2024-11-05 00:18 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002666TVSportsBasketball[All Projects] Generalpublic2020-08-18 16:14
Assigned ToJOTDProject InfoTV Sports Basketball (Cinemaware)
Summary0002666: Before a match starts their is a tipoff (screen). If I win the tipoff I get an
DescriptionGameVersion: cinemaware version
SlaveVersion: v1.0

Before a match starts their is a tipoff (screen). If I win the tipoff I get an access fault. If lose game starts.
************************* 14-Feb-13 13:24:44 ************************17.1.5206***
Slave='TVSportsBasketball.Slave' (4964 bytes)
ShadowMem  1A5EC88 -  1AA4C88 ( 286720) AbsolutMem    46000 -    80000 ( 237568)
Resload    2E29000 -  2E306E0 (  30432) at 2E29000  GL=$2EF3000
Slave      2EFC000 -  2EFD340 (   4928) at 2EFC000  BaseMemSize=$80000
ExpMem     2E32000 -  2EF2000 ( 786432) at 2E32000
attn=7F(40,82) fc=-1 kn=11032 cs=FFFB rw=0 zpt=-1 ep=0 ei=0
Exception "Access Fault" ($7008) PC = $2E82268 (ExpMem $50268) Long Write to
$02e82238 move.l       (-$346e,a4),-(a7)              ;$00015148 $02e85bd2
$02e8223c jsr          (-$7d76,a4)                    ;$00010840
$02e82240 addq.w       #8,a7
$02e82242 unlk         a5
$02e82244 rts
$02e82246 link         a5,#0
$02e8224a move.l       ($e,a5),d0                     ;$02e85be0
$02e8224e lsr.l        #1,d0
$02e82250 move.l       d0,($e,a5)                     ;$02e85be0
$02e82254 move.l       #$dff0a0,a0
$02e8225a clr.l        d0
$02e8225c move.w       ($12,a5),d0                    ;$02e85be4
$02e82260 lsl.w        #4,d0
$02e82262 move.l       (8,a5),(0,a0,d0.w)             ;$02e85bda $00dfc3a0
$02e82268 move.w       ($c,a5),(6,a0,d0.w)            ;$02e85bde $00dfc3a6
$02e8226e move.w       ($10,a5),(4,a0,d0.w)           ;$02e85be2 $00dfc3a4
$02e82274 move.w       ($14,a5),(8,a0,d0.w)           ;$02e85be6 $00dfc3a8
$02e8227a lsr.w        #4,d0
$02e8227c move.w       #$8200,d1
$02e82280 bset         d0,d1
$02e82282 move.w       d1,($dff096)
$02e82288 unlk         a5
$02e8228a rts
$02e8228c link         a5,#0
$02e82290 move.l       #$dff0a0,a0
$02e82296 clr.l        d0
$02e82298 move.w       (8,a5),d0                      ;$02e85bda
$02e8229c lsl.w        #4,d0
$02e8229e move.l       (-$346e,a4),(0,a0,d0.w)        ;$00015148 $00dfc3a0
exception stackframe:
$02EF1FC4 001002E8 22687008 02E85B5E 04810001 00810001 00DFC3A0 00DFC3A0 0002BD28
$02EF1FE4 00DFC3A0 0002BD28 FFFFFFFE 02E85BB6 00005000 000002E7 E278006C
regular stack:
$02E85BD2 02E85BEA 02E8F56E 0002BD28 01C20000 012B7D30 001E7D30 02E85D92 02E8E174
$02E85BF2 00000028 00000000 02E8DF28 00000000 02E98430 02E98DF8 02E98EB0 02E98948
$02E85C12 02E98350 02E983D0 02E865F8 02E86078 02E863C8 02E5329A 02E86078 02E865F8
$02E85C32 00000000 02E85F48 00000000 02E86078 02E865F8 02E85F48 02E865F8 02E33854
$02E85C52 02E55AFE 02E7596E 02E533EE 02E865F8 02E55B4E 02E7596E 02E502E3 7A6C0000
  ----0---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7----
Dx     D300        28        3F        65  FFFF0002         0         0         0
Ax   DFF0A0   2E8F528   2E8DF28   2E98ED0     185B6   2E85BD2   2E73E1E
                 TTSM III   XNZVC
PC= 2E82268  SR %0000000000010000  USP=2E85BD2  ISP=2EF1FC4  MSP=7F800
VBR=2EF4000  SFC=5  DFC=1  CACR=0  
TC=8000  URP=02E27000  SRP=02E27000  MMUSR=00000000
DTT0=00000000  DTT1=00000000  ITT0=00000000  ITT1=00000000
intena=%0110000001111100 dmacon=%0000001111110111 adkcon=$1100
vposr....A300  vhposr...029E  joy0dat..0103  joy1dat..0000  clxdat...8023  
pot0dat..4300  pot1dat..0000  potinp...5500  serdatr..3800  dskbytr..A000  
deniseid.00F8  hhposr...FF03  
   ciaa:     PI ROPS     ciab:     PI ROPS
 cra=00000000  ta=1BE7<407F    cra=00000000  ta=FFFF<FFFF
     AII ROPS       AII ROPS
 crb=00001000  tb=2F4F<2F4F    crb=10000000  tb=FFFF<FFFF
     10RTWCLO   parallel     DRCCDSOY      M3210HDS
 pra=11111100  prb=10011001      pra=11111111  prb=11111111
       ddra=00000011 ddrb=00000000     ddra=11000000 ddrb=11111111
       event=0006D9  icr=00  sdr=00    event=00013A  icr=04  sdr=00
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem32 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0002908

