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Rally Championships< >Rambo III

Rally Cross Challenge (Ultra Graphix/Anco)

download the install packageRallyCrossChallenge.lha
created at2002-08-12
size of install package64542 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Hall Of Light1194
Lemon Amiga885

Short:    HD-Installer for Rally Cross Challenge V1.0
Author:   Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com), ICQ: 26051687
Uploader: Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com)
Version:  1.0
Type:     game/patch

This patch applies to "Rally Cross Challenge" (c) 1989 Ultra Graphix/Anco -
1 disk. Thanks to Riempie for sending the original!

- Slave requires WHDLoad V10+.
- Game requires 512k chip mem (+600k other memory for preload option)

- Full load from HD
- Rob Northen copylock removed
- Blitter waits added (x15)
- Keyboard acknowledgement delay added
- ButtonWait tooltype added for loading pictures
- Instructions included
- RomIcon, NewIcon and OS3.5 Colour Icon (created by me!) and 2 Exoticons
  (taken from http://exotica.fix.no)
- Quit option (default key is 'F10')

- Taken from Sweet Cheater by Keith Krellwitz!
- On the fifth track, drive around until you reach the wooden level
  crossing.  Turn the car 90 degrees and drive down the track at full
  speed, until you reach the end.  The race will end giving you 28
  race points.  When the game starts, follow the railroad tracks and
  the screen will go blank.  Now you will find yourself with 24

There is a hidden protracker module called "rallyshort" in the game located
at offset $d400 into the disk image with length 72982 bytes.  Because of
the way the game disables interrupts when the picture appears, the music
never plays.

Thanks to Riempie for the original, Wepl for WHDLoad, all Action members
and the WHDLoad team!

Codetapper/Action (14-Jul-2002)

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

            ________  ________  ________  ____  ________  ________
           _)       \_)       \_)       \_)   \_)       \_)       \
   __ ___ /___/     /   /_____/\  /     /     /   /     /   /     /
  /_//__// \___    /   /     /CT\/     /     /   /     /   /     /
        /___/     /___      /   /     /_____/___      /___/     /___ __
            \____/    \____/    \____/          \____/    \____//__//_/

           Visit the Action website for more of our productions:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
RallyCrossChallenge.slave - 16.07.2002 20:06:48 - 952 bytes
required WHDLoad version10
flagsNoError EmulTrap NoDivZero
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameRally Cross Challenge
info copy1989 Ultra Graphix/Anco
info installInstalled by Codetapper/Action!
Version 1.0 (16.07.2002)
Thanks to Riempie for the original!

Install Archive Content Listing
11930lh56662001-05-26 16:37:32RallyCrossChallengeHD.info
106100lh529612002-07-14 23:09:42RallyCrossChallengeHD\Install
7200lh53602002-07-14 23:08:48RallyCrossChallengeHD\Install.info
41310lh516922002-07-14 23:25:36RallyCrossChallengeHD\Instructions
39200lh532072001-07-06 02:00:38RallyCrossChallengeHD\Instructions.info
121360lh5116672002-07-14 09:49:00RallyCrossChallengeHD\RallyCrossChallenge.colexot
127780lh5121272002-07-14 04:31:30RallyCrossChallengeHD\RallyCrossChallenge.coloricon
88990lh556732002-07-14 09:48:46RallyCrossChallengeHD\RallyCrossChallenge.newexot
199950lh5115282002-07-14 06:37:00RallyCrossChallengeHD\RallyCrossChallenge.newicon
125270lh587812002-07-14 19:44:00RallyCrossChallengeHD\RallyCrossChallenge.romicon
9520lh57382002-07-16 20:06:48RallyCrossChallengeHD\RallyCrossChallenge.slave
22280lh511052002-07-19 08:18:16RallyCrossChallengeHD\ReadMe
39200lh532072001-07-06 01:59:56RallyCrossChallengeHD\ReadMe.info

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