2025-02-18 20:38 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003622LotusEspritTC[WHDLoad Installs Games] slavepublic2023-05-25 09:21
Assigned ToCFOUProject InfoLotus Esprit Turbo Challenge (Gremlin)
Summary0003622: WHDLoad reports error when trying to run Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
DescriptionError when trying to run Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge.
I have a retail floppy disk of Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge as part of the Lotus Trilogy boxed set. Using Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge installer version 1.1. Install process seems to work fine but as soon as I try to run the game I get the following error:

Function 'resload_DiskLoad' called with unacceptable arguments A0 = $42790007
PC = $BDFD7F4 (Slave $2D4).

Floppy disk is in great condition, has no errors and has been thoroughly tested as working.

I have attached dump. Let me know if there is any other info required.
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem64 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM39 - Kick 3.0
Attached Files
  • ? file icon .whdl_register (3,656 bytes) 2017-01-26 08:42 -
    ************************* 04-Sep-95 12:14:53 ************************18.3.5793***
    Slave='LotusEspritTC.Slave' (5500 bytes)
    ShadowMem  807B7F0 -  80BE7F0 ( 274432) AbsolutMem    43000 -    80000 ( 249856)
    Resload    BDED860 -  BDF3EF4 (  26260) at BDED860  GL=$BDF5640
    Slave      BDFD520 -  BDFEA78 (   5464) at BDFD520  BaseMemSize=$80000
    ExpMem     BDF4000 -  BDF5000 (   4096) at BDF4000
    attn=3(20) fc=-1 kn=25350 cs=918E rw=0 zpt=-1 ep=0 ei=0
    Function 'resload_DiskLoad' called with unacceptable arguments A0 = $42790007 
    PC = $BDFD7F4 (Slave $2D4).
    $0bdfd7a8 move.l       (a7)+,d0                       ;$0bdf47cc
    $0bdfd7aa rts
    $0bdfd7ac move.b       #$c0,($bfd200)
    $0bdfd7b4 move.b       #$ff,($bfd300)
    $0bdfd7bc move.b       #3,($bfe201)
    $0bdfd7c4 move.b       #0,($bfee01)
    $0bdfd7cc move.b       #$88,($bfed01)
    $0bdfd7d4 move.b       #$ff,($bfd100)
    $0bdfd7dc rts
    $0bdfd7de movem.l      d0-d4/a0-a2,-(a7)              ;$0bdf47cc
    $0bdfd7e2 subi.l       #$3000,d0
    $0bdfd7e8 move.l       ($bdfd7fc,pc),d2
    $0bdfd7ec move.l       ($bdfea2c,pc),a2
    $0bdfd7f0 jsr          ($28,a2)                       ;$0bded888
    ›1m$0bdfd7f4 movem.l      (a7)+,d0-d4/a0-a2              ;$0bdf47cc
    ›22m$0bdfd7f8 moveq        #0,d0
    $0bdfd7fa rts
    $0bdfd7fc ori.b        #1,d0
    $0bdfd800 move.l       #$4e714e75,(0,a6)              ;$00dff000
    $0bdfd808 move.l       #$4e714e75,(4,a6)              ;$00dff004
    $0bdfd810 move.l       #$600000f6,(8,a6)              ;$00dff008
    $0bdfd818 move.l       #$4e714e75,($c,a6)             ;$00dff00c
    $0bdfd820 move.l       #$4e714e75,($10,a6)            ;$00dff010
    $0bdfd828 pea          ($bdfd8b8,pc)
    $0bdfd82c move.w       #$4ef9,($100,a6)               ;$00dff100
    $0bdfd832 move.l       (a7)+,($102,a6)                ;$0bdf47cc $00dff102
    $0bdfd836 pea          ($bdfd8ce,pc)
    $0bdfd83a move.w       #$4ef9,($110,a6)               ;$00dff110
    $0bdfd840 move.l       (a7)+,($112,a6)                ;$0bdf47cc $00dff112
    regular stack:
    $0BDF47CC 0BDFD7F4 00003508 0000DCF8 00000001 D3D3D3D3 D4D4D4D4 42790007 000002C4
    $0BDF47EC 000006C8 0BDFD8D2 0BDFD9AC 0BDFD672 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    $0BDF480C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    $0BDF482C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    $0BDF484C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
      ----0---- ----1---- ----2---- ----3---- ----4---- ----5---- ----6---- ----7----
    Dx      508      DCF8         1  D3D3D3D3  D4D4D4D4  D5D5D5D5  D6D6D6D6  D7D7D7D7
    Ax 42790007       2C4   BDED860  A3A3A3A3         0    BFD000    DFF000
                     TTSM III   XNZVC
    PC= BDFD7F4›22m  SR %0000000000000000›1m  USP=BDF47CC  ISP=BDF4FFC  MSP=7F800
    VBR=BDF6640  SFC=5  DFC=5  CACR=0  CAAR=0
    intena=%0000000000000000›22m dmacon=%›1m0010001100010000 adkcon=$1100
    vposr....A300  vhposr...026D  joy0dat..0203  joy1dat..0000  clxdat...8001  
    pot0dat..1079  pot1dat..0000  potinp...5500  serdatr..3800  dskbytr..8000  
    deniseid.00F8  hhposr...FFA4  
       ciaa:     PI ROPS		   ciab:     PI ROPS
    	cra=00000000›22m  ta=21FF<21FF	   cra=›1m00000000  ta=FFFF<FFFF
    	    AII ROPS			    AII ROPS
    	crb=00000000›22m  tb=21FF<21FF	   crb=›1m00000000  tb=FFFF<FFFF
    	    10RTWCLO	  parallel	    DRCCDSOY      M3210HDS
    	pra=11111100›22m  prb=›1m11111111›22m      pra=›1m11111111›22m  prb=›1m11111111
           ddra=00000011›22m ddrb=›1m00000000›22m     ddra=›1m11000000›22m ddrb=›1m11111111
           event=000005  icr=00  sdr=00    event=00061D  icr=00  sdr=00
    ? file icon .whdl_register (3,656 bytes) 2017-01-26 08:42 +