Stellan (reporter)

Additional info for the report I forgot:

I used NOCACHE to play the game. Without the game exit with an access fault a screen before the tipoff screen. NOAUTOVEC AND NOVBRMOVE didn`t helped.

The access fault that happens (after pressed joybutton at the statium screen) without NOCACHE:

************************* 15-Feb-13 12:11:50 ************************17.1.5206***
Slave='TVSportsBasketball.Slave' (4964 bytes)
ShadowMem 2042D20 - 20C2D20 ( 524288) AbsolutMem 80000 - 80000 ( 0)
Resload 2F05000 - 2F0C6E0 ( 30432) at 2F05000 GL=$2FCF000
Slave 2FD8000 - 2FD9340 ( 4928) at 2FD8000 BaseMemSize=$80000
ExpMem 2F0E000 - 2FCE000 ( 786432) at 2F0E000
attn=7F(40,82) fc=-1 kn=11032 cs=FFFB rw=0 zpt=-1 ep=0 ei=0

Exception "Access Fault" ($7008) PC = $2F71786 (ExpMem $63786) Long Read from

$02f71756 move.l (6,a6),a0 ;$02f7237e
$02f7175a lea ($3e,a6),a1 ;$02f723b6
$02f7175e ext.w d0
$02f71760 move.w d0,d7
$02f71762 mulu #$16,d0
$02f71766 adda.w d0,a1
$02f71768 clr.b (0,a1) ;$02f723f8
$02f7176c cmpi.b #0,(1,a1) ;$02f723f9
$02f71772 beq.b $2f7179c
$02f71774 move.b #3,(0,a1) ;$02f723f8
$02f7177a move.l (4,a1),d0 ;$02f723fc
$02f7177e beq.b $2f71792
$02f71780 movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) ;$02f61d38
$02f71784 move.l d0,a4
$02f71786 move.l (0,a4),a4 ;$670001c4
$02f7178a jsr (0,a4) ;$670001c4
$02f7178e movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ;$02f61d38
$02f71792 move.b #0,(1,a1) ;$02f723f9
$02f71798 clr.b (0,a1) ;$02f723f8
$02f7179c movem.l (a7)+,d0/d7/a0-a1 ;$02f61d38
$02f717a0 rts
$02f717a2 movem.l d1-d2/a0,-(a7) ;$02f61d38
$02f717a6 move.l (6,a6),a0 ;$02f7237e
$02f717aa clr.w ($3c,a6) ;$02f723b4
$02f717ae tst.w d0
$02f717b0 beq.b $2f717da
$02f717b2 moveq #0,d2
$02f717b4 move.w (0,a6),d2 ;$02f72378
$02f717b8 asl.w #8,d2

