2025-01-15 13:28 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002575WHDLoad[All Projects] Generalpublic2012-04-22 22:18
Assigned ToWeplProject InfoHD-Installer for OS-Killer
StatusclosedResolutionno change required 
Product Version16.8 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002575: Dos error #219 (seek failure) on reading "gamename"
DescriptionDos error #219 (seek failure) on reading "gamename"

This error code comes with some games. For no particular reason.

examples: Future wars, kings quest series, defender of the crown,

Additional InformationI've changed the maxtransfer setting to 0x1fe00 (according to different sources the best setting) , formatted the hd (cf card)
Fresh install of WB. but still got the Dos-error #219 (seek failure) on read "gamename" error.
I dont know if it could be the maxtransfer settings. The game curse of enchantia (large file) works with no problem but defender of the crown (small) files gives the Dos 219 error.
Many games worked fine but the ones i really want to play don't.
I have posted on several forums this kind of problem but so far no one can give me a clear solution. And a lot of people dont know what the seek failure actually means.
For example future wars;
Whdload starts normally
Screen goes black
I see a blue workench 1.3 startup screen
after 1 sec WHDloads quits with the error; Dos-error # 219 (seek failure) on reading "delphine"
In this case "delhpine" is located in the data folder of the game future wars.
Should i change something in the startup-sequence?
I have checked the games zipfiles with unzip -t, but it founds no errors or corrupt files.

