2025-02-08 17:00 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005105Hook[WHDLoad Installs Games] slavepublic2024-01-23 20:47
Assigned ToGalahadFLTProject InfoHook (Ocean)
Summary0005105: Italian version support
DescriptionHi, could there be support for the Italian version since it is the only one missing?
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem0 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.0
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0009890

CFOU (developer)

waiting Galahad's beta source code

note ~0009977

frozen (reporter)

Hi CFOU, Galahad said to me that i can test beta Italian Hook slave but i cant understand why he wont send beta sources to you.
Here i can read that this issue is assigned to you.

note ~0009978

GalahadFLT (developer)

Right, let's get things straight.

This is MY install and I haven't given anyone permission to take it over.

Secondly, I haven't agreed to send any of the source for this game to anyone.

The guy called Frozen is supposed to be playtesting the Italian support I have provided in the beta slave I sent to his email address some days ago.

So if Frozen could stop messing about (why else would I ask for your email), playtest the game, once I am satisfied it runs correctly, it will be released as well as support for the Spanish version.

Everyone has my email address, everyone knows I'm on EAB, I do NOT expect to find another of my installs done by anyone else without contacting me first!

This isn't aimed at Bertrand that has been good enough to contact me in the past.

The only person stopping this being released is Frozen.

Should I just find someone else to playtest???

note ~0009979

CFOU (developer)

Thank for clarifying the situation Phill.

note ~0009981

frozen (reporter)

Hi all of you, as written also to Galahad till now i havent received nothing from his email you.

Maybe email was sent automatically in spam so i can check this but there is no intention to create a mess but is an only request for a support for italian WHDLOAD version of Hook providing original IPF disks of the game.


note ~0009982

frozen (reporter)

Ok, i have seen assignment changes but i have also checked my email and in spam there is no email from Galahad.

Are you sure you sentd to correct email?


note ~0009983

GalahadFLT (developer)

I copied and pasted the email address you gave me on eab, so if you could check that is correct.

note ~0009984

frozen (reporter)

Just checked email that i have given to you. I confirm the email. So if you can resend the file can you check the status of message? I have no problem with that email provider that i use till now from 10 years....

note ~0009985

frozen (reporter)

Just received your email. Will try your slave as soon as possible. Thanks.

note ~0009986

frozen (reporter)

Ok I have created 4 disk images and used your beta slave and save. The game start correcly in italian version and seems to be OK. The only problem is on quit key that generate this kind of error: Deadend by ExecLibrary Cause: Corrup memory list detected in Freemem.

Same error on winuae and A1200+V1200


note ~0009989

frozen (reporter)

I have other information while gaming: I was unable to save the game, that is, it seems that it saves but then trying to load nothing happens, talking to Trilly when you are at the dentist the game freezes but I think this is a bug of the game itself because it appeared even when playing from floppy, another anomaly at the end of the game when you defeat Captain Hook by making him fall from the axis into the water the floppy head begins to move as if it were looking for an inserted media and the black screen remains so the credits skip.


note ~0011149

frozen (reporter)

Hi Galahad, is there any news about you have any problems that I reported to you with the slave you gave me to do some tests?

note ~0013540

frozen (reporter)

Hi Galahad, no news about this game?
Latest info date 17.04.2021......

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-04-06 21:41 frozen New Issue
2021-04-08 18:21 CFOU Assigned To => CFOU
2021-04-08 18:21 CFOU Status new => assigned
2021-04-08 18:22 CFOU Note Added: 0009890
2021-04-17 09:46 frozen Note Added: 0009977
2021-04-17 12:22 GalahadFLT Note Added: 0009978
2021-04-17 12:41 CFOU Assigned To CFOU => GalahadFLT
2021-04-17 12:47 CFOU Note Added: 0009979
2021-04-17 14:14 frozen Note Added: 0009981
2021-04-17 14:25 frozen Note Added: 0009982
2021-04-17 14:46 GalahadFLT Note Added: 0009983
2021-04-17 15:13 frozen Note Added: 0009984
2021-04-17 17:01 frozen Note Added: 0009985
2021-04-17 19:42 frozen Note Added: 0009986
2021-04-18 11:00 frozen Note Added: 0009989
2022-04-15 15:10 frozen Note Added: 0011149
2024-01-23 20:47 frozen Note Added: 0013540
+Issue History