exception stackframe:
$02FCDFC4 001002F7 17867008 02F61D70 05010001 00010021 670001C4 02F61D38 670001C4
$02FCDFE4 02F50000 00010CA0 00DFF180 02F61D3C 02F4FE1E 000402F5 99FC006C
regular stack:
$02F61D38 670001C4 02F56AF8 00000000 00000000 FFFFFFDD 00000000 00000000 00000003
$02F61D58 02F72BA0 02F723F8 02F72588 02F711C0 000185B6 02F61DC8 02F72378 00000003
$02F61D78 00000000 00000420 00DFF180 02F7174A 02F711C0 02F6AC28 FFFFFFDD 00000000
$02F61D98 00000000 00000000 00DFF180 02F72588 02F711C0 000185B6 02F61DC8 02F4FE1E
$02F61DB8 02F6A914 00000007 02F60E00 02F60E00 02F61DE6 02F6AFBA 02F6D2F8 002E0001

  ----0---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7----
Dx 670001C4 2F56AF8 0 0 FFFFFFDD 0 0 3
Ax 2F72BA0 2F723F8 2F72588 2F711C0 670001C4 2F61DC8 2F72378

                 TTSM III XNZVC
PC= 2F71786 SR %0000000000010000 USP=2F61D38 ISP=2FCDFC4 MSP=7F800
VBR=2FD0000 SFC=5 DFC=1 CACR=80008000
TC=8000 URP=02F03000 SRP=02F03000 MMUSR=00000000
DTT0=00000000 DTT1=00000000 ITT0=00000000 ITT1=00000000

intena=%0110000001111100 dmacon=%0000001111110111 adkcon=$1100
vposr....A300 vhposr...0286 joy0dat..0103 joy1dat..0000 clxdat...8023
pot0dat..0400 pot1dat..0000 potinp...5500 serdatr..3800 dskbytr..A000
deniseid.00F8 hhposr...FF3A
   ciaa: PI ROPS ciab: PI ROPS
 cra=00000000 ta=21FF<21FF cra=00000000 ta=FFFF<FFFF
 crb=00001000 tb=2F4F<2F4F crb=10000000 tb=FFFF<FFFF
     10RTWCLO parallel DRCCDSOY M3210HDS
 pra=11111100 prb=10011000 pra=11111111 prb=11111111
       ddra=00000011 ddrb=00000000 ddra=11000000 ddrb=11111111
       event=00040A icr=00 sdr=00 event=00013A icr=04 sdr=00

ps: What function has Custom1? I isn`t mentioned in the readme.

note ~0002909

Stellan (reporter)

It seems the access fault at pitoff screen depends on which side wins the pitoff. I think it is left side.

note ~0006172

Stellan (reporter)

Reminder. I hope you can reproduce it.

note ~0009059

JOTD (developer)

Last edited: 2020-08-18 15:59

View 2 revisions

thanks for your patience. Yes, I can confirm the bug, when using fastmem, and when left side wins. Fix is on its way.


-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-02-14 18:06 administrator New Issue
2013-02-14 18:06 administrator Status new => assigned
2013-02-14 18:06 administrator Assigned To => JOTD
2013-02-15 12:15 Stellan Note Added: 0002908
2013-02-15 21:38 Stellan Note Added: 0002909
2018-04-29 02:30 Stellan Note Added: 0006172
2020-08-17 22:47 JOTD File Added: TVSportsBasketball.zip
2020-08-18 12:01 JOTD File Deleted: TVSportsBasketball.zip
2020-08-18 12:02 JOTD Status assigned => confirmed
2020-08-18 12:02 JOTD Note Added: 0009059
2020-08-18 15:59 JOTD Note Edited: 0009059 View Revisions
2020-08-18 16:14 JOTD Status confirmed => closed
2020-08-18 16:14 JOTD Resolution open => fixed
+Issue History