Short : HD-Installer for Amberstar V1.2
Type : game/patch
Author : Bored Seal (
This patch applies to "Amberstar" by Thalion (c) 1992 - 3 disks.
Slave requires WHDLOAD V13+ and original Amberstar installation.
Game requires 0.5 MB Chip Mem + 0.5 of other memory (fast RAM is used if possible).
or 1.0 MB Chip Mem if you use Chip RAM slave.
- german V1.33 (supported by Helmut Motzkau)
- english V1.91 (supported by Ricardo Alvez)
- german V1.93 (supported by Steffan Paulsen)
- english V1.96 (supported by Ricardo Alvez)
- Full load/save from HD
- Four versions are supported
- OS emulation module used
- Sound player bugs fixed
- NOP delays patched
- Overwritten Thalion logo problem fixed (in V1.33)
- NI/MWB (done by Exotica and Thalion)
- Quit option (your default key)
- Game saves only one savegame - backup files 'CHARDATA.AMB' and 'PARTYDAT.SAV'.
- German version exits with dialogue error at certain place (not problem of this patch)
- Movement could be too fast on faster machines -> use Chip RAM slave, it's slower.
V1.0 (26-Jun-2001) - first public release
V1.1 (30-Jun-2001) - another version supported (thanks Ricardo)
V1.2 (08-Jul-2001) - another version supported (thanks Steffan)
- small bug for german V1.33 version fixed
Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:
- Install Amberstar (Hard Drive version) from your disk with original install exe
(Use degraders if you get gfx problems)
- Move file 'Amberload' from your Amberstar drawer in subdirectory 'Amberfiles'
- Now run install script from this patch archive and enter inside your Amberstar drawer.
It will copy file 'OSEmu.400' in subdirectory 'Amberfiles'.
It will copy new icon, slave and readme file in your Amberstar drawer.
- Other files (original startup script and icon) can be deleted.
You can choose between two slaves - FastRAM.slave and ChipRAM.slave.
Caches are disabled for better compatibility in both versions.
FastRAM.slave - uses 512kB of Fast and 512kB of Chip
- loading/decruncher/game is faster
(if you receive any problems, please use ChipRAM.slave)
ChipRAM.slave - uses 1MB of Chip RAM
- speed is always normal |