2025-02-15 17:40 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002227MetalMasters[WHDLoad Installs Games] slavepublic2020-03-16 15:39
Assigned ToCFOUProject InfoMetal Masters (Incal Product/Infogrames)
Summary0002227: Accass fault by challange game
DescriptionAfter you battle against a robot and win, you sometimes will be asked for a "Challange" game. If this challange game start and you move your robot following accass fault appear:

Slave version 1.0 (25.11.2001)

************************* 21-Jan-10 17:59:46 ************************16.9.4672***
Slave='MetalMasters.slave' (1360 bytes)
ShadowMem 1ACE538 - 1B4D538 ( 520192) AbsolutMem 7F000 - 80000 ( 4096)
Resload 2F86000 - 2F8ECFC ( 36092) at 2F86000 GL=$2FD1000
Slave 2FDA000 - 2FDA52C ( 1324) at 2FDA000 BaseMemSize=$80000
ExpMem 2F90000 - 2FD0000 ( 262144) at 2F90000
attn=7F(40,82) fc=-1 kn=11032 cs=92B9 rw=0 zpt=-1 ep=0 ei=0

Exception "Access Fault" ($7008) PC = $18884 (Task 'Initial CLI') Byte Read from $742C284E

$00018874 move.l (-4,a5),a6 ;$0002a656
$00018878 move.l (0,a6,d3.l),d2 ;$742c2856
$0001887c add.l d2,(-8,a5) ;$0002a652
$00018880 move.l (-8,a5),a6 ;$0002a652
$00018884 move.b (a6),(-9,a5) ;$742c284e $0002a651
$00018888 move.l ($e,a5),a6 ;$0002a668
$0001888c move.b (-9,a5),d3 ;$0002a651
$00018890 ext.w d3
$00018892 and.w #$3f,d3

exception stackframe:
$0007FFC4 00000001 88847008 0002A67C 05210001 00210001 742C284E 0002A652 742C284E
$0007FFE4 000423FA 00DFF000 00058CE8 0002A6FA 0000221E 00040002 4778006C
regular stack:
$0002A650 0003742C 284E0006 0C380002 A68A0001 88E80006 0C380002 0002A684 0002A682
$0002A670 00000004 00029618 00005D98 0000A8DC 00000040 00300006 00300002 A6B80001
$0002A690 F63E0004 41F80006 0C380000 00020005 0250006E 00700000 00040000 00C50002
$0002A6B0 567E0002 56160000 0002A6DC 0001FC50 0002567E 00050000 00040002 8ADA0001
$0002A6D0 79240005 0000000D 00080004 0002A6FA 00020702 00000001 00000004 0002960A

  ----0---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7----
Dx 0 1 74261C16 8 4 29618 5D98 A8DC
Ax 2C66D 44220 2567E 25616 2C9E6 2A65A 742C284E

                 TTSM III XNZVC
PC= 18884 SR %0000000000000000 USP=2A650 ISP=7FFC4 MSP=7F800
VBR=2FD2000 SFC=5 DFC=5 CACR=80008000
TC=8000 URP=02F84000 SRP=02F84000 MMUSR=00000000
DTT0=00000000 DTT1=00000000 ITT0=00000000 ITT1=00000000

intena=%0110000001101100 dmacon=%0000001111110110 adkcon=$1100
vposr....A300 vhposr...0288 joy0dat..00FC joy1dat..0408 clxdat...8023
pot0dat..6E00 pot1dat..0000 potinp...5500 serdatr..3800 dskbytr..A000
deniseid.00F8 hhposr...FF53
   ciaa: PI ROPS ciab: PI ROPS
 cra=00000000 ta=21FF<21FF cra=00000001 ta=186F<19FF
 crb=00001000 tb=C87E<FFFF crb=10000000 tb=FFFF<FFFF
     10RTWCLO parallel DRCCDSOY M3210HDS
 pra=11111100 prb=10011011 pra=11111111 prb=11111111
       ddra=00000011 ddrb=00000000 ddra=11000000 ddrb=11111111
       event=005DC9 icr=00 sdr=5E event=00013A icr=00 sdr=00
Additional InformationThis behaviour would be nice to change if possible:
You must replace mouse by joystick or deconnect mouse if no you can't select option

So that mouse can connected without problems.
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem32 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
KickSoft40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0001660

Stellan (reporter)

Forgot to mention the game name. :D It is Metal Masters (c) 1990 Incal Product/Infogrames

note ~0006178

Stellan (reporter)

If you can reproduce it, easy to fix?

note ~0007879

CFOU (developer)


fixed with current beta soon released

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-01-21 18:13 Stellan New Issue
2010-01-21 18:13 Stellan Machine => A1200
2010-01-21 18:13 Stellan CPU => 68040
2010-01-21 18:13 Stellan CPUSpeed => 40
2010-01-21 18:13 Stellan ChipSet => AGA
2010-01-21 18:13 Stellan GFXCard => None
2010-01-21 18:13 Stellan ChipMem => 2 MB
2010-01-21 18:13 Stellan FastMem => 32 MB
2010-01-21 18:13 Stellan Workbench => OS 3.1
2010-01-21 18:13 Stellan KickROM => 40 - Kick 3.1
2010-01-21 18:13 Stellan KickSoft => 40 - Kick 3.1
2010-01-21 18:13 Stellan WHDLoad => 16.9
2010-01-21 18:17 Stellan Note Added: 0001660
2010-01-27 19:21 Wepl Project WHDLoad Installs Games => MetalMasters
2010-02-13 18:27 Wepl Status new => assigned
2010-02-13 18:27 Wepl Assigned To => CFOU
2018-04-29 02:40 Stellan Note Added: 0006178
2020-03-16 15:39 CFOU Status assigned => closed
2020-03-16 15:39 CFOU Resolution open => fixed
2020-03-16 15:39 CFOU Note Added: 0007879
+Issue History