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Future BasketBall< >Future Classics Collection

Future Bike (Hi-Tec/PAL Developments)

download the install packageFutureBike.lha
created at2001-11-23
size of install package11161 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
John Girvin
Hall Of Light640
Lemon Amiga1312

Short:    HD Installer for Future Bike
Author:   girv@girvnet.org.uk (John Girvin)
Uploader: girv@girvnet.org.uk (John Girvin)
Type:     game/patch
Requires: Installer 43.3+, WHDLoad 14.0+


    WHD_FutureBike release 2


    This is release 2 of a hard drive installation package for the
    HiTec Software / PAL Developments game "Future Bike Simulator".

    Changes for this release:
    - fixed keyboard handling


    Requires an original copy of the game.

    Requires version 14.0 or later of the WHDLoad package by Bert Jahn.
    WHDLoad is available from:


    Please consider registering this fine package to help support future
    development of hard drive installers for your favourite Amiga games!


    Extract all files in the product archive to your system.
    They will be extracted to a drawer called "WHD_FutureBike"

    Double click on the "Install" icon present in the extraction
    directory and follow the instructions given by the Installer

    The game will be installed to a directory you select on your
    hard drive. You will be alerted if installation fails for any


    Open the game drawer created during installation and click on the
    "Future Bike" icon. The game will then start.

    The following keys may be used while the game is running:

      F10: quit game and return to Workbench


    This product is provided "as is" and is used at your own risk.

    The author is not liable for any loss or damage caused by the
    use or misuse of this product.

    When running the installer it is advisable to disable any virus
    checking or debugging software you may have running.


    John Girvin

    E-Mail: girv@girvnet.org.uk

    WWW:    http://www.girvnet.org.uk

    ICQ:    15651883


    R1      11/2001
            - first release
            - fixed bad custom register accesses
            - fixed blitter waits

    R2      11/2001
            - fixed keyboard handling


    This product is copyrighted freeware.

    No payment is required to use this product, although donations
    of any kind are always welcome!

    © 2001 Halibut Software. No modifications may be made to any
    files or data that comprise the product without the express
    consent of the author.

    Freely distributable, provided other licence requirements are
    adhered to. No charge may be made for this product except for
    reasonable handling and/or media costs.


    "Future Bike" is © 1990 HiTec Software / PAL Developments

    WHDLoad is © Bert Jahn

    Thanks to Carlo Pirri for supplying disk images, testing and
    infinite patience.

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
FutureBike.slave - 22.11.2001 00:34:10 - 1092 bytes
required WHDLoad version14
flagsNoError ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory68 KiB ($11000)
info nameFuture Bike
info copy1990 HiTec Software / PAL Developments
info install
Installer by Girv
© 2001 Halibut Software
R2 (22.11.01)

Install Archive Content Listing
43380lh523122001-11-22 00:34:10WHD_FutureBike\FutureBike.colicon
6800lh56622001-11-22 00:34:10WHD_FutureBike\FutureBike.islave
34060lh517612001-11-22 00:34:10WHD_FutureBike\FutureBike.newicon
12500lh55572001-11-22 00:34:10WHD_FutureBike\FutureBike.orgicon
10920lh58322001-11-22 00:34:10WHD_FutureBike\FutureBike.slave
12330lh55932001-11-22 00:34:10WHD_FutureBike.info
35710lh511632001-11-22 00:34:10WHD_FutureBike\Install
15990lh510792001-11-22 00:34:10WHD_FutureBike\Install.info
27940lh513072001-11-22 00:34:10WHD_FutureBike\ReadMe
8470lh53772001-11-22 00:34:10WHD_FutureBike\ReadMe.info

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last change : 2024-08-15
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