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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004162Quik[All Projects] Generalpublic2019-11-27 22:03
Assigned ToCFOUProject InfoQuik (Stywos/Titus)
Summary0004162: AGA 1) The game doesn't have a working key on the keyboard to jump??? Left,
DescriptionGameVersion: english,pal
SlaveVersion: version 1.2a (13.04.13) done by CFou!

The game doesn't have a working key on the keyboard to jump???
Left, right, up, down, fire (space) do work but there is no jump key?
Is it possible to add one in case?
Add a wait button pause before you start the level to read the text and appreciate gfx would be very appreciated too...
Crazy colorful game! ;-)
TagsNo tags attached.
GFXCardPicasso IV
ChipMem2 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0006947

Solo Kazuki (reporter)

If up direction works so... isn't up direction equals jump?

note ~0006956

Hexaae (reporter)

No of course, UP looks up or climbs ladders...

note ~0007081

CFOU (developer)

Not confirmed:

'Up' key is working fine to jump with 3 versions (ECS/AGA/CD32)!!!!

note ~0007082

Hexaae (reporter)

Doesn't work here. Up looks up, but won't jump.
Using WinUAE, tested with a 2/4 button joystick and keyboard as a joystick (cfg A).
My version: https://gofile.io/?c=cueV2a

note ~0007092

Hexaae (reporter)

Recap of input issues with this game so far:

AGA version:
CURSOR UP or JOY UP = jumps up, but after you suicide with X key there is no keyboard key to continue (fire = SPACEBAR won't work). You must press JOY FIRE.

CD32 version:
CURSOR UP or JOY UP = looks up and won't jump, there is NO jump key. After you suicide with X key there is no keyboard key to continue (fire = SPACEBAR won't work). You must press JOY FIRE.

note ~0007106

CFOU (developer)

ok i'll verify after to have finished soccerkid update

note ~0007436

CFOU (developer)

AGA /ECS version fixed (problem in original code)
now after suicide you can restart pressing SPC key (soon beta many anoter problem fixed)

now i look to fix CD32 problems (non jump because CD32 pad use separate key for jump&fire and avec no keyboard.

but i will try to add SPC to jump like ECS/AGA

note ~0007439

CFOU (developer)

Hi can you test new beta version for ECS /AGA /CD32?

 version 1.3 beta (xx.11.19)
 - trainer enhanced to add flight mode (ECS/AGA/CD32)
    CUSTOM1=x (to select start level (x=1 to 5)
    CUSTOM2=x (to select start stage (x=1 to 5)
    CUSTOM3=1 (to enable original cheat mode)
    CUSTOM3=2 (to enable flight mode)
    => pressing Jump button for ECS/AGA & FIRE button for CD32
 - some other stack & SR register modifications removed (AGA)
 - AGA restriction added for AGA/CD32
 - intro/outro fix (AGA/ECS)
 - Lowlevel.library emulation used instead of library file (CD32)
 - keyboard interruption enable for exitkey support in outro (CD32)
 - SPC key added to retarts after suicide pressing 'X' key (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - Missing JUMP and FIRE key added (CD32): 0004162
    LCTRL: to jump
    SPACE: to fire
 - Exitkey for 68000 added (0003397)

To do
 - test with all config (already tested 68000 (ECS) 68030&68040 (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - try to add optional slave with fast (warning trainer use absolute adresses)

note ~0007446

Hexaae (reporter)

CD32 now works very well, also with keyboard (cursor keys + space + ctrl) thank you CFou!

There a strange bug I'm trying to reproduce with flickering screen gfx... stay tuned.

Noticed in pause after P, you can also press CTRL to suicide.

note ~0007453

Hexaae (reporter)

The flickering bug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGDB9QjkN9k
it seems to happen only in specifica areas and when the screen has a certain position (if I move screen up/down will disappear)

note ~0007460

CFOU (developer)

ok i will try to reproduct it. can you remove it using specific configuration (by example using 68020)?

do you know if this problem was present booting with the CD?

It's perhpas and SMC not removed. i will investigate soon and try to add CD32 pad support for ECS/AGA

note ~0007462

Hexaae (reporter)

I tried hard to degrade emu as I can but even with slowest settings it seems to happen...
Right at the beginning, after the worm where you kill the bush (the 2nd enemy you encounter). It also depends on screen up/down position. I can show it from Steam next time, just contact me there so I can show you in real-time where and how it happens...

No, don't know about original CD on CD32....

