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Dragonflight< >Dragons Breath / Dragon Lord

Dragon Ninja / Bad Dudes (Data East/Imagine)

download the install packageDragonNinja.lha
created at2019-12-17
size of install package58917 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
MiCK & Codetapper & CFou!
Mantis BugTracker738
Hall Of Light407 4183
Lemon Amiga110

Short:    HD-Installer for Bad Dudes Vs. Dragon Ninja V1.3
Author:   Mickael Le Quer, Codetapper & CFou!
Version:  1.3
Type:     game/patch

This patch applies to "Bad Dudes Vs. Dragon Ninja" (c) 1988 Data East/
Imagine - 1 disk. Supported versions: - Dragon Ninja (^Condor^)
                                      - Bad Dudes (Chris Vella)

- Slave requires WHDLoad V17+.
- Game requires 512k chip mem (+1157k other memory for preload option)

FEATURES: (25-Oct-2000 by MiCK)
- Full loading from HD
- Quit option (PrtSc is default key)
- Cool NewIcon (created by Frank)
- RNC disk protection removed
- Illegal memory accesses removed
- CUSTOM1=1 tooltype actives infinite lives trainer
- CUSTOM3=1 tooltype can be used to skip intro

VERSION 1.1: (28-Oct-2000 by MiCK)
- Supports another version called 'Bad Dudes'

VERSION 1.2: (04-Jun-2007 by Codetapper)
- Fixed to work with WHDLoad 16.6+
- Fire button now starts the game instead of requiring 'F1' or 'F2'
- Intro can now be skipped by holding down the fire button
- Empty DBF loops fixed (x5)
- Quit key now detected on all CPUs
- Manual added

VERSION 1.3: (15-dec-2019 bu CFou!)
- Adapted for WHDLoad 17+  
- CFou's coloured icon included
- Required memory adjusted to fix missing memory bug (issues #3348 & #4294)
- Trainer tooltypes enhanced:
  - CUSTOM1=1 to enable infinite lives
  - CUSTOM1=2 to enable infinite time
  - CUSTOM2=x (1-7) to set starting level
  - CUSTOM3=1 can be used to skip intro
  - CUSTOM3=2 Second button/CD32 Pad support for spinning kick (left/right)
              + fix length of right/left jump (double length)
    Controls vary slightly between the PAL and NTSC versions:
    - PAL:  Hold down + left/right and quickly tap the second button
    - NTSC: Just press second button for spinning kick left or right
    - Second button (without any direction) will perform a big jump to change 
      platforms (PAL/NTSC)
  - CUSTOM3=4 to replace spinning kick with the jump animation
  - CUSTOM3=8 is used to insert a VBL wait (to slow down the game speed for fast CPUs)
- Load/Save redirected on HighScore in HD (if CUSTOM1 & CUSTOM2 not used)
- You can combine the CUSTOMx tooltypes by adding the values together:
  - eg. CUSTOM3=2+4 for second button support and use jump instead of 
    spinning kick
- Loads and saves highscore (file 'DragonNinja.highs') unless you cheat
- Source code included

Greetings to ^Condor^ and Chris for the originals, KillerGorilla and
Retro-Nerd for reporting the bug with WHDLoad 16.6, Bert and the entire
WHDLoad team!

MiCK, Codetapper & CFou! (15-Dec-2019)

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
DragonNinja-chip.slave - 15.12.2019 21:06:02 - 3492 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError EmulTrap ClearMem
required Chip Memory768 KiB ($c0000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameBad Dudes Vs. Dragon Ninja
info copy1988 Data East/Imagine
info installInstalled by MiCK, Codetapper/Action! & CFou!
Version 1.3 (15.12.2019)
(use CHIP memory for main game code)
Hold down fire to skip the intro!
Thanks to ^Condor^ and Chris Vella for the originals!
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:X:enable infinite lives:0
C1:X:enable infinite time:1
C2:L:start Level:Default,Level 1,Level 2,Level 3,Level 4,Level 5,Level 6,Level 7
C3:X:skip intro:0
C3:X:second button/CD32Pad support (and jump fix):1
C3:X:replace spinning kick by jump:2
C3:X:insert VBL delay:3
DragonNinja.slave - 15.12.2019 21:06:16 - 3464 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError EmulTrap ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory256 KiB ($40000)
info nameBad Dudes Vs. Dragon Ninja
info copy1988 Data East/Imagine
info installInstalled by MiCK, Codetapper/Action! & CFou!
Version 1.3 (15.12.2019)
Hold down fire to skip the intro!
Thanks to ^Condor^ and Chris Vella for the originals!
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:X:enable infinite lives:0
C1:X:enable infinite time:1
C2:L:start Level:Default,Level 1,Level 2,Level 3,Level 4,Level 5,Level 6,Level 7
C3:X:skip intro:0
C3:X:second button/CD32Pad support (and jump fix):1
C3:X:replace spinning kick by jump:2
C3:X:insert VBL delay:3

