=78009D68 c=7FED9918
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.28 6601] int: coper   d=4040 c=F817AE n=0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.28 6601] int: vertb   d=4030 c=F817AE n=0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.28 6601] int: vertb   t=0 p=10 n=graphics.library d=78000EDC c=F8F696
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.28 6601] int: vertb   t=2 p=0 n=gameport.device d=780056F4 c=FBADD0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.30 6601] int: vertb   t=2 p=0 n=timer.device d=7800588C c=FC17E4
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.30 6601] int: vertb   t=2 p=0 n=compactflash.device d=7806B2C0 c=780AD1AA
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.32 6601] int: blit    d=78000EDC c=F8F8D4 n=78000F52
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.32 6601] int: blit    t=0 p=0 n=graphics.library d=78000EDC c=F8F8D4
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.32 6601] int: aud0    d=0 c=0 n=0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.32 6601] int: aud1    d=0 c=0 n=0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.34 6601] int: aud2    d=0 c=0 n=0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.34 6601] int: aud3    d=0 c=0 n=0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.34 6601] int: rbf     d=0 c=0 n=0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.34 6601] int: dsksync d=7800099C c=FC05B6 n=78000A00
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.36 6601] int: dsksync t=0 p=0 n=disk.resource d=7800099C c=FC05B6
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.36 6601] int: exter   d=4050 c=F817AE n=0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.36 6601] int: exter   t=2 p=120 n=ciab.resource d=78000758 c=FBFC74
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.38 6601] int: exter   t=2 p=65409 n=card.resource d=78005A80 c=FBCE10
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.38 6601] int: inten   d=0 c=0 n=0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.38 6601] int: nmi     d=4060 c=F817AE n=0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.42 6601] basesz=80000 abssz=40800 lo=3F800@78255F38 hi=0@0 free=17E800
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:31.42 6601] loading kickstart
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.44 6601] data0: Data:WHDLoad/Saves/Neuromancer vdt=PFS\1 dd=DH1,scsi.device/0 ed=IDE_scsidisk 47.4 (30.12.2019) mxt=1FE00 msk=7FFFFFFE fs=Professional-File-System-III 19.2 PFS3AIO-VERSION (2.10.2018) ddt=PDS\3
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.48 6601] data1: Data:WHDLoad/Games/N/Neuromancer/data vdt=PFS\1 dd=DH1,scsi.device/0 ed=IDE_scsidisk 47.4 (30.12.2019) mxt=1FE00 msk=7FFFFFFE fs=Professional-File-System-III 19.2 PFS3AIO-VERSION (2.10.2018) ddt=PDS\3
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.48 6601] mem delta -1103592
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.50 6601] name=                    attr=5 lower=78000020 upper=7FF80000 free=130542984
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.50 6601] name=        chip memory attr=703 lower=    4000 upper=  200000 free=  1568096
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.50 6601] dircache start
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.52 6601] using mempool puddle=12000 tresh=241 at=$7807D600
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.52 6601] scanning data0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.54 6601] t=-3 s=1564 xs=1564 n=Game1
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.54 6601] t=-3 s=1564 xs=1564 n=Game2
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.56 6601] scanning data1
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.56 6601] t=-3 s=1206 xs=1206 n=SYNTH.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.58 6601] t=-3 s=4398 xs=4398 n=SndShot2.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.58 6601] t=-3 s=6690 xs=6690 n=SndShot1.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.60 6601] t=-3 s=1680 xs=1680 n=SndOkay.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.60 6601] t=-3 s=3994 xs=3994 n=SndExplo.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.62 6601] t=-3 s=1042 xs=1042 n=SNARE.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.62 6601] t=2 s=0 xs=0 n=s
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.62 6601] t=-3 s=142820 xs=142820 n=NEURO
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.64 6601] t=-3 s=866 xs=866 n=KURT2
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.64 6601] t=-3 s=1606 xs=1606 n=KURT1
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.66 6601] t=-3 s=1198 xs=1198 n=FLUTE.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.66 6601] t=2 s=0 xs=0 n=devs
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.68 6601] t=-3 s=626 xs=626 n=CLAP.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.70 6601] t=-3 s=17893 xs=17893 n=bigText
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.70 6601] t=-3 s=48764 xs=48764 n=bigRnnt
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.72 6601] t=-3 s=75468 xs=75468 n=bigRnnd
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.72 6601] t=-3 s=94993 xs=94993 n=bigpic2
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.74 6601] t=-3 s=313625 xs=313625 n=bigpic0158
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.74 6601] t=-3 s=1804 xs=1804 n=bigIceData
