WHDLoad MantisBT - TrexWarrior
View Issue Details
0006391TrexWarrior[All Projects] Generalpublic2024-01-29 18:242024-09-27 21:14
ReporterTorti the Smurf 
Assigned ToPsygore 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem32 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Summary0006391: Trex Warrior by Thalion has weird SFX Glitches in WinUAE and FPGA
DescriptionIt has some super high pitch noise glitches in WinUAE and works "almost"
on FPGA but the SFX are also.. glitched.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? TrexWarrior11.lha (508) 2024-03-04 15:39
zip Keys.zip (1,638) 2024-03-25 22:25

Torti the Smurf   
2024-01-29 23:40   
That "Noises" crashed the JimPlaysGames lifestream XD


(he fixed it in post so people would not get bleeding ears when using headphones)

But yeah.. that Sound in Trex Warrior is really glitched and would need a Fix.

please (T_T)

Greez, Torti
Torti the Smurf   
2024-02-27 14:40   
No love for Trex warrior ?

But the sound is broken :(
; no matter where you play it. (you have to play at least for 1 minute)

Pleeeaasssseeeeee ;)
Torti the Smurf   
2024-03-02 13:52   
Thanks Psygore !!!
2024-03-04 15:40   
Could you try the attached slave ?
Torti the Smurf   
2024-03-07 14:00   
Works great !
No more bleeding Ears.....

Very well done !
!! Thanks Psy !!
Torti the Smurf   
2024-03-07 20:32   
PS: there is one thing that got broken in this fix.

The Save & Load feature doesnt work anymore, but thats it.
Ok ok, and the game is now a bit too fast for WinuAE users. ( i play on FPGA )

Still, this support kicks ass (◠‿◠)

Bless you; Psygore !
2024-03-25 12:43   
Thanks for testing.

The slave will be improved, less chip memory requirements (512k instead of 1mb, extra memory is only used to store some unpacked files) and will use files instead of disk image.
2024-03-25 22:27   
Keys/Docs file attatched please include for next update.
Torti the Smurf   
2024-03-26 14:12   
Great News !

Thank you very much Psygore !!!
2024-09-08 20:58   
New install package available on whdload.de
Torti the Smurf   
2024-09-09 16:06   
 Thank you Psygore !!!

Issue History
2024-01-29 18:24Torti the SmurfNew Issue
2024-01-29 23:40Torti the SmurfNote Added: 0013563
2024-01-30 16:32WeplProjectWHDLoad Installs Apps => TrexWarrior
2024-01-30 16:32WeplCategoryslave => General
2024-02-27 14:40Torti the SmurfNote Added: 0013612
2024-02-27 16:46PsygoreAssigned To => Psygore
2024-02-27 16:46PsygoreStatusnew => assigned
2024-03-02 13:52Torti the SmurfNote Added: 0013617
2024-03-04 15:39PsygoreFile Added: TrexWarrior11.lha
2024-03-04 15:40PsygoreNote Added: 0013618
2024-03-07 14:00Torti the SmurfNote Added: 0013619
2024-03-07 20:32Torti the SmurfNote Added: 0013620
2024-03-25 12:43PsygoreNote Added: 0013636
2024-03-25 22:25retrogamerFile Added: Keys.zip
2024-03-25 22:27retrogamerNote Added: 0013640
2024-03-26 14:12Torti the SmurfNote Added: 0013642
2024-09-08 20:58PsygoreStatusassigned => resolved
2024-09-08 20:58PsygoreResolutionopen => fixed
2024-09-08 20:58PsygoreNote Added: 0013907
2024-09-09 16:06Torti the SmurfNote Added: 0013908
2024-09-27 21:14PsygoreStatusresolved => closed