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Burning Rubber< >Burntime

Burnout (Vulcan)

download the install packageBurnout.lha
created at2017-03-22
size of install package9577 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Mantis BugTracker1321
Hall Of Light250
Lemon Amiga1718

Short : HD-Installer for Burnout
Type : game/patch
Author : Harry

This patch applies to "Burnout" by Vulcan (c) 1996 - 7 disks.
Slave requires WHDLOAD V16+.
Game requires 2 MB Chip Mem + 4 MB fast memory + 512 kB memory for Kickemu
 (+ 8 MB other memory for preload option) + Kick 3.1 image. The game runs
 also fine if it is only partially preloaded, when you have only 8 MB

Original release is supported.

This install is more a fun project than a really needed install, at
  least at the moment. However, you will not experience out-of-memory 
  messages anymore inmidst the game. I plan to look in the game if the 
  display can be converted to multiscan productivity to avoid the 
  interlace flickering. Be patient.

Please install the game from the floppies according the manual and copy
  the contents of this drawer over the directory with the installed game.
  Since the install process only consists of starting the self-extracting
  archives I will not create an install script for that.

Known bug: The interlace pictures are sometimes assembled one scanline
  off, resulting in a jittered image.

V1.0 (20-03-2017) - first public release (Harry)

Have fun,

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
burnout.slave - 21.03.2017 23:31:26 - 5244 bytes
required WHDLoad version16
flagsNoError Req68020 ReqAGA EmulPriv Examine
required Chip Memory2048 KiB ($200000)
required Expansion Memory4608 KiB ($480000)
info nameBurnout
info copy1996 Vulkan Software
info installadapted by Harry
Version 1.0 (21.03.2017)
Kickstart name40068.a1200 40068.a4000 40063.a600
Kickstart size512 KiB ($80000)
Kickstart checksum$9ff5 $75d3 $970c

Install Archive Content Listing
52441lh53575Amiga2017-03-21 23:31:26Burnout/burnout.slave
48201lh51073Amiga1997-04-28 16:39:40Burnout/BurnoutWHD.info
9571lh5496Amiga2004-11-21 15:04:00Burnout.info
13161lh5757Amiga2017-03-21 23:41:18Burnout/ReadMe
20401lh51581Amiga2002-04-02 08:44:18Burnout/ReadMe.info
42881lh51780Amiga2017-03-20 22:36:08Burnout/src/burnout.asm

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