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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004645FireAndBrimstone[All Projects] Generalpublic2024-06-03 19:15
Assigned ToPsygoreProject InfoFire and Brimstone (Microprose)
Summary0004645: ISSUES AND IMPROVEMENTS. Not sure how original inputs are supposed to work in
DescriptionGameVersion: english,pal
SlaveVersion: V1.2 (19-Oct-2011)

Not sure how original inputs are supposed to work in this game...
But I noticed strange keys issues: problems with joystick (with 2nd+ buttons) to change weapons: sometimes keys to switch weapon (?)/joy2 3rd button do nothing...
Request: use 2nd button = jump, but also disable UP to jump via WHD17 option in splash-screen.
There is no Pause key in this game?
I've also found (worth mentioning in the ReadMe):
SPACEBAR = select start level from main menu
F1 = quit to main menu
HELP = replenish lives (cheat!)
Request: add BUTTONWAIT when a new world starts to be able to read the text on fast machines (e.g. "Thor enters Alfheim, the first world on his journey to Hel.")
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem256 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0008851

Sina (reporter)

And please add a proper trainer.
I find myself pressing the HELP key all the time while playing. :0)

note ~0012295

Torti the Smurf (reporter)

UP is still Jump while the second button also jumps ? (like hexaae wrote)

Weird :)

And there are weapons to change ? never been that far. game kicks my ass :=)

A option for what the second button does would be neat.

Thank you Psy !

Greetings, Torti

note ~0013689

Psygore (developer)

New slave here: http://mantis.whdload.de/view.php?id=6468

note ~0013708

Psygore (developer)

New whd install package available on whdload.de

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-05-12 17:06 administrator New Issue
2020-05-12 17:06 administrator Status new => assigned
2020-05-12 17:06 administrator Assigned To => Psygore
2020-05-25 22:26 Sina Note Added: 0008851
2023-01-11 21:35 Torti the Smurf Note Added: 0012295
2024-04-29 22:21 Psygore Note Added: 0013689
2024-05-22 14:37 Psygore Status assigned => resolved
2024-05-22 14:37 Psygore Resolution open => fixed
2024-05-22 14:37 Psygore Note Added: 0013708
2024-06-03 19:15 Psygore Status resolved => closed
+Issue History