Install Archive Content Listing
34921lh52254Amiga2019-12-15 21:06:02DragonNinjaHD/DragonNinja-chip.slave
32901lh52802Amiga2019-12-02 00:23:54DragonNinjaHD/DragonNinja.colcfou
5121lh5262Amiga1980-01-01 00:00:00DragonNinjaHD/DragonNinja.highs
155891lh57110Amiga2007-06-05 00:19:40DragonNinjaHD/DragonNinja.newicon
88711lh54082Amiga2007-06-05 00:19:04DragonNinjaHD/DragonNinja.romicon
34641lh52236Amiga2019-12-15 21:06:16DragonNinjaHD/DragonNinja.slave
39751lh51798Amiga2005-08-28 19:18:04DragonNinjaHD.info
294951lh57594Amiga2007-06-04 23:57:32DragonNinjaHD/Install
37141lh52572Amiga2007-06-04 19:29:40DragonNinjaHD/Install.info
40981lh51417Amiga2007-06-04 13:12:06DragonNinjaHD/Manual
57201lh52033Amiga2003-08-14 10:45:46DragonNinjaHD/Manual.info
27131lh51363Amiga2019-12-16 23:33:36DragonNinjaHD/ReadMe
57201lh52031Amiga2003-08-14 10:45:46DragonNinjaHD/ReadMe.info
220091lh56436Amiga2019-12-15 21:06:08DragonNinjaHD/.src/DragonNinja.s
13401lh5562Amiga1992-09-02 12:47:10DragonNinjaHD/.src/old_JST_TRAINER-CFou!/beb/affiche_txt.i
19291lh5808Amiga2013-02-26 00:43:08DragonNinjaHD/.src/old_JST_TRAINER-CFou!/beb/Init_copper.i
13311lh5674Amiga2002-02-02 03:32:14DragonNinjaHD/.src/old_JST_TRAINER-CFou!/beb/Init_label.i
10981lh5401Amiga1992-09-02 13:12:46DragonNinjaHD/.src/old_JST_TRAINER-CFou!/beb/Star_cls.i
14801lh5415Amiga1992-09-02 13:15:22DragonNinjaHD/.src/old_JST_TRAINER-CFou!/beb/Star_data.i
34151lh5918Amiga1992-09-02 12:26:26DragonNinjaHD/.src/old_JST_TRAINER-CFou!/beb/Star.i
5831lh5173Amiga1992-09-02 12:32:40DragonNinjaHD/.src/old_JST_TRAINER-CFou!/beb/Star_init_screen.i
901lh562Amiga1992-09-02 13:34:10DragonNinjaHD/.src/old_JST_TRAINER-CFou!/beb/Waitblt.i
1731lh593Amiga1992-09-02 12:37:20DragonNinjaHD/.src/old_JST_TRAINER-CFou!/beb/Waitvbl.i
6201lh5277Amiga1992-09-02 12:53:58DragonNinjaHD/.src/old_JST_TRAINER-CFou!/font32c/font8-11
32351lh51196Amiga1998-04-13 13:41:00DragonNinjaHD/.src/old_JST_TRAINER-CFou!/Jst_dragonninjaq.s
27521lh52567Amiga1980-01-01 00:00:00DragonNinjaHD/.src/old_JST_TRAINER-CFou!/TrainerCF-DragonNinja
86811lh52590Amiga2019-12-03 12:26:56DragonNinjaHD/.src/old_JST_TRAINER-CFou!/TrainerCF-DragonNinja.s
63681lh52055Amiga2019-11-15 18:05:30DragonNinjaHD/.src/ReadJoypad.s

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