eab thread: http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=63847
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem4 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.0
KickROM39 - Kick 3.0
Attached Files
  • ? file icon .whdl_filelog (1,184 bytes) 2012-04-13 17:08 -
    ***** 01-Jan-78 16:25:53 ***** FutureWars.slave ***** 16.8.4367 *****
    [GetLen]  size=$    A=    10  name=s/startup-sequence
    [Examine] buf=$566918  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=
    [Examine] buf=$566A70  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=LIBS
    [Examine] buf=$566AB0  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=DEVS
    [Examine] buf=$566AF0  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=FONTS
    [Examine] buf=$566B20  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=C
    [Examine] buf=$566B58  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=L
    [Examine] buf=$566B90  type= 2  size=$    0=     0  rc=0  name=S
    [Examine] buf=$5674B8  type= 0  size=$    0=     0  rc=205  name=system-configuration
    [Examine] buf=$56D528  type=-3  size=$    A=    10  rc=0  name=S/STARTUP-SEQUENCE
    [ReadOff] crc=587D  dest=$ 56D61C  size=$    A=    10  name=S/STARTUP-SEQUENCE  offset=$    0
    [Examine] buf=$56D8C8  type=-3  size=$129E4= 76260  rc=0  name=Delphine
    [ReadOff] crc=D3C4  dest=$ 56D9B8  size=$ 7530= 30000  name=Delphine  offset=$    0
    [ReadOff] crc=9F26  dest=$ 57C410  size=$ 8B10= 35600  name=Delphine  offset=$ 7530
    [ReadOff] crc=91B2  dest=$ 56D9B8  size=$ 29A4= 10660  name=Delphine  offset=$10040
    ? file icon .whdl_filelog (1,184 bytes) 2012-04-13 17:08 +
  • ? file icon .whdl_register (2,677 bytes) 2012-04-13 17:09 -
    ************************* 01-Jan-78 16:25:59 ************************16.8.4367***
    Slave='FutureWars.slave' (4664 bytes)
    ShadowMem   2F2428 -   372428 ( 524288) AbsolutMem    80000 -    80000 (      0)
    Resload     51D3D8 -   525EF4 (  35612) at 51D3D8  GL=$5F6188
    Slave       5FDBA8 -   5FEDBC (   4628) at 5FDBA8
    ExpMem      526000 -   5F6000 ( 851968) at 526000
    attn=33(20,81) fc=-1 kn=21169 cs=AECD rw=0 zpt=-1 ep=0 ei=0
    DOS-Error #219 (seek failure) on reading "Delphine".
    $005fe618 move.l       d7,d0
    $005fe61a move.l       d5,d1
    $005fe61c move.l       (4,a0),a0                      ;$00567508
    $005fe620 jsr          ($4c,a2)                       ;$0051d424
    ›1m$005fe624 move.l       ($14,a4),a0                    ;$0056b5b8
    ›22m$005fe628 move.l       d5,($fc,a0)                    ;$00567600
    $005fe62c move.l       ($104,a0),a0                   ;$00567608
    $005fe630 move.l       ($18,a4),a1                    ;$0056b5bc
    $005fe634 adda.l       d4,a1
    regular stack:
    $00566864 005FE624 0015AE91 00000002 005665E4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    $00566884 00000000 444F5300 00000000 0017FA60 0055A46E 00000258 44483000 00000014
    $005668A4 00000002 00156786 00156BE8 0017F88F 00000000 00000030 00159A1A 00000001
    $005668C4 005665E4 00159A40 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    $005668E4 00159A3B 0000000C 03535953 00000000 00000000 00000006 00000CE0 00000000
      ----0---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7----
    Dx     29A4     10040      29A4       190         0     10040         0      7530
    Ax   567504    56D9B8    51D3D8    159A1A    56B5A4    5665E4    566276
                     TTSM III   XNZVC
    PC=  5FE624›22m  SR %0000000000000000›1m  USP=566864  ISP=5F6000  MSP=7F800
    VBR=5F7188  SFC=5  DFC=5  CACR=0  CAAR=0
    intena=%0110000001101100›22m dmacon=%›1m0000001111110000 adkcon=$1100
    vposr....A300  vhposr...0C23  joy0dat..F0F5  joy1dat..0000  clxdat...8023  
    pot0dat..7500  pot1dat..0000  potinp...5500  serdatr..3800  dskbytr..A000  
    deniseid.00F8  hhposr...FFA9  
       ciaa:     PI ROPS		   ciab:     PI ROPS
    	cra=00000000›22m  ta=21FF<21FF	   cra=›1m00000000  ta=FFFF<FFFF
    	    AII ROPS			    AII ROPS
    	crb=00001000›22m  tb=C87A<FFFF	   crb=›1m10000000  tb=FFFF<FFFF
    	    10RTWCLO	  parallel	    DRCCDSOY      M3210HDS
    	pra=11111100›22m  prb=›1m11111111›22m      pra=›1m11111111›22m  prb=›1m11111111
           ddra=00000011›22m ddrb=›1m00000000›22m     ddra=›1m11000000›22m ddrb=›1m11111111
           event=000053  icr=00  sdr=00    event=00000B  icr=04  sdr=00
    ? file icon .whdl_register (2,677 bytes) 2012-04-13 17:09 +
  • txt file icon listing.txt (2,223 bytes) 2012-04-13 22:37 -
    Mounted disks:
    Unit	  Size	  Used	  Free Full Errs   Status   Name
    RAM:       62K      62       0 100%   0  Read/Write Ram Disk
    DH0:       64M   50181   82873  38%   0  Read/Write Workbench
    DF0:      837K     157    1601   9%   0  Read Only  Amigaexplorer
    DH1:      123M   77977  174021  31%   0  Read/Write HardeSchijf1
    DH2:     1897M  411892 3474954  11%   0  Read/Write HardeSchijf2
    DH3:     1832M   37371 3716419   1%   0  Read/Write HardeSchijf3
    Volumes available:
    Amigaexplorer [Mounted]
    Ram Disk [Mounted]
    HardeSchijf3 [Mounted]
    HardeSchijf2 [Mounted]
    HardeSchijf1 [Mounted]
    Workbench [Mounted]
    Directory "dh2:futurewars/data" on Sunday 01-Jan-78
    VOL.2                         48 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    vol.1                         48 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    texte.dat                   4996 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    superfutur                 43036 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    suite23.dat                90676 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    suite22.dat                43604 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    suite21.dat                63564 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    setpatch                    5088 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    s                            Dir ----rwed Today     21:04:55
    PART04B                   124734 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    PART04                    163105 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    PART03                    214799 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    PART02                    337342 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    part01                    203309 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    moines.dat                 20272 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    mediaval.dat               27016 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    LVDT.DIR                     200 ----rwed Future    18:46:38
