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Conflict: The Middle East Political Simulator< >Conquests of Camelot

Conqueror (Rainbow Arts)

download the install packageConqueror.lha
created at1998-04-23
size of install package24980 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Dark Angel
Mantis BugTracker1148
Hall Of Light3079
Lemon Amiga1722


;--- Conqueror HD install V1.1

This installer requires an original Conqueror disk. It supports two versions -
the original release and the version from the Rainbow Arts 'Mega Box'
compilation. If you have an unsupported version contact me.
You have to install WHDLoad first.

Insert the original disk in df0: and wait for your drive to find the disk. Then
double click on the install icon.

Thanks to Carlo Pirri for his image.

Conqueror is copyright by Rainbow Arts.

;--- Features

- Return to OS (Backspace)

;--- WHDLoad

New address - change your bookmarks!!

Get the latest version from Aminet or from the homepage of the author at


Greetings to all members of the whdload family...wepl, harry, mr. larmer and
all the others. Special hello to my pal Flynn!  =)

                                                                   /   /
_____________________ STAY CLEAR CIVILIAN... ____________________ / / /_
                                                                 / / /
   Dark Angel of Gore Design                              ____  / / /
e-mail:  wir96fme@studserv.uni-leipzig.de                 \   \/ / /
________________________________________ powered by AMIGA  \ \ \/ /_____

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
ConquerorInstall.Slave - 22.04.1998 22:45:04 - 708 bytes
required WHDLoad version5
flagsNoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Conqueror.Slave - 22.04.1998 22:28:22 - 384 bytes
required WHDLoad version5
flagsNoError EmulTrap
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)

Install Archive Content Listing
212370lh5181411998-04-22 22:47:20Conqueror\Conqueror.info
53720lh514711998-04-22 22:47:20Conqueror\ConquerorInstall.info
7080lh54901998-04-22 22:45:04Conqueror\ConquerorInstall.Slave
3840lh53071998-04-22 22:28:22Conqueror\Conqueror.Slave
14670lh56581998-04-22 22:38:02Conqueror\Conqueror.Txt
27320lh510321998-04-22 22:47:20Conqueror\Conqueror.Txt.info
54160lh525351998-04-22 22:47:20Conqueror.info

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last change : 2024-07-30
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