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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005529ShadowLands[All Projects] Generalpublic2022-10-02 05:23
Assigned ToProject InfoShadow Lands (Domark)
Summary0005529: ShadowLands - No music is played and in-game content bug
DescriptionGreetings, I have extensively tested an issue with this game and I've finally found the solution. The reason I'm opening this issue is to share it and hopefully confirm if it is working as intended. And I have another report, possibly a bug.

I'm using Classic Workbench FULL version with pre-installed version of Shadow Lands downloaded from WHDownload. I'm using WinUAE 4.2.1 . I had also bought WHDLOAD key years ago (not that it changes anything, just wanted to share my support to you guys!). Here are my two reports:

1) With the selected options in this ticket, I launch the game and after the initial screens pass, I come to the menu. Normally the music should start at this point and keep playing in character generation screen. But it does not start at all. To fix this, I just changed one option in WinUAE settings, and that is Hardware -> Chipset -> Chipset Extra from A1200 to A500. With this option set to A500, after re-launching the game the music starts in the menu screen without any problems. Is this supposed to happen?

2) This issue is about the screenshot I attached. Normally, when you follow the steps in the screenshot, treasure chests are supposed to appear. But they do not appear in the game version I downloaded from WHDownload (version 1.6) . To check if it is related to the WHDownload version or not, I tried a different setup, with 1.3 KickRom and using separate floppy disk files (Shadowlands AGA .adf files) and after starting the game with those disks, following the steps in the screenshot yields one treasure chest. This proved that the problem lies with the WHDownload version. I'm worried if other secret stuff in the game will act like this. Can you please let me know why it acts this way?

These two are in no way major problems, and I already solved the first one, but any info you can share about them will be most welcome.
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem8 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
KickSoft40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files

related to 0004587new Missing music on start menu 


note ~0010989

Velociraptor5 (reporter)

this game needs "CIA TOD bug" ticked in "Adv.Chipset" for 020+ procesors for playing music. I wrote about this problem in EAB, you can look at it here:

note ~0010991

Excolion (reporter)

Thank you Velociraptor5 for your input. Alternative to my workaround solution in the ticket, ticking that option also seems to fix this issue. The treasure chest problem remains, however, which is what I wanted to fix the most :)

note ~0011034

Excolion (reporter)

Just a quick update, I upgraded WHDLoad from 17.1 to 18.7 and problem #2 still remains, the treasure chests do not appear. #2 is probably caused by game source version rather than WHDLOAD version, but I still wanted to update my outdated ticket info.

note ~0011245

Solo Kazuki (reporter)

Also in game menu music when playing at all is truncated - not all channels are playing even there are no sfx. It can be checked when You rip module and play it. Maybe one channel was planned for sfx but not done for release. Is possible to enable all channels playing?

About cheat... maybe there is another version of this game?

note ~0011505

Excolion (reporter)

So, is there any way to fix the #2 problem? Or only knowing if it can be fixed or not would suffice.

note ~0011796

Excolion (reporter)

A gentle bump for problem #2

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-03-10 17:35 Excolion New Issue
2022-03-10 17:35 Excolion File Added: 070_4.jpg
2022-03-10 22:06 Velociraptor5 Note Added: 0010989
2022-03-11 06:42 Excolion Note Added: 0010991
2022-03-21 06:12 Excolion Note Added: 0011034
2022-04-20 09:37 Wepl Relationship added related to 0004587
2022-04-28 11:40 Solo Kazuki Note Added: 0011245
2022-06-29 07:41 Excolion Note Added: 0011505
2022-10-02 05:23 Excolion Note Added: 0011796
+Issue History