    fwars.dat                  73364 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    escalator                  38536 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    endcli                       732 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    dugger.dat                 48676 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    delphine                   73208 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    AUTO00.PRC                   130 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    aliens                     51640 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    add21k                      1836 ----rwed Future    00:00:00
    24 files - 1 directory - 3235 blocks used
    txt file icon listing.txt (2,223 bytes) 2012-04-13 22:37 +
  • ? file icon ..whdl_trace (4,343 bytes) 2012-04-16 00:02 -
    [03-Jan-78 23:25:46.82 5183] started FutureWars.slave 17.1.5183 *****************************
    [03-Jan-78 23:25:46.84 5183] mem delta 4781136
    [03-Jan-78 23:25:46.86 5183] name=expansion memory attr=605 lower= 200020 upper= 600000 free=  3177640
    [03-Jan-78 23:25:46.88 5183] name=     chip memory attr=703 lower=    420 upper= 200000 free=  1603496
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:11.10 5183] restart point
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:11.16 5183] loading kickstart
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.04 5183] dircache start
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.06 5183] using mempool puddle=12000 tresh=241
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.12 5183] t=-3 s=48 xs=48 n=VOL.2
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.16 5183] t=-3 s=48 xs=48 n=vol.1
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.18 5183] t=-3 s=4996 xs=4996 n=texte.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.22 5183] t=-3 s=43036 xs=43036 n=superfutur
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.24 5183] t=-3 s=90676 xs=90676 n=suite23.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.26 5183] t=-3 s=43604 xs=43604 n=suite22.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.28 5183] t=-3 s=63564 xs=63564 n=suite21.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.32 5183] t=-3 s=8140 xs=8140 n=setpatch
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.34 5183] t=2 s=0 xs=0 n=s
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.36 5183] t=-3 s=124734 xs=124734 n=PART04B
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.40 5183] t=-3 s=163105 xs=163105 n=PART04
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.44 5183] t=-3 s=214799 xs=214799 n=PART03
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.46 5183] t=-3 s=337342 xs=337342 n=PART02
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.50 5183] t=-3 s=203309 xs=203309 n=part01
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.52 5183] t=-3 s=20272 xs=20272 n=moines.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.54 5183] t=-3 s=27016 xs=27016 n=mediaval.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.58 5183] t=-3 s=200 xs=200 n=LVDT.DIR
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.60 5183] t=-3 s=73364 xs=73364 n=fwars.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.62 5183] t=-3 s=38536 xs=38536 n=escalator
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.66 5183] t=-3 s=732 xs=732 n=endcli
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.68 5183] t=-3 s=48676 xs=48676 n=dugger.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.70 5183] t=-3 s=76260 xs=76260 n=delphine
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.74 5183] t=-3 s=130 xs=130 n=AUTO00.PRC
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.76 5183] t=-3 s=51640 xs=51640 n=aliens
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.80 5183] t=-3 s=1836 xs=1836 n=add21k
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.82 5183] t=-3 s=16 xs=16 n=startup-sequence
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.84 5183] dirs=1 files=25 min=16 max=337342 avg=65443 sum=1636079 exall=2 pudcnt=1 time=0.80
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.86 5183] filecache start maxmem=1671592
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.88 5183] s=48 n=VOL.2
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.90 5183] s=48 n=vol.1
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.94 5183] s=4996 n=texte.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:12.98 5183] s=43036 n=superfutur
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:13.30 5183] s=90676 n=suite23.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:13.36 5183] s=43604 n=suite22.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:13.42 5183] s=63564 n=suite21.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:13.46 5183] s=5088 n=setpatch
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:13.48 5183] s=16 n=s/startup-sequence
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:13.58 5183] s=124734 n=PART04B
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:13.92 5183] s=163105 n=PART04
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:14.08 5183] s=214799 n=PART03
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:14.76 5183] s=337342 n=PART02
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:14.90 5183] s=203309 n=part01
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:14.96 5183] s=20272 n=moines.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:15.00 5183] s=27016 n=mediaval.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:15.04 5183] s=200 n=LVDT.DIR
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:15.10 5183] s=73364 n=fwars.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:15.16 5183] s=38536 n=escalator
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:16.16 5183] s=732 n=endcli
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:16.46 5183] s=48676 n=dugger.dat
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:16.52 5183] s=73208 n=delphine
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:16.56 5183] s=130 n=AUTO00.PRC
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:16.60 5183] s=51640 n=aliens
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:16.64 5183] s=1836 n=add21k
