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Tangram< >Tapper

Tank Buster (Kingsoft)

download the install packageTankBuster.lha
created at2023-01-06
size of install package49879 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Hall Of Light1313
Lemon Amiga1036

Short : HD-Installer for Tank Buster
Type : game/patch
Author : Psygore (psygore@whdload.de)

That install applies to "Tank Buster" © 1989 Kingsoft

It requires:
 - WHDLoad 17+
 - 512 KB ChipMem (+760 KB OtherMem for preload)

Version 1.0 (06.01.2023) by Psygore:
 - Nice Color/NewIcon (created by me) included
 - Stack moved to fast memory
 - RawDIC used for creating the image disk (no data checksum)
 - Set CUSTOM1=1 for unlimited energy
       CUSTOM2=1 to skip level with HELP key
 - Audio volume and DMA wait in soundtracker replay routine patched
 - Colorbit fixed
 - Blitwait inserted
 - Load/Save hiscores/game position on HD (unless you cheat)
 - Manual included
 - Quit with '*' (PtrSc)

Another year and another HD patch but still the same nice person who provided
the dumps from original disk and from Shooting Stars 2 compilation.
Thank a lot to him (and for typing the manual).
Both version have damaged tracks, but fortunately I managed to get a good dump
by mixing the good tracks (even with no data track checksum).
There is a bug on disk version that it tries to load a no existing level 25,
(the game has only 24 levels). The custom disk loader fails to decode the track
and the end sequence will never be displayed. Of course, this slave fixes it.

Here some asm code which have been encoded with the track:
	moveq	#13,d0		; erster track
	moveq	#6,d1		; anzahl tracks
	move	#$4489,d2	; sync
	sf	d3		; mode lesen
	bsr	readdisk	; score laden
	tst.b	22(a5)		; fehlerflag testen
	bne.L	fe1		; fehler
	move.l	a5,-(sp)	; basis diskstruktur
	move	#$c000,$dff09a	; irq enable
	jsr	$50000		; -> PROGRAMM
	move	#$4000,$dff09a	; irq disable
	move	#$81a0,$dff096
	bsr	copycop
	move.l	(sp)+,a5	; basis diskstruktur

; highscore laden
	lea	$30000,a0	; buffer gewandelte daten highliste
	lea	$7b000,a1	; mfmbuffer
	moveq	#1,d0		; ab track 1
	moveq	#1,d1		; anzahl tracks
	move	#$2244,d2	; sync
	sf	d3		; mode lesen
	bsr	readdisk	; tracks lesen
	tst.b	22(a5)		; fehlerflag testen
	bne.L	fe1		; fehler
	lea	$50000,a0	; buffer gewandelte daten highscore
	lea	$7b000,a1	; mfmbuffer
	moveq	#2,d0		; erster track
	moveq	#11,d1		; anzahl tracks
	move	#$4489,d2	; sync
	sf	d3		; mode lesen
	bsr	readdisk	; highscore laden
	tst.b	22(a5)		; fehlerflag testen
	bne.L	fe1		; fehler
	move.l	a5,-(sp)	; basis diskstruktur
	move	#$c000,$dff09a	; irq enable
	move	#$81a0,$dff096
	move.l	#$30000,a0
	move.l	0,a4
	move.l	40(a4),d0
	subq.l	#1,d0
	bmi.L	makeerr
	mulu	#140,d0
	add.l	d0,a0
	move.l	a0,44(a4)
	jsr	$50000		; -> PROGRAMM
	move	#$4000,$dff09a	; irq disable
	move	#$81a0,$dff096
	bsr	copycop

If you have problems with this installation please report them via the
Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed via 


or via mail to: psygore@whdload.de

for full WHDLoad package and other installs refer to:

        or      aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?
        and     aminet:game/patch/

--- (_ __¬) __) \ ¬) ___)   ¬) __¬)¬__) ---
 --  /  _/__¬\  / / /_¬\  --/ _  / __)  --
  - (__/(_____)  /(_____)  /_/ \(_____) -
            (___/      \__/     \__)in 01.2023

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
TankBuster.slave - 06.01.2023 07:56:36 - 1504 bytes
required WHDLoad version17
flagsNoError ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
required Expansion Memory4 KiB ($1000)
info nameTank Buster
info copy1989 Kingsoft
info installInstalled by Psygore
Version 1.0 (06 Jan 2023)
Kickstart name0
Kickstart size0 KiB ($0)
Kickstart checksum$0000
ConfigurationC1:B:Unlimited Fuel
C2:B:Skip Level (HELP)

Install Archive Content Listing
39751lh51790Amiga2023-01-06 07:56:36TankBusterHD.info
406671lh510190Amiga2023-01-06 07:56:36TankBusterHD/Install-TankBuster
37131lh52575Amiga2023-01-06 07:56:36TankBusterHD/Install-TankBuster.info
85941lh53563Amiga2023-01-06 07:56:36TankBusterHD/Manual
19901lh51311Amiga2023-01-06 07:56:36TankBusterHD/Manual.info
33481lh51446Amiga2023-01-06 07:56:36TankBusterHD/ReadMe
19901lh51312Amiga2023-01-06 07:56:36TankBusterHD/ReadMe.info
45761lh04576Amiga2023-01-06 07:56:46TankBusterHD/src/TankBusterHD_src.lzx
156951lh513021Amiga2023-01-06 07:56:36TankBusterHD/TankBuster.colicon
4201lh5335Amiga2023-01-06 07:56:36TankBusterHD/TankBuster.islave
180741lh57959Amiga2023-01-06 07:56:36TankBusterHD/TankBuster.newicon
15041lh51060Amiga2023-01-06 07:56:36TankBusterHD/TankBuster.slave

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