note ~0010351

CFOU (developer)

Last edited: 2021-05-25 16:08

View 2 revisions

to verify (+package to update+add source+remove registered user limitation)

note ~0012356

sean_skroht (reporter)

Just wondering how the progress was going on this and if there was anything further you required for the bug report. As mentioned, the original floppy disk is from the Lotus Trilogy box set.

note ~0012533

CFOU (developer)

indeed to do...

note ~0012534

CFOU (developer)

can you verify with last WHDLOAD version?

I can not reproduct it with CD32 disk image...

note ~0012535

CFOU (developer)

can you post your installed version (In EAB's TheZone by example)?

note ~0012540

Dennis50300 (reporter)


you use "Cache" or "NoCache" ?
Ist your fastram expansion really stable with your amiga, 64mb, only fastram or Accelerator ?

note ~0012845

sean_skroht (reporter)

Sorry for the delay. Notification emails for this were going to junk and didn't see them.

I have tried both Cache and NoCache.
CFOU I have uploaded myLotus Esprit WHDLoad install to the Zone on EAB.

Thanks mate.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-01-26 08:42 sean_skroht New Issue
2017-01-26 08:42 sean_skroht File Added: .whdl_register
2017-04-10 22:44 JOTD Assigned To => Wepl
2017-04-10 22:44 JOTD Status new => assigned
2021-05-25 16:04 CFOU Assigned To Wepl => CFOU
2021-05-25 16:05 CFOU Note Added: 0010351
2021-05-25 16:08 CFOU Note Edited: 0010351 View Revisions
2023-01-23 21:27 sean_skroht Note Added: 0012356
2023-03-20 11:04 CFOU Note Added: 0012533
2023-03-20 12:35 CFOU Note Added: 0012534
2023-03-20 12:36 CFOU Note Added: 0012535
2023-03-20 22:24 Dennis50300 Note Added: 0012540
2023-05-25 09:21 sean_skroht Note Added: 0012845
+Issue History