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Deathbringer< >Death Knights Of Krynn

Death Bringer (Spotlight Software)

download the install packageDeathBringer_Spotlight.lha
created at2003-06-15
size of install package48063 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Hall Of Light4362
Lemon Amiga2940

Short : HD-Installer for DeathBringer - (c) 1989 Spotlight Software
Type  : game/patch
Author: Galahad / Fairlight (gldflt@blueyonder.co.uk)

 This install applies to "DeathBringer" © 1989 Spotlight Software
 Slave requires WHDLoad V15+.
 Game needs 0.5 MB Of Chipmem & 2.0MB of Fastmem (for preload option)
 Kickstart 1.3

 - Original NTSC release


 - Full Loading from HD 
 - Full Load/Save to HD
 - Lame-o-Protect removed (Disk Checks x5)
 - Installer and nice Icons by Frank!
 - Quit Option (F10 key)
Thanks to Jacob Jensen for the images


This is the US version of Galdregons Domain.  The reason for not merging
this install with Galdregons Domain is simplicity....... that would assume
that everyone knew that the game went under an alternate title, so to avoid
any confusion, its seperate and thats that!

I just want to also take the time out to thank Frank for his great work on
my installs.  He is the one that creates the icons and does the AmigaDOS 
installer for all my WHDLoad installs, and leaves me to carry on so I don't
have to mess around.  Since Frank has done the installs and icons, I haven't
had one complaint, which makes up for all my lousy install scripts of the 
past!! :)  Thanks Frank.

You MUST be registered to play this install.


The kickstart image must be located in the directory "Devs:Kickstarts"
and must be named "kick34005.A500". The image can be extracted from an
A500 with tools like "GrabKick" or similar which can be found on Aminet.
If the image is the wrong version or altered in any way, WHDLoad will
quit with an appropriate error message. 

Additionally the file "kick34005.A500.RTB" must be installed in the same
directory as the kickstart image. It can be found in the archive 
"util/boot/skick343.lha" on Aminet.

Kindest Regards, Galahad & Jacob and Frank


Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
DeathBringer.slave - 14.06.2003 22:24:10 - 1856 bytes
required WHDLoad version15
flagsNoError EmulPriv
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory256 KiB ($40000)
info name-) DeathBringer (-
info copy1989 Spotlight Software
info install
Installed & Fixed by
Galahad of Fairlight
Version 1.0 (13/06/03)
Thanks to Jacob Jensen for the images
Thanks also to Frank for Installer and Icons

Install Archive Content Listing
112990lh597362003-06-14 22:24:18DeathBringerHD\DeathBringer.coloricon
181860lh594212003-06-14 22:24:22DeathBringerHD\DeathBringer.newicon
18560lh514072003-06-14 22:24:10DeathBringerHD\DeathBringer.slave
9011200lh574182003-06-14 22:24:12DeathBringerHD\Disk.3
33650lh521582003-04-07 21:44:42DeathBringerHD.info
108450lh530262003-06-14 22:24:12DeathBringerHD\install
26880lh516722003-06-14 22:24:12DeathBringerHD\Install.info
158280lh561382003-06-14 22:24:12DeathBringerHD\Manual
43140lh527472003-06-14 22:24:12DeathBringerHD\Manual.info
19170lh510392003-06-14 22:24:12DeathBringerHD\Readme
43140lh527482003-06-14 22:24:12DeathBringerHD\ReadMe.info

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