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Eskimo Games< >Eswat

España The Games '92 (Ocean/Creative Materials)

download the install packageEspanaTheGames.lha
created at2016-12-20
size of install package46647 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Bored Seal & StingRay
Mantis BugTracker489
Hall Of Light2870
Lemon Amiga379

Short : HD-Installer for Espana The Games '92 V1.2
Type : game/patch
Author : Bored Seal, StingRay

This patch applies to "Espana The Games" by Ocean/Creative Materials (c) 1992 - 4 disks.
Slave requires WHDLOAD V10+.
Game requires 1MB ChipRAM (+ 2.1MB for PreLoad)

- Game loads entirely from HD
- OS emulation module used
- Load/Save support
- Manual protection removed
- Access faults fixed in keyboard routine (movem.w => movem.l)
- NI/ROM icon (created by JHZ)
- Quit option (your default key)

- No printer support :)

V1.0 r1 (08-Nov-2001) - first release
V1.0 r2 (01-Jan-2008) - install script rewrite (to avoid chaos in repeating disk names)
V1.1    (29-Jul-2008) - track race works now (my fault, fixed)
V1.2	(20-Dec-2016) - load/save support added
    done by StingRay  -	68000 quitkey support
		      -	manual included

Game throws access fault sometimes if you don't want to repeat races on track. Use NOMMU if necessary.

Thanks to Chris Vella for disk images.

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
EspanaTheGames.slave - 20.12.2016 15:55:22 - 1200 bytes
required WHDLoad version10
flagsNoError EmulTrap ClearMem
required Chip Memory1024 KiB ($100000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameEspana The Games '92
info copy1992 Ocean
info installinstalled & fixed by Bored Seal & StingRay
V1.2 (20-Dec-2016)

Install Archive Content Listing
36131lh51409Amiga2008-07-29 14:46:26EspanaTheGamesHD/EspanaTheGames.inf
99891lh52605Amiga2008-07-29 14:46:26EspanaTheGamesHD/EspanaTheGames.newicon
12001lh51033Amiga2016-12-20 15:55:22EspanaTheGamesHD/EspanaTheGames.slave
15841lh51047Amiga2008-07-29 14:46:26EspanaTheGamesHD.info
301941lh57676Amiga2008-07-29 14:46:26EspanaTheGamesHD/Install
7161lh5363Amiga2016-12-20 16:03:48EspanaTheGamesHD/Install.info
213741lh58126Amiga2016-12-20 15:59:18EspanaTheGamesHD/Manual
14061lh5899Amiga2016-12-20 16:03:48EspanaTheGamesHD/Manual.info
324161lh518424Amiga2008-07-29 14:46:26EspanaTheGamesHD/OSEmu.400
11341lh5698Amiga2016-12-20 16:02:20EspanaTheGamesHD/ReadMe
14061lh5897Amiga2016-12-20 16:03:48EspanaTheGamesHD/ReadMe.info
74411lh52705Amiga2016-12-20 15:55:18EspanaTheGamesHD/src/EspanaTheGames.asm

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