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Rise Of The Dragon< >Risk

Rise of the Robots (Mirage/Time Warner)

download the install packageRiseOfTheRobots.lha
created at2020-04-27
size of install package42025 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Mantis BugTracker17
Hall Of Light1243 1244 1245
Lemon Amiga2827 538 1792

Short : HD install for Rise Of The Robots ECS/AGA/CD32
Type : game/patch
Author : JOTD

Install-Script & fix © 2000-2018 JOTD

Floppy AGA version:

The patch can be applied to a already installed version of the game,
using the installer provided in the original game package.

The AGA version runs using kickstart 3.1 and needs 2 MB of chipmem and
1MB of fastmem.

The ECS version also runs using kickstart 3.1 and needs 1 MB of chipmem and
2MB of fastmem.

CD³² version:

The game can be installed using the provided install script

Bug (AGA):

- when selecting "training" at game boot, the game locks up (you can still quit to WB)
  if cinematics are on. if you play "mission briefing" once, training then works with
- there are slight gfx bugs, due to fixed access faults


 Version 1.4-C (26.04.2020)
 - possible crash on 68000 if A1200 or A4000 kickstart is found
 Version 1.4-B (25.12.2018)
 - Forgot to allow 68000 processor in the ECS version. You'll need A600 3.1 kickstart
   to run the game (issue #0004008)
 Version 1.4 (03.09.2018)
 - Fixed missing sound in ECS version intro (by adding more fast memory to the slave)
 Version 1.3 (23.08.2018) done by JOTD
 - Added support for ECS version (thanks to Retroplay for the images)
 - source code included
 Version 1.2 (08.01.2006) done by JOTD
 - CD³² control method fixed (in lowlevel.s)
 - slaves converted for WHDLoad v16

 Version 1.1
 - WHDLoad slave, CD³² support as well
 - runs using KickEmu31
 - for floppy version allows to run the game from anywhere,
   which means that you don't have
   to install the game in a Rise directory directly on the root volume you
   selected during the install (you can move the dir anywhere)
 - Access faults removed in both versions
 - CACR/VBR stuff removed
 - Use of fast memory for awesome loading speed

 Version 1.0
 - floppy fix, no WHDLoad slave


 The game requires an installed A1200 or A4000 (or A600 for ECS) Kickstart 3.1 image.
 The kickstart image must be located in the directory "Devs:Kickstarts" and
 must be named "kick40068.A1200" (resp kick40068.A4000, kick40068.A600). 
 The image can be extracted from a A1200 (resp A4000, A600) with tools like 'GrabKick'
 or similar which can be found on aminet.
 If the image is of wrong version or altered in any way WHDLoad will quit with
 an appropriate requester.
 Additionally the file "kick40068.A1200.RTB" (resp "kick40068.A4000.RTB","kick40068.A600.RTB")
 must be installed in the same directory as the kickstart image.
 It can be found in the archive "util/boot/skick346.lha" on aminet.

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
RiseOfTheRobotsAGA.slave - 27.04.2020 00:39:46 - 5048 bytes
required WHDLoad version16
flagsNoError Req68020 ReqAGA EmulPriv Examine
required Chip Memory1792 KiB ($1c0000)
required Expansion Memory1024 KiB ($100000)
info nameRise Of The Robots
info copy1993 Mirage
info installInstall/fix by JOTD
Version 1.3 (23-aug-2018 22:29:32)
Kickstart name40068.a1200 40068.a4000 40063.a600
Kickstart size512 KiB ($80000)
Kickstart checksum$9ff5 $75d3 $970c
RiseOfTheRobotsCD32.slave - 27.04.2020 00:39:46 - 8556 bytes
required WHDLoad version16
flagsNoError Req68020 EmulPriv Examine
required Chip Memory2044 KiB ($1ff000)
required Expansion Memory1024 KiB ($100000)
info nameRise Of The Robots CD³²
info copy1994 Mirage
info installInstall/fix by JOTD
Version 1.3 (23-aug-2018 22:29:33)
Kickstart name40068.a1200 40068.a4000 40063.a600
Kickstart size512 KiB ($80000)
Kickstart checksum$9ff5 $75d3 $970c
RiseOfTheRobotsECS.slave - 27.04.2020 00:39:46 - 5388 bytes
required WHDLoad version16
flagsNoError EmulPriv Examine
required Chip Memory1024 KiB ($100000)
required Expansion Memory1536 KiB ($180000)
info nameRise Of The Robots
info copy1993 Mirage
info installInstall/fix by JOTD
Version 1.4-C (27-apr-2020 00:39:42)
Kickstart name40063.a600 40068.a1200 40068.a4000
Kickstart size512 KiB ($80000)
Kickstart checksum$970c $9ff5 $75d3

Install Archive Content Listing
75471lh52159Amiga2002-07-22 22:27:16RiseOfTheRobotsHD/InstallCD32
12631lh5837Amiga2006-01-08 18:28:38RiseOfTheRobotsHD/InstallCD32.info
27211lh5975Amiga2018-08-23 22:14:56RiseOfTheRobotsHD/Patch_FloppyInstall
47961lh51891Amiga2018-08-23 22:15:10RiseOfTheRobotsHD/Patch_FloppyInstall.info
26081lh51228Amiga2020-04-26 20:08:18RiseOfTheRobotsHD/readme
19901lh51312Amiga2006-01-08 18:28:40RiseOfTheRobotsHD/readme.info
50481lh53421Amiga2020-04-27 00:39:46RiseOfTheRobotsHD/RiseOfTheRobotsAGA.slave
85561lh55608Amiga2020-04-27 00:39:46RiseOfTheRobotsHD/RiseOfTheRobotsCD32.slave
53881lh53588Amiga2020-04-27 00:39:46RiseOfTheRobotsHD/RiseOfTheRobotsECS.slave
39861lh53925Amiga2002-07-09 22:47:44RiseOfTheRobotsHD/RiseOfTheRobots.exoticon
7461lh5248Amiga2006-01-06 00:20:46RiseOfTheRobotsHD/source/freeanim.s
45721lh51464Amiga2006-01-06 00:20:46RiseOfTheRobotsHD/source/kick31cd32.s
190921lh57042Amiga2006-01-08 16:53:18RiseOfTheRobotsHD/source/lowlevel.s
2721lh5137Amiga2006-01-08 18:28:12RiseOfTheRobotsHD/source/Makefile
48281lh52115Amiga2020-04-27 00:39:46RiseOfTheRobotsHD/source/RiseOfTheRobotsAGAHD.s
61271lh52624Amiga2020-04-27 00:39:46RiseOfTheRobotsHD/source/RiseOfTheRobotsCD32HD.s
48671lh52133Amiga2020-04-27 00:39:46RiseOfTheRobotsHD/source/RiseOfTheRobotsECSHD.s
31lh03Amiga2006-01-08 18:28:12RiseOfTheRobotsHD/source/slave_version

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