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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003948ShadowFighter[WHDLoad Installs Games] slavepublic2022-01-18 22:34
Assigned ToPsygoreProject InfoShadow Fighter (N.A.P.S Team/Gremlin)
Summary0003948: Shadow Fighter OCS - Highscore corrupts Disk Image !
DescriptionIf you get more than 22000 points wich isnĀ“t too hard, the Highscore will be saved into the 1 Disk Image and it corrups the highscore/disc image. Everytime after the highscore is saved for the first time only scrambled symbols and graphic glitches will shown in the highscore screen :(

Besides that. Electra has a graphic glitch in her stage (the train stage). Everytime the train is in the background , she (ELECTRA) hast a graphic glitch when she blocks !

The Quote "YOU WIN" or "YOU LOSE" could be removed to get rid of the graphic glitch if a charcter pose reches into the font "you Win/loose"

A Button wait for the stats in the VS Screen would also be nice .

Thanks, Nibbler
Steps To ReproducePlay the game (OCS) and get more than 22000 points to get the get the chance to save the highscore. this corrups the highscores forever with graphic glitches and also corrups the Disk image.
Additional Informationunbelievable that no one testet the 16 bit version for the highscore save option and other glitches. Only 1.0 exists :(
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem9,5 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0006333

Nibbler (reporter)

No, the 1 Disk Image get not corruped, its the HIGHSCORE FILE that gets corruped. (sorry) but still :(

note ~0006339

Nibbler (reporter)

Thank you Psygore.

BTW. The graphic glitch with the character ELECTRA happends always when she blocks. It dosent matter if the Train is in the background. Look at her when she blocks, a part of her belly will be transparent in the Block animation/frame. That dosent happend in the original Disk Version.

Its time to get rid of those bugs, its such a long time ....

Thank you so much Psygore.

Greetings, Nibbler

note ~0006340

Psygore (developer)

Thanks for your report Nibbler.

I have already fixed the hiscores bug and added a delay in characters screen info.

Could you try to run the game:
1. with NOCACHE option
2. with EXPCHIP option
Pls tell me if the gfx glitch with Electra is gone or not.

note ~0006341

Nibbler (reporter)

Hi Psygore \o/

You mean, running the game like it is ? Sure.. give me 20 minutes. I report back.

note ~0006342

Nibbler (reporter)

ok, i am back ;)

EXPCHIP gets rid of the ELECTRA Block glitch. Maybe include that in the standard tooltypes or you do it via slave.

You already did the Highcore fix, so thats great !

There would be a few nice features to have like a
BUTTONWAIT for those Stats in the VS SCreen. (Nothing major i know, but still)

;And is there a way to get rid of those slight glitches when a charcter reaches the line YOU WIN !! Things get yellow. try Yuergen for example. That german Police A.Hole and win 1 Round. He raises his "stick" into the font "YOU WIN" and his "stick gets yellow" .... ok that happends also in the original disk version and is maybe something that is better to left alone and maybe not worth the trouble.

anyway, the big win is the Highscore fix !!

Dont know if you do a Button wait for the VS Screen.

Anyhow, HUGE THANKS Psygore for the quick respond and fixing this dawm highscore Bug. I mean i would play IK+ everyday over Shadow Fighter, but still, it was time to fix that obvious bug, so thanks again psy !

greetings, Nibbler

note ~0006345

Psygore (developer)

I have uploaded a new slave 1.1

note ~0006346

Nibbler (reporter)

Thank you Psygore \o/
I really appreciate it !

(will do some heavy testing now but i trust you and youre skills)


note ~0006347

Nibbler (reporter)

Works GREAT !!

1) No more Highscore corruption
2) no more Graphic glitches - no need for EXPCHIP
3) Buttonwait in VS Screen

Awesome work !

Thank you so much.
Can i ask you somethink. There is one game that is also long overdue for a Fix.
Sencond Samurai OCS

The Game misses a background layer in the first level (world)
The mouse interrupts in the main menue and makes it hard to select things

You know i would not ask but...
Mr.Lamer is dead :(
Bored Seal is inactive
And StingRay is so busy.....
JOTD dosent want to do it :(

Would you do it ? ( i dont blame you if you dont )

Anyway, YOU ROCK Sir, and the Job on Shadow Fighters 16Bit is aweseome \o/

note ~0006351

Psygore (developer)

Thanks for testing.