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:16.66 5183] preload size = 1680975
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:16.68 5183] files=25 min=16 max=337342 avg=65199 sum=1629975 exall=0 pudcnt=0 time=3.82
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:16.92 5183] no CDTV detected
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:17.42 5183] resload start
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:17.46 5183] resload end
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:17.52 5183] no CDTV detected
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:20.00 5183] clock restored
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:20.02 5183] dircache clearing
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:20.04 5183] filecache clearing
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:20.06 5183] caches cleared
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:23.22 5183] check restart
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:23.24 5183] exit
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:23.26 5183] mem delta -512
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:23.28 5183] name=expansion memory attr=605 lower= 200020 upper= 600000 free=  3176864
    [03-Jan-78 23:26:23.30 5183] name=     chip memory attr=703 lower=    420 upper= 200000 free=  1603496
    ? file icon ..whdl_trace (4,343 bytes) 2012-04-16 00:02 +
  • ? file icon ...whdl_trace (3,206 bytes) 2012-04-17 00:29 -
    [04-Jan-78 23:55:54.60 5189] started FutureWars.slave 17.1.5189 *****************************
    [04-Jan-78 23:55:54.84 5189] mem delta 4798448
    [04-Jan-78 23:55:55.32 5189] name=expansion memory attr=605 lower= 200020 upper= 600000 free=  3192024
    [04-Jan-78 23:55:55.36 5189] name=     chip memory attr=703 lower=    420 upper= 200000 free=  1605616
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:19.82 5189] restart point
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:19.86 5189] loading kickstart
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:20.72 5189] dircache start
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:20.74 5189] using mempool puddle=12000 tresh=241
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:20.80 5189] t=-3 s=48 xs=48 n=VOL.2
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:20.82 5189] t=-3 s=48 xs=48 n=vol.1
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:20.86 5189] t=-3 s=4996 xs=4996 n=texte.dat
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:20.90 5189] t=-3 s=43036 xs=43036 n=superfutur
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:20.92 5189] t=-3 s=90676 xs=90676 n=suite23.dat
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:20.94 5189] t=-3 s=43604 xs=43604 n=suite22.dat
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:20.98 5189] t=-3 s=63564 xs=63564 n=suite21.dat
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.00 5189] t=-3 s=8140 xs=8140 n=setpatch
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.02 5189] t=2 s=0 xs=0 n=s
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.04 5189] t=-3 s=124734 xs=124734 n=PART04B
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.08 5189] t=-3 s=163105 xs=163105 n=PART04
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.12 5189] t=-3 s=214799 xs=214799 n=PART03
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.16 5189] t=-3 s=337342 xs=337342 n=PART02
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.18 5189] t=-3 s=203309 xs=203309 n=part01
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.20 5189] t=-3 s=20272 xs=20272 n=moines.dat
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.24 5189] t=-3 s=27016 xs=27016 n=mediaval.dat
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.26 5189] t=-3 s=200 xs=200 n=LVDT.DIR
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.28 5189] t=-3 s=73364 xs=73364 n=fwars.dat
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.32 5189] t=-3 s=38536 xs=38536 n=escalator
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.34 5189] t=-3 s=732 xs=732 n=endcli
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.36 5189] t=-3 s=48676 xs=48676 n=dugger.dat
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.40 5189] t=-3 s=76260 xs=76260 n=delphine
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.42 5189] t=-3 s=130 xs=130 n=AUTO00.PRC
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.46 5189] t=-3 s=51640 xs=51640 n=aliens
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.48 5189] t=-3 s=1836 xs=1836 n=add21k
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.74 5189] t=-3 s=16 xs=16 n=startup-sequence
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.76 5189] dirs=1 files=25 min=16 max=337342 avg=65443 sum=1636079 exall=2 pudcnt=1 time=1.02
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.78 5189] filecache start maxmem=1727848
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.80 5189] s=48 n=VOL.2
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.82 5189] s=48 n=vol.1
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:21.86 5189] s=4996 n=texte.dat
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:22.40 5189] s=43036 n=superfutur
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:22.48 5189] s=90676 n=suite23.dat
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:22.52 5189] s=43604 n=suite22.dat
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:22.58 5189] s=63564 n=suite21.dat
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:22.62 5189] s=5088 n=setpatch
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:28.80 5189] files=8 min=48 max=90676 avg=31382 sum=251060 exall=0 pudcnt=0 time=7.02
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:28.82 5189] dircache clearing
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:28.84 5189] filecache clearing
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:29.10 5189] check restart
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:29.12 5189] exit
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:29.16 5189] mem delta -984
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:29.18 5189] name=expansion memory attr=605 lower= 200020 upper= 600000 free=  3191584
    [04-Jan-78 23:56:29.20 5189] name=     chip memory attr=703 lower=    420 upper= 200000 free=  1605616
    ? file icon ...whdl_trace (3,206 bytes) 2012-04-17 00:29 +
  • ? file icon ffs4516.lha (16,769 bytes) 2012-04-17 20:32