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.76 6601] t=-3 s=97026 xs=97026 n=bigdb
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.76 6601] t=-3 s=11973 xs=11973 n=bigAIpic
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.78 6601] t=-3 s=1098 xs=1098 n=BASSDRUM.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.78 6601] t=-3 s=382 xs=382 n=BASS.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.80 6601] t=-3 s=6 xs=6 n=startup-sequence
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.80 6601] t=-3 s=232 xs=232 n=system-configuration
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.82 6601] dirs=2 files=25 min=6 max=313625 avg=33300 sum=832518 exall=4 pudcnt=1 time=0.32
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.82 6601] mem delta -11960
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.82 6601] name=                    attr=5 lower=78000020 upper=7FF80000 free=130531024
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.84 6601] name=        chip memory attr=703 lower=    4000 upper=  200000 free=  1568096
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.84 6601] filecache start maxmem=130296008
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.84 6601] using mempool puddle=8143500 tresh=2035875 at=$78064D58
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.86 6601] s=1336 n=WHDLoad.keymap
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.88 6601] sysfile DEVS:keymaps/i loaded as WHDLoad.keymap
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.88 6601] scanning data0
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.88 6601] s=1564 n=Game1
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.90 6601] s=1564 n=Game2
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.92 6601] scanning data1
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.92 6601] s=1206 n=SYNTH.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.94 6601] s=4398 n=SndShot2.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.96 6601] s=6690 n=SndShot1.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.96 6601] s=1680 n=SndOkay.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:32.98 6601] s=3994 n=SndExplo.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.00 6601] s=1042 n=SNARE.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.10 6601] s=142820 n=NEURO
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.10 6601] s=866 n=KURT2
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.12 6601] s=1606 n=KURT1
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.14 6601] s=1198 n=FLUTE.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.14 6601] s=626 n=CLAP.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.18 6601] s=17893 n=bigText
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.22 6601] s=48764 n=bigRnnt
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.28 6601] s=75468 n=bigRnnd
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.34 6601] s=94993 n=bigpic2
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.56 6601] s=313625 n=bigpic0158
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.58 6601] s=1804 n=bigIceData
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.64 6601] s=97026 n=bigdb
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.66 6601] s=11973 n=bigAIpic
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.68 6601] s=1098 n=BASSDRUM.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.68 6601] s=382 n=BASS.SAM
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.70 6601] s=6 n=s/startup-sequence
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.72 6601] s=232 n=devs/system-configuration
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.72 6601] files=26 min=6 max=313625 avg=32071 sum=833854 exall=4 pudcnt=1 time=0.88
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.72 6601] mem delta -8143568
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.74 6601] name=                    attr=5 lower=78000020 upper=7FF80000 free=122387192
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:33.74 6601] name=        chip memory attr=703 lower=    4000 upper=  200000 free=  1568096
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:40.42 6601] no CDTV detected
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:40.88 6601] xmem pt=782A1740 len=122103304
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:40.90 6601] mem delta -122097976
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:40.90 6601] name=                    attr=5 lower=78000020 upper=7FF80000 free=   282448
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:40.92 6601] name=        chip memory attr=703 lower=    4000 upper=  200000 free=  1575128
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:40.92 6601] resload start
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:40.94 6601] resload end
    [14-Feb-78 08:48:41.00 6601] no CDTV detected
    [14-Feb-78 08:49:11.00 6601] clock restored
    [14-Feb-78 08:49:11.00 6601] dircache clearing
    [14-Feb-78 08:49:11.00 6601] filecache clearing
    [14-Feb-78 08:49:11.00 6601] caches cleared
    [14-Feb-78 08:49:18.74 6601] check restart
    [14-Feb-78 08:49:18.76 6601] exit
    [14-Feb-78 08:49:18.76 6601] mem delta 131356936
    [14-Feb-78 08:49:18.78 6601] name=                    attr=5 lower=78000020 upper=7FF80000 free=131367096
    [14-Feb-78 08:49:18.78 6601] name=        chip memory attr=703 lower=    4000 upper=  200000 free=  1847416
    ? file icon .whdl_trace (15,400 bytes) 2023-11-27 18:38 +



