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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001807LordsOfTheRisingSun[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-11-27 17:38
Assigned ToStingRayProject InfoLords of the Rising Sun (Cinemaware)
Summary0001807: Lords of the Rising Sun: Crashes all the time. Sometimes as long as a few
DescriptionInstall: Lords of the Rising Sun (Cinemaware) http://whdload.de/games/LordsOfTheRisingSun.html
GameVersion: The download from Cinemaware web page.
SlaveVersion: 1.2 from 12.10.06

Crashes all the time. Sometimes as long as a few minutes into gameplay but often even before the title screen shows up. The error is usually if not always something to the effect of:
Wxception 'Privilege Violation' ($20) at $9AC8F6 (Task 'input.device', ExpMem $876)
I've tried NOCACHE, NOAUTOVEC, NOVBRMOVE, PAL, NTSC but seen no improvement. WHDLoad works fine for me with most other games.
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem8 MB
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files

related to 0002094closedWepl WHDLoad "privilege violation" at expmem+$8f6 


note ~0000468

haynor666 (reporter)

I tried this with original and works for a while on PAL (but might hangs later) but indeed fails on NTSC version.

note ~0002933

StingRay (developer)

WHDLoad version uses a very strange & dirty approach to bypass the Herndon HLS protection which causes these problems. I have already made a new patch and cracked the HLS protection in a clean way, no crashes anymore! Updated patch will be released after a bit of testing.

note ~0003656

Wepl (manager)

please try the whdload attached to 0002094, it should solve that issue

note ~0003688

Rixa (reporter)

I played for a while with the WHDLoad from that bug and the 1.3-B slave and got no crashes. However, it also worked when using WHDLoad 17.2, so I think StingRays new patch is probably what fixed it.

Either way, looks like the crashes are gone, so the bug can be closed.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator New Issue
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator Status new => assigned
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator Assigned To => JOTD
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator Machine => A1200
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator CPU => 68EC020
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator CPUSpeed => 14
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator ChipSet => AGA
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator GFXCard => None
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator ChipMem => 2 MB
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator FastMem => 8 MB
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator Workbench => Other
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator KickROM => 40 - Kick 3.1
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator KickSoft => None
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator WHDLoad => 16.8
2009-04-10 01:18 administrator imported => yes
2009-04-22 22:10 JOTD Status assigned => acknowledged
2009-04-23 08:42 haynor666 Note Added: 0000468
2013-03-03 17:44 StingRay Note Added: 0002933
2013-03-03 17:44 StingRay Assigned To JOTD => StingRay
2013-03-03 17:44 StingRay Status acknowledged => assigned
2013-12-23 16:52 Wepl Relationship added related to 0002094
2014-01-11 18:27 Wepl Note Added: 0003656
2014-01-25 10:57 Rixa Note Added: 0003688
2017-11-27 17:38 StingRay Status assigned => resolved
2017-11-27 17:38 StingRay Resolution open => fixed
+Issue History