note ~0002655

Wepl (manager)

please set option FILELOG and make a coredump when the #219 appears, then attach the files .whdl_register and .whdl_filelog to this issue
with that I can probably see if your game files are corrupt

note ~0002656

acspo (reporter)

where do i set the option Filelog? Is this a tooltype?

note ~0002657

Wepl (manager)

yes, http://whdload.de/docs/en/opt.html

note ~0002658

acspo (reporter)

ok done

note ~0002659

Wepl (manager)

your whdload version is very old, please retry with the latest one: http://whdload.de/whdload/whd171.lha
also delete your pirated whdload keyfile

which future wars is that? I don't have it and therefore cannot compare the loading sequence. did you install it from a crack?

note ~0002660

acspo (reporter)

Ok i am going to update it. As for the keyfile, didnt know that , i've buyed this amiga with everything preinstalled on it.

How do i buy a new key ?

The future wars version is;


note ~0002661

acspo (reporter)

preinstalled file from

note ~0002662

Wepl (manager)

already the filesize of the file delphine seems to be wrong, whdload reports:
[Examine] buf=$56D8C8 type=-3 size=$129E4= 76260 rc=0 name=Delphine
in your log, but on my system the file has a size of 73208 which is the same size contained in the archive on whdownload:
    73208 11-26-78 14:48 FutureWars/data/delphine
so it seems to me that the files on your hd are broken
check this file on your hd....

note ~0002663

acspo (reporter)

Ok. The first thing i did was buying a valid key. :-)

I installed the new whdload version on my Amiga.

But still got the same prob.

I checked the filesize of delphine and it is also 73208 and not 76260

note ~0002664

Wepl (manager)

Last edited: 2012-04-13 21:29

View 2 revisions

Which Kickstart and OS do you use?

What returns:
 version DRIVE:
where DRIVE is the partition where future wars is installed

Please boot without startup-sequence and start the game from the initial CLI:
 cd where:game/is
 whdload futurewars.slave preload

note ~0002665

acspo (reporter)

Kickstart version 39.106 Workbench version 39.29

I've tried it without the startup-sequence from the initial CLI but still getting the same error. Also tried it withoud the preload addition

note ~0002666

Wepl (manager)

What returns:
 version DRIVE:
where DRIVE is the partition where future wars is installed?

note ~0002667

acspo (reporter)

do you mean which drive? , that is DH2:

note ~0002668

Wepl (manager)

in the cli enter:
version dh2:

note ~0002669

acspo (reporter)

filesystem 39.27

note ~0002671

Wepl (manager)

Last edited: 2012-04-13 22:10

View 2 revisions

maybe it's a bug in the filesystem, but then I would have expected more reports like this.
the filesystem could be updated, but I'm not sure if the latest one works with kick3.0, maybe it requires kick3.1

can you please post a 'list' on the data directory of future wars?

please also a 'info'

note ~0002672

acspo (reporter)

In hd toolbox i see;

 File systems on scsi

identifier: 0x444f5301
version: 40.1
size: 24588
File system name : Fast file system

so the filesystem data in hdtoolbox is not the same as i get from the command in the cli .. 39.7. Maybe a wrong setting?

working now on the data directory list ,

note ~0002673

acspo (reporter)

Last edited: 2012-04-13 22:29

View 2 revisions

ok i uploaded a screencapture of the data dir

edit: and also an info file

note ~0002674

Wepl (manager)

please enter a cli/shell on the amiga, type the following commands and attach the created file ram:listing.txt

info >ram:listing.txt
list dh2:directory/where/futurewars/data >>ram:listing.txt

note ~0002675

acspo (reporter)