note ~0013384

robiza (reporter)

the game crash in the PAX: start the game - select new game - enter PAX - select Bullettin Board (or Night City News)
I have loaded a screenshot of my amiga with blizzard 68030 and trace file

note ~0013402

robiza (reporter)

with EXPCHIP flag the game works correctly

note ~0014206

ghuber (reporter)


How can I set the EXPCHIP flag? Unfortunately I am a total FS-UAE/WHD-load noob, but I'd love to play Neuromancer on the AMIGA (DOS-Version sucks and the C64 Version just takes too long).

note ~0014207

robiza (reporter)

click only one time (not double ckick) on the icon of the game
select the menu icons and sub menu information with the mouse (press right key on the mouse)
click "New"
in the box type ExpChip and enter
click "save"

now in the information of the icon you should have:
SLAVE=xxxxxxxx (the name of the file slave)

note ~0014208

JOTD (developer)

wrong patch code leads to crash on some mem configs, besides, behaviour could be incorrect. Now fixed in 3.2

note ~0014236

robiza (reporter)

The game crash if you enter the Night City News

ExpChip now doesn't work

the error is Exception "Line 1111 Emulator" ($2C) at $212B4A

note ~0014237

JOTD (developer)

have you tried 3.3 ? 3.2 was not good.

note ~0014239

robiza (reporter)

Yes, i use 3.3 version

note ~0014240

ghuber (reporter)

how can I use the 3.3 version? The one that can be dl'd from WHD Load is only 60K in comparision with ~700K 3.1 version. Do I have to merge the files from 3.3 into 3.1?

When I use the WHDLoadTool it finds 3.3 (700K) but when I have FS-UAE Launcher update the game files, this is not found...

Please help. Many, many, many thanks!

note ~0014241

JOTD (developer)

most of the time you update the .slave file to upgrade, unless otherwise specified in the readme.

note ~0014242

JOTD (developer)

fixed in 3.4, testing has been sloppy, sorry, 3.3 is useless on 68000.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-04-26 17:37 robiza New Issue
2023-05-02 12:27 StingRay Assigned To => JOTD
2023-05-02 12:27 StingRay Status new => assigned
2023-11-27 18:38 robiza File Added: neuromancer.jpg
2023-11-27 18:38 robiza File Added: .whdl_register
2023-11-27 18:38 robiza File Added: .whdl_trace
2023-11-27 18:40 robiza Note Added: 0013384
2023-12-02 19:50 robiza Note Added: 0013402
2024-11-15 17:40 ghuber Note Added: 0014206
2024-11-17 11:48 robiza Note Added: 0014207
2024-11-17 16:36 JOTD Status assigned => closed
2024-11-17 16:36 JOTD Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-17 16:36 JOTD Note Added: 0014208
2024-11-25 19:32 robiza Status closed => feedback
2024-11-25 19:32 robiza Resolution fixed => reopened
2024-11-25 19:32 robiza Note Added: 0014236
2024-11-25 21:46 JOTD Note Added: 0014237
2024-11-26 06:48 robiza Note Added: 0014239
2024-11-26 06:48 robiza Status feedback => assigned
2024-11-26 21:39 ghuber Note Added: 0014240
2024-11-26 21:51 JOTD Note Added: 0014241
2024-11-26 22:03 JOTD Status assigned => closed
2024-11-26 22:03 JOTD Note Added: 0014242
+Issue History