2024-09-19 06:06 CEST

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002447DeepCore[WHDLoad Installs Games] slavepublic2022-06-18 16:29
Assigned ToJOTDProject InfoDeep Core (ICE)
Summary0002447: Deep Core crash
DescriptionOdd address error on Deep Core intro.
Additional Information************************* 30-May-11 02:23:33 ************************17.0.4879***
Slave='deepcore.slave' (2120 bytes)
ShadowMem 37F9B0 - 3AE9B0 ( 192512) AbsolutMem 2F000 - FF000 ( 851968)
Resload 9F1718 - 9F72B8 ( 23456) at 9F1718 GL=$9F73C0
Slave 9FEF88 - 9FF7AC ( 2084) at 9FEF88 BaseMemSize=$FF000
attn=0(00) fc=-1 kn=1003 cs=BDAF rw=0 zpt=-1 ep=0 ei=0

Exception "Address Error" ($F00C) PC = $20AF4 Read from $421B9

$00020aca move.l a4,(a3) ;$000222ba
$00020acc cmpi.l #$aaaaaaaa,(a0) ;$000421b9
$00020ad2 beq.b $20ae6
$00020ad4 move.l a0,(a1)+ ;$000221f2
$00020ad6 adda.w #$10,a0
$00020ada cmpi.l #$ffffffff,(a0) ;$000421b9
$00020ae0 bne.b $20ad6
$00020ae2 addq.w #4,a0
$00020ae4 bra.b $20acc
$00020ae6 move.l a5,a0
$00020ae8 lea ($221b6,pc),a1
$00020aec move.w #$1f,d7
$00020af0 move.l a0,(a1)+ ;$000221f2
$00020af2 tst.w (a0) ;$000421b9
�1m$00020af4 beq.b $20b02
�22m$00020af6 moveq #0,d0
$00020af8 move.w (a0),d0 ;$000421b9
$00020afa adda.l d0,a0
$00020afc addq.l #6,a0
$00020afe dbf d7,$20af0
$00020b02 movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ;$0001ff22
$00020b06 rts
$00020b08 lea ($dff0a8),a6
$00020b0e clr.w (a6) ;$00dff000
$00020b10 clr.w ($10,a6) ;$00dff010
$00020b14 clr.w ($20,a6) ;$00dff020
$00020b18 clr.w ($30,a6) ;$00dff030
$00020b1c move.w #$f,(-$12,a6) ;$00dfefee
$00020b22 move.w #$4222,(-$2a,a6) ;$00dfefd6

exception stackframe:
$0001FF22 4A550004 21B94A50 20000002 0AF4
regular stack:
$0001FF30 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000E52 00000000 00000F00 0000FFFF 0000FFFF
$0001FF50 00DFF0E0 00000000 00025B44 A3A3A3A3 A4A4A4A4 00BFD100 00DFF000 0001FA7E
$0001FF70 000302D8 000763A0 48E77FFE 61000122 47ED0028 78002F08 207A0078 33D80001
$0001FF90 FFAC33D8 00020018 23C80002 0002205F 0C3900FF 00DFF006 66F60C79 00000002
$0001FFB0 062A65EC 4A790002 00186710 0C440020 660A0C79 00640002 062A65F6 42790002

  ----0---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7----
Dx D3DB 0 0 E52 0 F00 FFFF 11
Ax 421B9 221F2 222B6 222BA 22196 C0 DFF000

                 TTSM III XNZVC
�1mPC= 20AF4�22m SR %0010000000000000 USP=FEC00 �1mSSP=1FF22�22m

intena=%�1m0100000000010000�22m dmacon=%�1m0010001111100000�22m adkcon=$ 0
vposr....A000 vhposr...04A4 joy0dat..0300 joy1dat..0000 clxdat...8001
pot0dat..657D pot1dat..7D7D potinp...5500 serdatr..3800 dskbytr..8000
deniseid.FFFF hhposr...FF55
   ciaa: PI ROPS ciab: PI ROPS
    cra=�1m00000000�22m ta=21FF<21FF cra=�1m00000000�22m ta=FFFF<FFFF
    crb=�1m00000000�22m tb=21FF<21FF crb=�1m00001000�22m tb= 32< 32
        10RTWCLO parallel DRCCDSOY M3210HDS
    pra=�1m11111100�22m prb=�1m11111111�22m pra=�1m11111111�22m prb=�1m11111111�22m
       ddra=�1m00000011�22m ddrb=�1m00000000�22m ddra=�1m11000000�22m ddrb=�1m11111111�22m
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem1 MB
FastMem8 MB
WorkbenchOS 2.1
KickROM37 - Kick 2.0
Attached Files

has duplicate 0005656closedJOTD "Adress Error" when running the slave with 68000 cpu 
has duplicate 0004517closedWepl Hi, On my A500ACA500Plus(Pal system),just after title Screen with music, the 


note ~0002377

Retroplay (reporter)

Have you tried the beta slave ?

I have completed the game with no problems with that.

note ~0002396

Don_Adan (developer)

No, only v1.1 version. You must check this slave on 68000 CPU to get odd address error. This bug is perhaps sample or song initialization problem for intro music (intro music/replay is part of protection for this game).

note ~0002403

Retroplay (reporter)

I don't have a 68000 Amiga capable of running WHDLoad so I can't check.

However the v1.2 beta slave works fine on my A1200 (680EC20) and WinUAE, music also plays back like it should in the intro.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-06-12 16:02 Don_Adan New Issue
2011-06-12 16:53 Retroplay Note Added: 0002377
2011-06-19 17:28 Don_Adan Note Added: 0002396
2011-06-22 20:15 Retroplay Note Added: 0002403
2022-06-18 11:33 JOTD Relationship added has duplicate 0005656
2022-06-18 11:33 JOTD Assigned To => JOTD
2022-06-18 11:33 JOTD Status new => acknowledged
2022-06-18 16:23 JOTD Relationship added has duplicate 0004517
2022-06-18 16:29 JOTD Status acknowledged => closed
2022-06-18 16:29 JOTD Resolution open => fixed
+Issue History