Ah.. done :-)

note ~0002678

Wepl (manager)

please use the latest whdload from here http://whdload.de/whdload/whd171.lha
set option TRACE und run future wars
this will create a file .whdl_trace
please attach this here

note ~0002679

acspo (reporter)

ok done

note ~0002680

Wepl (manager)

you haven't used the latest http://whdload.de/whdload/whd171.lha
please redo

note ~0002682

acspo (reporter)


note ~0002683

Wepl (manager)

it seems your filesystem is not working correct
I have added in an additional check to WHDLoad for this problem, please try the new http://whdload.de/whdload/whd171.lha
should give an error requester now

note ~0002684

acspo (reporter)

Last edited: 2012-04-16 22:35

View 2 revisions

indeed it does

Mismatching filesize during data load on file setpatch
size dircache=8140=$1fcc filecache=5088=$13eo
maybe dos.ExAll working unstable try updating filesystem

note ~0002685

acspo (reporter)

But then... how and to what filesystem?

note ~0002686

acspo (reporter)

Last edited: 2012-04-16 22:42

View 2 revisions

In hd toolbox i see;

 File systems on scsi

identifier: 0x444f5301
version: 40.1
size: 24588
File system name : Fast file system

so the filesystem data in hdtoolbox is not the same as i get from the command in the cli .. 39.27. Maybe a wrong setting?

note ~0002687

Wepl (manager)

Last edited: 2012-04-17 00:14

View 2 revisions

first, can you please make another test and copy the game from dh2: to dh1:, e.g. from the workbench via drag & drop?
would be interesting if the same file fails. please use option TRACE and attach the .whdl_trace, I like to see if the order of files is different.

that the filesystem version in the rdb (hdtoolbox) is different from what 'version dh2:' displays is strange.
version 40.1 would be from kick/wb31.
I don't know if there are requirements regarding the kickstart version for newer fastfilesystems.
the next test could be to update the filesystem in the rdb.
what gives the command 'version L:fastfilesystem'?

note ~0002688

acspo (reporter)

file uploaded.

I bought this amiga 1200 from the internet. Maybe this cf card was used before in a Kick/Wb3.1 environment.

version L:fastfilesystem gives ; object not found

note ~0002689

Wepl (manager)

Last edited: 2012-04-17 16:52

View 2 revisions

I'm not sure if the newer fastfilesystem's do require kickstart 3.1 but would recommend that you try it by installing one of them into your rdb using hdtoolbox. Make sure you have a floppy disk with hdtoolbox to be able to revert this.

links to patches can be found here http://aminet.net/util/misc/FFS4516p.lha and http://aminet.net/disk/misc/ffstd64.lha
but you need a fastfilesystem as source.

this http://os.amigaworld.de/download.php?id=28 is older but is ready for install, but is beta which is expired see http://thomas-rapp.homepage.t-online.de/bighdd/index.html

note ~0002690

acspo (reporter)

Last edited: 2012-04-17 18:39

View 2 revisions

hm. the ffs4516p mentioned in readmefile Unofficial path for the v45 fastfilesystem (os 3.5/3.9)

so that one dont work

The version ffstd64 seems to update the 4.0 but needs o use a shell line to patch it , but need in L: fastfilesystem 40.1.

WHen i check L: i can only find L:Filesystem_trans. Within it 2 files named;

DANSK.crossdos and INTL.crossdoss

Also in L; CrossDOSFilesystem.

could this be the problem?

note ~0002691

acspo (reporter)

in Hdtoolbox/update filesystem/enter filename or filesystem is now written L;fastfilesystem. As i dont have an file named Fastfilesystem in L: Is it an idea to change this in L: CrossDosFilesystem?

note ~0002692

Wepl (manager)

Last edited: 2012-04-17 20:39

View 2 revisions

I attached ffs 45.16. Copy it to L: and the install it in the RDB using hdtoolbox.

Maybe the 40.1 already in the RDB is not used because it requires kickstart 3.1 and therefore the ffs which is contained in your kickstart 3.0 is used. This would explain why 'version dh2:' shows 39.1. In that case updating to 46.16 may change nothing. So check afterwards with 'version dh2:'.

