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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004322Virocop[WHDLoad Installs Games] AGApublic2020-04-01 20:26
Assigned ToJOTDProject InfoVirocop (Graftgold)
Summary0004322: Unable to select two joysticks for twin stick Team mode in 1.4 slave
Description1.4 version skips the controller detection screen and assigns Mouse to Port 1 regardless of whats plugged in. This makes the second joystick unavailable for selection in a game-mode menu (F1 at title screen).
Steps To ReproduceSlave 1.4: Press F1 at the title screen. Cycle P1 control options with F2 and P2 controls with F3. Notice that Game Ports are predefined as Port1=Mouse Port2=CD32 Pad.

Slave 1.3 doesn't skip controller detection screen, so they can be defined correctly. Make sure to push any direction with both joysticks in order for the game to detect them correctly.
Additional InformationSlave 1.3 works perfectly for me on WinUAE 4.3.0, and I can't reproduce this issue http://mantis.whdload.de/view.php?id=0004093
TagsNo tags attached.
CPU68020 + 68851
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem64 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files


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-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-01-08 01:26 aardvark82 New Issue
2020-03-07 21:53 StingRay Assigned To => JOTD
2020-03-07 21:53 StingRay Status new => assigned
2020-03-08 21:42 JOTD Status assigned => acknowledged
2020-04-01 20:26 JOTD Status acknowledged => closed
2020-04-01 20:26 JOTD Resolution open => fixed
+Issue History