Notes |
2013-06-05 10:18
have you try with nocache tooltype? |
nope, coz is a game bug, because occur also on floppy disk version running in winuae standard config, after a precise number of match (every time the same, but i don't remember how much), i think is related by memory allocation, in every case simple restart game with last savegame every time and works good |
2013-06-05 13:52
I don"t understand... you can not have followong message "Exception "Level 6 Autovector (CIA-B/EXT)" ($78) at $23FB2 occured" using floppy disk version? only using whdload....
to you use original version of game or cracked?
have you try pre-installed whdload version to compare (from Killergorilla or Retroplay? |
with whdload (downloaded from killergorilla site) i have Exception "Level 6 Autovector (CIA-B/EXT)" ($78) at $23FB2 occured, if i use floppy the two cracked version, dowloaded from thegamearchives, if have guru meditation, all 3 version crash after same number of played match, so i think that is one of this two:
1) hidden license check
2) problem with memory allocation
i think about the second and not the one, coz is really hard that 3 version goes in same equal cracking problem crash. |
2013-06-05 21:31
it's perhpas 68020+ problem have you test version cracked version on WINUAE with 68000 to compare?
i will investigate |
nope, i'll try as soon as possible, hope next weekend! thank you for your precious support! |
2020-03-16 15:38
not enought memory
if just some fast memory, it's working
fixed with current beta soon released |