Did you copy to dh1: and test?

note ~0002693

acspo (reporter)

yes i did copy the game to dh1: and with the same error , i uploaded the new ...whd_trace file.

do i have to install ffs 45.16 already to all partitions?

note ~0002694

Wepl (manager)

There is one RDB per disk in front of all partitions. So you cannot install the FFS to any partition.

note ~0002696

acspo (reporter)

ehh , tought i know how to install the ffs into the rdb but now i am lost.
Where and how in hdtoolbox do i install?

Got a error when extracting the ffs4516.lha filee:

error on file 'fastfilesystem' unknown cpmpression
WARNING: skipping corrupt/extraneous dtata

note ~0002697

Wepl (manager)

I used lha v2. Please unpack with http://aminet.net/util/arc/lha_68k.lha

note ~0002698

acspo (reporter)

ok i have unpacked the file now, I have the fastfilesystem in the L: dir.

But now how do i install it in the RDB? I cant find such a feature in HD toolbox.

note ~0002699

Wepl (manager)


note ~0002700

acspo (reporter)

ok , done. In Hd toolbox it says now version 45.16 fastfilesystem

when i type version dh2: it stil say's version 39.27

Tried to run future wars but same error


note ~0002701

acspo (reporter)

Last edited: 2012-04-17 23:10

View 2 revisions

hmm, i have changed the filesystem from custom filesystem to fastfilesystem at partition dh3: (with the correct maxtransfersetting)
then when i 'type' version dh3: its says version 45.16

When i changed all the other partitions this way Hdtoolbox says that it will destroy all data on the dh0 dh1 and dh2 partitions.

I am backing up all the most important files now.

What you say, lets try this? (guess it will be a new and fresh install of workbench then)

note ~0002702

Wepl (manager)

maybe your ffs in the rdb has the wrong dos type?
if dh3: is 45.16 now so copy the game to that partition and try.

note ~0002703

acspo (reporter)

same problem...

note ~0002704

Wepl (manager)

hmm, you could try sfs http://strohmayer.org/ instead
this is overall strange
did you try to reformat one of the partitions? e.g. dh3:
did you try a fresh extract from the game archive from whdownload?

note ~0002705

acspo (reporter)

o my......

note ~0002706

acspo (reporter)

future wars ... without ... error
Installed the filesystem you linked from strohmayer

clean wbinstall (and formatting all the drives)

by mistake also the backups (argh)

tommorow i am going to put some of those games listed back on amiga.

I am awaiting a cf card and adapter

the transfer with a null modem cable will take ages.

To be continued...... cant believe it.... :-)

Which report should i make so you can see whats different?

note ~0002707

acspo (reporter)

Last edited: 2012-04-19 16:16

View 4 revisions

Ok , I get no errors anymore :-)

Many many many thanks for your patience and support!

so far i did:

I have Installed the Smartdrivesystem •1.279 in the rdb + placed file in L: dir

format al the partitions + clean wb and whdload install

fresh new game downloads

version dh2: is 39.27

Shall i make a trace or filelog so you can compare it with the old system?

I am soooo happy !

note ~0002708

Wepl (manager)

so you solved the problem by replacing the ffs with sfs, correct?

note ~0002709

acspo (reporter)