Can you add a BUTTONWAIT at the beginning of each level to be able to appreciate gfx and read the text even on faster machines?

note ~0007476

CFOU (developer)

Can you try gfx is fixed

have you see this problem with ECS/AGA

same bug on ECS/AGA but bitmap is not between 2 adresses $1xxxxx-$2xxxx by example. so perhaps no gfx bug

 - fix gfx bug in scrolling: Addq.w replaced by Addq.l (CD32)
   (when bitmap base goes from $7xxxx to $8xxxx)

note ~0007477

Hexaae (reporter)

All I see is a green screen on startup and nothing happens with latest gfx fix.

note ~0007478

Hexaae (reporter)

Ok, pressing LMB it exits that green startup screen and starts loading.
The gfx scrolling bug is fixed! Well done!

note ~0007479

CFOU (developer)

sorry for LMB on green screen (is temporary debug test after loading main file)


To Do:
- Waitbutton Support
- 2 buttons/CD32 pad for ECS/AGA

note ~0007480

Hexaae (reporter)

Thumb up :)

note ~0007481

Hexaae (reporter)

It's a very colorful funny game. One of the very few AGA platformers with well used extended palette and 24bit copperlist as far as I can see.
A pity this game was almost ignored!

note ~0007483

funkazzista (reporter)

Tried latest attached slave with AGA version of the game on my system and unfortunately it still hangs right after the Titus screen, just like it's been mentioned in 0003037.
Tried also the other latest attached slave with CD32 version and it just showed a green screen, without even displaying the Titus splash screen.
In the first case I could at least go back to the wb by pressing the WHDLoad quit key, but in the latter case my Amiga was completely frozen and the only thing I could do was reboot it.

note ~0007485

CFOU (developer)

here last beta for test:
added: Skip level/wait button/CD32Pad support for ECS/AGA

funkazzistra: Have you same problem using Skipintro tooltype: custom3=8

to do :
- fix ECS version (level 2 cactus)
- fix instability on 68000-68020 (ECS)

 version 1.2g (26.11.19)
 - trainer enhanced to add flight mode (ECS/AGA/CD32)
    CUSTOM1=x (to select start level (x=1 to 5)
    CUSTOM2=x (to select start stage (x=1 to 5)
    CUSTOM3=1 (to enable original cheat mode)
    CUSTOM3=2 (to enable flight mode)
    => pressing Jump button for ECS/AGA & FIRE button for CD32
 - CD32Pad support (ECS/AGA)
 - skip intro possible using CUSTOM3=8
 - some other stack & SR register modifications removed (AGA)
 - AGA restriction added for AGA/CD32
 - intro/outro fix (AGA/ECS)
 - Lowlevel.library removed (not needed)
 - keyboard interruption enable for exitkey support in outro (CD32)
 - SPC key added to retarts after suicide pressing 'X' key (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - Missing JUMP and FIRE key added (CD32): 0004162
    LCTRL: to jump
    SPACE: to fire
 - Exitkey for 68000 added (0003397)
 - fix gfx bug in scrolling: Addq.w replaced by Addq.l (CD32)
   (when bitmap base go from $7xxxx to $8xxxx)
 - WaitButton support added (at inter level screens)

note ~0007488

CFOU (developer)

missing beta3 file

note ~0007490

CFOU (developer)

for CD32 beta just LMB on green screen (i miss to remove green flash test pause)

Akira who report 0003037 seems have no problem after titus logo now (just desynchronisation anim/audio)

1 ) try skip intro tooltype.
2) what is you exact configuration?

note ~0007492

Hexaae (reporter)

Beta 3 working perfectly!
What more can I ask? Maybe Pause = CD32 Start button? ;)

note ~0007495

CFOU (developer)


can you test beta 4?

It seems intro is fixed.

Tested 68000-68020-68030-60040 for ECS/AGA now freeze here and synchro is ok for intro a600+68020 too (winuae)

note ~0007501

CFOU (developer)


Fixe CD32 control (ECS/AGA):
- now you can jump, roll and tell at the same time
- now you can use UP in main menu

note ~0007506

Hexaae (reporter)

CD32 gamepad's Play/Pause button as P (Pause) would be possible?

note ~0007507

CFOU (developer)

Beta 6
I hope final.

Can you test many option possibilities and all versions before final release?

    CUSTOM3=8 : Enhanced CD32Pad support
        PLay: Pause/Unpause game
        Forward+Reverse: leave current game
 - skip intro using CUSTOM3=16 (ECS/AGA)

 - trainer enhanced to add flight mode (ECS/AGA/CD32)
    CUSTOM1=x (to select start level (x=1 to 5)
    CUSTOM2=x (to select start stage (x=1 to 5)
    CUSTOM3=1 (to enable original cheat mode)
    CUSTOM3=2 (to enable flight mode)
    => pressing Jump button for ECS/AGA & FIRE button for CD32
 - CD32Pad support (ECS/AGA/CD32)
    CUSTOM3=4 : CD32Pad support
        Red Button for FIRE / Blue Button for JUMP
                                     + LCTRL/LALT for JUMP
    CUSTOM3=8 : Enhanced CD32Pad support
        PLay: Pause/Unpause game
        Forward+Reverse: leave current game

