Short : HD-Installer for Antago
Type : game/patch
Author : Psygore (
That install applies to "Antago" © 1990 Art of Dreams
It requires:
- WHDLoad 16.1+
- 512 KB ChipMem (+620 KB OtherMem for preload option)
- An installed A500 Kickstart 1.3 image.
Version 1.2 (19.05.2021) by Psygore:
- DMA wait and audio volume patched in intro
- The game doesn't freeze after a party if the startup-sequence file is not
present (thanks to retogamer for the bug report)
Version 1.1 (27.08.2019) by Psygore:
- DMA wait inserted
- Compiled with the latest kickemu
- Install script upated
Version 1.0 (14.08.2004) by Psygore:
- Nice Color/NewIcon (created by me) and BoxIcon included
- Uses KickEmu (written by Wepl)
- Disk protection removed
- Blitwait inserted
- Quit with '*' (PrtSc)
Thanks to Captain HIT for the BoxIcon (scans are taken from Hall Of Light,
The kickstart image must be located in the directory "Devs:Kickstarts"
and must be named "kick34005.A500". The image can be extracted from a
A500 with tools like 'GrabKick' or similar which can be found on aminet.
If the image is of wrong version or altered in any way WHDLoad will
quit with a appropriate requester.
Additionally the file "kick34005.A500.RTB" must be installed in the
same directory as the kickstart image. It can be found in the archive
"util/boot/skick346.lha" on aminet.
If you have problems with this installation please report them via the
Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed via
or via mail to:
for full WHDLoad package and other installs refer to:
or aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?
and aminet:game/patch/
--- (_ __¬) __) \ ¬) ___) ¬) __¬)¬__) ---
-- / _/__¬\ / / /_¬\ --/ _ / __) --
- (__/(_____) /(_____) /_/ \(_____) -
(___/ \__/ \__)in 05.2021 |