-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-04-13 11:54 acspo New Issue
2012-04-13 15:34 Wepl Assigned To => Wepl
2012-04-13 15:34 Wepl Status new => assigned
2012-04-13 15:36 Wepl Note Added: 0002655
2012-04-13 15:46 acspo Note Added: 0002656
2012-04-13 17:05 Wepl Note Added: 0002657
2012-04-13 17:08 acspo File Added: .whdl_filelog
2012-04-13 17:09 acspo File Added: .whdl_register
2012-04-13 17:09 acspo Note Added: 0002658
2012-04-13 17:58 Wepl Note Added: 0002659
2012-04-13 18:20 acspo Note Added: 0002660
2012-04-13 18:41 acspo Note Added: 0002661
2012-04-13 19:18 Wepl Note Added: 0002662
2012-04-13 20:51 acspo Note Added: 0002663
2012-04-13 21:20 Wepl Note Added: 0002664
2012-04-13 21:29 Wepl Note Edited: 0002664 View Revisions
2012-04-13 21:31 acspo Note Added: 0002665
2012-04-13 21:32 Wepl Note Added: 0002666
2012-04-13 21:37 acspo Note Added: 0002667
2012-04-13 21:38 Wepl Note Added: 0002668
2012-04-13 21:48 acspo Note Added: 0002669
2012-04-13 22:09 Wepl Note Added: 0002671
2012-04-13 22:10 Wepl Note Edited: 0002671 View Revisions
2012-04-13 22:19 acspo Note Added: 0002672
2012-04-13 22:24 acspo File Added: datadir.JPG
2012-04-13 22:26 acspo Note Added: 0002673
2012-04-13 22:29 acspo File Added: FutureWars.info
2012-04-13 22:29 acspo Note Edited: 0002673 View Revisions
2012-04-13 22:30 Wepl Note Added: 0002674
2012-04-13 22:37 acspo File Added: listing.txt
2012-04-13 22:37 acspo Note Added: 0002675
2012-04-13 22:41 Wepl File Deleted: datadir.JPG
2012-04-13 22:41 Wepl File Deleted: FutureWars.info
2012-04-15 22:36 Wepl Note Added: 0002678
2012-04-15 23:29 acspo File Added: .whdl_trace
2012-04-15 23:29 acspo Note Added: 0002679
2012-04-15 23:36 Wepl Note Added: 0002680
2012-04-16 00:02 acspo File Added: ..whdl_trace
2012-04-16 00:03 acspo Note Added: 0002682
2012-04-16 16:55 Wepl File Deleted: .whdl_trace
2012-04-16 22:04 Wepl Note Added: 0002683
2012-04-16 22:30 acspo Note Added: 0002684
2012-04-16 22:35 acspo Note Edited: 0002684 View Revisions
2012-04-16 22:37 acspo Note Added: 0002685
2012-04-16 22:40 acspo Note Added: 0002686
2012-04-16 22:42 acspo Note Edited: 0002686 View Revisions
2012-04-17 00:14 Wepl Note Added: 0002687
2012-04-17 00:14 Wepl Note Edited: 0002687 View Revisions
2012-04-17 00:29 acspo File Added: ...whdl_trace
2012-04-17 00:32 acspo Note Added: 0002688
2012-04-17 16:50 Wepl Note Added: 0002689
2012-04-17 16:52 Wepl Note Edited: 0002689 View Revisions
2012-04-17 17:21 acspo Note Added: 0002690
2012-04-17 18:39 acspo Note Edited: 0002690 View Revisions
2012-04-17 19:59 acspo Note Added: 0002691
2012-04-17 20:32 Wepl File Added: ffs4516.lha
2012-04-17 20:38 Wepl Note Added: 0002692
2012-04-17 20:39 Wepl Note Edited: 0002692 View Revisions
2012-04-17 20:43 acspo Note Added: 0002693
2012-04-17 20:48 Wepl Note Added: 0002694
2012-04-17 20:57 acspo Note Added: 0002696
2012-04-17 21:40 Wepl Note Added: 0002697
2012-04-17 22:02 acspo Note Added: 0002698
2012-04-17 22:12 Wepl Note Added: 0002699
2012-04-17 22:32 acspo Note Added: 0002700
2012-04-17 23:10 acspo Note Added: 0002701
2012-04-17 23:10 acspo Note Edited: 0002701 View Revisions
2012-04-17 23:19 Wepl Note Added: 0002702
2012-04-17 23:21 acspo Note Added: 0002703
2012-04-17 23:36 Wepl Note Added: 0002704
2012-04-18 01:18 acspo Note Added: 0002705
2012-04-18 01:23 acspo Note Added: 0002706
2012-04-18 23:38 acspo Note Added: 0002707
2012-04-19 13:21 acspo Note Edited: 0002707 View Revisions
2012-04-19 13:22 acspo Note Edited: 0002707 View Revisions
2012-04-19 15:20 Wepl Note Added: 0002708
2012-04-19 16:16 acspo Note Edited: 0002707 View Revisions
2012-04-19 16:17 acspo Note Added: 0002709
2012-04-22 22:11 Wepl Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2012-04-22 22:18 Wepl Status assigned => closed
2012-04-22 22:18 Wepl Resolution open => no change required
+Issue History