 - skip intro using CUSTOM3=16 (ECS/AGA)
 - some other stack & SR register modifications removed (AGA)
 - AGA restriction added for AGA/CD32
 - intro/outro fix (AGA/ECS)
 - Lowlevel.library removed (not needed)
 - keyboard interruption enable for exitkey support in outro (CD32)
 - SPC key added to retarts after suicide pressing 'X' key (ECS/AGA/CD32)
 - Missing JUMP and FIRE key added (CD32): 0004162
    LCTRL: to jump
    SPACE: to fire
 - Exitkey for 68000 added (0003397)
 - fix gfx bug in scrolling: Addq.w replaced by Addq.l (CD32)
   (when bitmap base go from $7xxxx to $8xxxx)
 - Gfx bug on Quik when it passed behind object fixed (ECS)
 - WaitButton support added (inter level screens)

note ~0007512

Hexaae (reporter)

CD32 version, CUSTOM3=12
While in pause if you press DOWN it will quit to main menu... strange.

note ~0007513

Hexaae (reporter)

To sum up two strange behaviors when *in pause*:
JUMP = suicide (like X key, could be dangerous if accidentally pressed)
DOWN = quit to main menu (???)

note ~0007514

CFOU (developer)

it's normal.

same thing if i remove my patch.

I think it's solution found by coder to leave game without keyboard!!!

many CD32 games use pause+ another key to exit ;)

note ~0007515

Hexaae (reporter)

Ah, ok then! ;)

note ~0007516

funkazzista (reporter)

Tested beta6 slave with both AGA and CD32 versions and they now both work perfectly on my Amiga, at least the very first two levels: an outstanding work you've done here, CFOU!
One litte detail, though: I realize I'm nitpicking here, but would it be possible to invert joypad buttons? I'm using a PS2 controller and it'd feel way more natural jumping with X and rolling over with O.

Anyway, thank you a lot, CFOU!

note ~0007525

CFOU (developer)

fixed with v1.3

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-07-22 09:30 administrator New Issue
2019-07-22 09:30 administrator Status new => assigned
2019-07-22 09:30 administrator Assigned To => CFOU
2019-08-09 16:26 Solo Kazuki Note Added: 0006947
2019-08-09 21:49 Hexaae Note Added: 0006956
2019-10-01 22:12 CFOU Status assigned => closed
2019-10-01 22:12 CFOU Resolution open => no change required
2019-10-01 22:12 CFOU Note Added: 0007081
2019-10-02 00:07 Hexaae Status closed => feedback
2019-10-02 00:07 Hexaae Resolution no change required => reopened
2019-10-02 00:07 Hexaae Note Added: 0007082
2019-10-04 17:46 Hexaae Note Added: 0007092
2019-10-04 17:46 Hexaae Status feedback => assigned
2019-10-09 15:58 CFOU Note Added: 0007106
2019-11-22 19:22 CFOU Note Added: 0007436
2019-11-22 21:38 CFOU File Added: Quik-beta2.lha
2019-11-22 21:38 CFOU Note Added: 0007439
2019-11-23 10:47 Hexaae Note Added: 0007446
2019-11-23 16:40 Hexaae Note Added: 0007453
2019-11-24 23:30 CFOU Note Added: 0007460
2019-11-25 00:15 Hexaae Note Added: 0007462
2019-11-25 14:08 CFOU File Added: QuixCD32_fix_GFXbug.lha
2019-11-25 14:08 CFOU Note Added: 0007476
2019-11-25 16:15 Hexaae Note Added: 0007477
2019-11-25 16:25 Hexaae Note Added: 0007478
2019-11-25 16:31 CFOU Note Added: 0007479
2019-11-25 16:34 Hexaae Note Added: 0007480
2019-11-25 16:37 Hexaae Note Added: 0007481
2019-11-26 10:57 funkazzista Note Added: 0007483
2019-11-26 14:25 CFOU Note Added: 0007485
2019-11-26 14:26 CFOU File Added: quik-Beta3.lha
2019-11-26 14:26 CFOU Note Added: 0007488
2019-11-26 14:41 CFOU Note Added: 0007490
2019-11-26 16:02 Hexaae Note Added: 0007492
2019-11-26 19:30 CFOU File Added: quik-beta4-ecs-aga.lha
2019-11-26 19:30 CFOU Note Added: 0007495
2019-11-26 22:22 CFOU File Added: Quik-beta5.lha
2019-11-26 22:22 CFOU Note Added: 0007501
2019-11-26 23:57 Hexaae Note Added: 0007506
2019-11-27 01:23 CFOU File Added: quik-beta6.lha
2019-11-27 01:23 CFOU Note Added: 0007507
2019-11-27 02:51 Hexaae Note Added: 0007512
2019-11-27 02:59 Hexaae Note Added: 0007513
2019-11-27 03:06 CFOU Note Added: 0007514
2019-11-27 03:21 Hexaae Note Added: 0007515
2019-11-27 10:01 funkazzista Note Added: 0007516
2019-11-27 22:03 CFOU Status assigned => closed
2019-11-27 22:03 CFOU Note Added: 0007525
+Issue History