For Second Samurai ECS, I could fix it.
I already fix the background layer and mouse menu issues.

note ~0006357

Nibbler (reporter)

THis reminds me of ROSS (that i also really admire)

He make stuff, just like that !
You have my highest respect !!!
Man, i would love to see the Second Samurai full intact \o/
Any release date or a slave for me to test ?

I be there.
Until then Sir Psygore, you are one of my heroes now \o/

note ~0006358

Nibbler (reporter)

Really appreciated, a HUGE THANK YOU !

note ~0006363

Psygore (developer)

You are welcome.

Sorry, the slave is not yet ready and don't have any date for a slave test atm.

note ~0006368

StingRay (developer)

Last edited: 2018-09-17 23:59

View 2 revisions

I am working on the Second Samurai update and have spent A LOT of time on it already (which Nibblers knows!) so I'm not exactly pleased to read his requests here regarding this game when just randomly browsing the mantis tickets...

And especially for Mr. Nibbler: The patch is finished when it is finished and if you can't wait feel free to learn patching and fix the game yourself!

note ~0006369

Psygore (developer)

No problem StingRay, I will not do Second Samurai slave. I had only a quick look.

I know it's not very funny to work for 'nothing' on slave...

note ~0006370

Nibbler (reporter)

StingRay has so many things to do, so i just asked for help.
Really appreciated Guys

note ~0006371

Nibbler (reporter)

PS: I did not know that STing had A LOT of time on the second Samurai patch, all i knew was that it is far, far away and you have so much to do and demos come first ( i dont blame you )But i did not know that. greetings

note ~0006372

Nibbler (reporter)

I have to admit, its a bit confusing for me on what Games are worked on.

On WHdload.de there is "Currently in work" Section but that is not complete, or is it ?? See, i dont know and that confuses me.

There is also nothing on Second Samurai ocs here on Mantis. ( or is it ? )

Did not mean any harm. greetings guys. thank you so much for youre work guys.

note ~0006426

Nibbler (reporter)

Hi, Nibbler here.

The Whdload Slave for Shadow Fighters OCS works great now.
You could close that case and release it. (just a suggestion, of course)

Greetings and Thanks.

note ~0006449

Nibbler (reporter)

No respond at all ?
Wow guys!!!!

This Slave works great but why would you not make it official ?

Thanks for ignoring me btw. very nice.
You Guys, where my Heroes.

note ~0010902

retrogamer (reporter)

Will you realese the new slave soon Psygore?

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-09-01 14:41 Nibbler New Issue
2018-09-01 14:57 Nibbler Note Added: 0006333
2018-09-02 16:24 Psygore Assigned To => Psygore
2018-09-02 16:24 Psygore Status new => assigned
2018-09-03 13:53 Nibbler Note Added: 0006339
2018-09-03 14:44 Psygore Note Added: 0006340
2018-09-03 16:08 Nibbler Note Added: 0006341
2018-09-03 16:22 Nibbler Note Added: 0006342
2018-09-08 18:44 Psygore File Added: ShadowFighter11.lha
2018-09-08 18:51 Psygore Note Added: 0006345
2018-09-09 19:19 Nibbler Note Added: 0006346
2018-09-09 20:32 Nibbler Note Added: 0006347
2018-09-12 00:13 Psygore Note Added: 0006351
2018-09-12 16:23 Nibbler Note Added: 0006357
2018-09-12 16:25 Nibbler Note Added: 0006358
2018-09-17 14:49 Psygore Note Added: 0006363
2018-09-17 23:58 StingRay Note Added: 0006368
2018-09-17 23:59 StingRay Note Edited: 0006368 View Revisions
2018-09-18 05:44 Psygore Note Added: 0006369
2018-09-18 15:00 Nibbler Note Added: 0006370
2018-09-18 15:02 Nibbler Note Added: 0006371
2018-09-18 18:55 Nibbler Note Added: 0006372
2018-10-10 16:22 Nibbler Note Added: 0006426
2018-10-19 15:11 Nibbler Note Added: 0006449
2022-01-18 22:34 retrogamer Note Added: 0010902
+Issue History