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Virtual Karting (Demo)< >Virus

Virtual Karting (OTM)

download the install packageVirtualKarting.lha
created at2012-11-22
size of install package55968 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Hall Of Light1579
Lemon Amiga1358

Short : HD-Installer for Virtual Karting
Type : game/patch
Author : Psygore (psygore@whdload.de)

That install applies to "Virtual Karting" © 1995 OTM

It requires:
 - WHDLoad 15+
 - AGA chipset and MC68020+ 
 - 880 KB ChipMem and 952 KB OtherMem (+1.7 MB OtherMem for preload option)

Version 1.2 (22.11.2012) by Psygore:
 - Removed some initialized aga custom registers (they are useless and make
   corrupt display on MV1200 scandoubler, thanks to Irek for the report)
 - Some odd addresses of copperlist fixed
 - ChipMem requires 880 KB now (instead of 860 KB)

Version 1.1 (09.01.2011) by Psygore:
 - Debug code removed

Version 1.0 (09.01.2011) by Psygore:
 - Color/Newicon (created by me) and BoxIcon included
 - Stack moved in fastmem
 - Use fastmem and caches (DCache disabled on 040/060)
 - OS stuff patched
 - Manual protection removed
 - Decruncher relocated in fastmem
 - Firebutton added to accelerate (only automatic gears mode)
 - 2nd button added for braking (all pads are not supported)
 - Load/Save options/records on separated files
 - Quit with '*' (PrtSc)

Options and records saves are only available for registered users.

Thanks to Carlo Pirri for the original disks.

Please support the development of WHDLoad by registering.
For more infos: http://www.whdload.de/reg.html

If you have problems with this installation please report them via the
Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed via 


or via mail to: psygore@whload.de

for full WHDLoad package and other installs refer to:

        or      aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?
        and     aminet:game/patch/

--- (_ __¬) __) \ ¬) ___)   ¬) __¬)¬__) ---
 --  /  _/__¬\  / / /_¬\  --/ _  / __)  --
  - (__/(_____)  /(_____)  /_/ \(_____) -
            (___/      \__/     \__)in 11.2012

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
VirtualKarting.slave - 22.11.2012 14:00:32 - 2468 bytes
required WHDLoad version15
flagsNoError Req68020 ReqAGA ClearMem
required Chip Memory880 KiB ($dc000)
required Expansion Memory952 KiB ($ee000)
info nameVirtual Karting
info copy1995 OTM
info installInstalled by Psygore
Version 1.2 (22 Nov 2012)

Install Archive Content Listing
39751lh51796Amiga2011-01-09 14:51:38VirtualKartingHD.info
320561lh58190Amiga2011-01-09 14:51:38VirtualKartingHD/Install-VirtualKarting
37171lh52579Amiga2011-01-09 14:51:38VirtualKartingHD/Install-VirtualKarting.info
18831lh5981Amiga2012-11-22 14:00:32VirtualKartingHD/ReadMe
19901lh51312Amiga2011-01-09 14:51:38VirtualKartingHD/ReadMe.info
208911lh517743Amiga2011-01-09 14:51:38VirtualKartingHD/VirtualKarting.colbox
182911lh514078Amiga2011-01-09 14:51:38VirtualKartingHD/VirtualKarting.colicon
9171lh5710Amiga2011-01-09 14:51:38VirtualKartingHD/VirtualKarting.inf
181601lh56251Amiga2011-01-09 14:51:38VirtualKartingHD/VirtualKarting.newicon
24681lh51642Amiga2012-11-22 14:00:32VirtualKartingHD/VirtualKarting.slave

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