2025-02-14 09:05 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006628SpikeInTransylvania[WHDLoad Installs Games] imagerpublic2024-12-03 09:53
Assigned ToCodetapperProject InfoSpike in Transylvania (Code Masters)
Summary0006628: Request Spike in Transylvania Retail version support
Description@Codetapper Spike in Transylvania install left a request for Retail version image to add support of the full release. The install supports the compilation version only at present.
An update to include the retail version would be appreciated if possible.

Thanks for your great work.

SPS image [2622] available from Tosec: https://archive.org/download/commodore-amiga-games-sps/Spike%20in%20Transylvania%20%281991%29%28Codemasters%29%5B2622%5D.zip
Steps To ReproduceAmikit test. Install requests disk name ""
Additional InformationFull release disk name: SPIKEY (AMIGA):
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem64 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0014204

Snoopy1234 (reporter)

Attempted to install retail version by:
 amending install script disk name from " " to "SPIKEY (AMIGA)"
 amending install script sub-directory pattern from SPIKEY.DAT to SPIKEY.DATA
 Amending saved data file name back from SPIKEY.DATA to SPIKEY.DAT

Slave loaded initially with saved sata file then gives a stack overflow error (Exception Emulator Line 1111 ($2C)($25xxxxxxx)

Tried tooltypes NoCache, NoVBRMove, Cache, NoResInt, ExpChip to no avail.

note ~0014205

Snoopy1234 (reporter)

Typo correction:

amending install script sub-directory pattern from SPIKE.DAT to SPIKE.DATA
 Amending saved data file name back from SPIKE.DATA to SPIKE.DAT

Slave loaded initially with saved data file then gives a stack overflow error (Exception Emulator Line 1111 ($2C)($25xxxxxxx)

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-02 08:49 Snoopy1234 New Issue
2024-11-15 04:23 Snoopy1234 Note Added: 0014204
2024-11-15 05:17 Snoopy1234 Note Added: 0014205
2024-12-03 09:53 Wepl Assigned To => Codetapper
2024-12-03 09:53 Wepl Status new => assigned
+Issue History