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Lords of Time< >Lorna

Lords of War (Digital Concepts)

download the install packageLordsOfWar.lha
created at2012-07-14
size of install package28104 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Mantis BugTracker1685
Hall Of Light921
Lemon Amiga696

That patch applies to Lords of War (c) 1989 Digital Concepts.

This install has the slave-version 1.1.
It needs WHDLoad16 or higher in the path (eg in c:).

Fixed:  CPU dependend loops.
        Blue flash synchronised when a spellpoint is collected.

Note:   This patch took only 14 years to develop - what 3D Realms can do,
          can we do as well!
        You can set a spellpoint trainer with CUSTOM1=1. When it is active,
          your highscore will not be saved.
        The saving process of a highscore takes a long time. Please be
          patient at the black screen.
        There is no SPS release of this game. Please contact the Software 
          Preservation Society and dump your original disk.

History: V1.1 - 2012-may-27 Initial slave version.

The install is tested on an 18 MB 68030 and on E-UAE.
It needs 896 kB Chipmem, 256 kB arbitrary memory and additionally 700 kB
  for preload.

Disclaimer: Install is Freeware and sourcecode is included. 
        You use the install wholly on your own risk.

Full whdload package:	aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?.lha
Other installs:		http://www.whdload.de/
Report bugs with the bug report form on that page.

Have fun,

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
lordsofwar.slave - 26.05.2012 20:34:58 - 5108 bytes
required WHDLoad version16
flagsNoError EmulPriv Examine
required Chip Memory896 KiB ($e0000)
required Expansion Memory256 KiB ($40000)
info nameLords of War
info copy1989 Digital Concepts
info installadapted by Wepl and Harry
Version 1.1
Kickstart name34005.a500
Kickstart size256 KiB ($40000)
Kickstart checksum$f9e3

Install Archive Content Listing
15841lh51046Amiga2012-07-14 21:42:58LordsOfWar Install.info
352031lh58814Amiga2012-07-14 21:47:52LordsOfWar Install/Install
12551lh5828Amiga2012-07-14 21:43:22LordsOfWar Install/Install.info
98901lh52103Amiga2012-05-29 19:43:26LordsOfWar Install/LordsOfWar.inf
51081lh53549Amiga2012-05-26 20:34:58LordsOfWar Install/lordsofwar.slave
119761lh54537Amiga2003-11-26 14:44:54LordsOfWar Install/Manual
19901lh51314Amiga2012-07-14 21:47:10LordsOfWar Install/Manual.info
11911lh5693Amiga2012-05-26 23:20:32LordsOfWar Install/Readme
19901lh51310Amiga2000-09-11 00:37:22LordsOfWar Install/ReadMe.info
89321lh53272Amiga2012-05-26 23:54:50LordsOfWar Install/src/lordsofwar.asm

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