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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005714AV8BHarrierAssault[All Projects] Generalpublic2022-11-22 13:39
Assigned ToPsygoreProject InfoAV8B Harrier Assault (Domark)
Summary0005714: The game is missing title music completely. It's independent of whether "CIA
DescriptionGameVersion: english,pal (SPS0430)
SlaveVersion: 1.0 from 14.09.2012

The game is missing title music completely.
It's independent of whether "CIA TOD bug" is ticked/unticked (in WinUAE).
Hi Psygore,
don't you want to look at it sometimes? Games without music in these days, that is... quite bad.
Simple question: Is it really impossible to make the music working or it is very difficult "only" (I am not able to judge).
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem256 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0012025

Paul Head (reporter)

I reported this also:


There's another problem with the install though that is more severe. I keep getting a message 'INSERT GAME DISK 2 - THEN CLICK MOUSE'. Once this message appears there is nothing that can be done except to quit the game via the WHDLoad QuitKey.

To replicate the fault every time:

1. Once loaded, click the white phone at bottom middle, select CAP and press OK and OK again on the Armament screen.

2. Release wheel break (w key), press zero (0) for full thrust, take off by pulling back on the mouse gently near end of flight deck.

3. Press the 'A' key to engage the auto-pilot.

4. Press the 'X' key to engage 'fast time' mode and press it again when getting close to the flight deck.

5. Press the Escape key and select 'Commander' from the menu.

6. Press the 'EXIT' sign (top left) and select the dark door (a lift) at the end of the corridor.

7. Select Floor 1.ISLAND

8. You'll see your Harrier coming in to land. After it has landed it will disappear. Wait a few seconds (10) and then the message 'INSERT GAME DISK 2- THEN CLICK MOUSE' message will appear.

As a side note, when in the island, keys F1-F4 allow different views. I've had the message also when clicking in the Hanger (located in the other direction of corridor selected by pressing the arrow on the floor). I think it's all to do with when a plane appears or disappears from the flight deck. I haven't had it happen during a flight though whilst I am flying, so perhaps to trigger the fault you need to not be flying and actually be on the Carrier as explained above.

When the campaign is started (by clicking on the central computer screen and selecting 'GO') then the game actually starts and if missions are being flown by the computer you can go to the ISLAND again and the same message appears when there is activity on the deck (if you fiddle around long enough etc. and wait for flights to occur). Like I said it's not limited to the ISLAND view either, I had it happen in the Hanger and the message was white instead of green due to the differing colour palette.

note ~0012026

Paul Head (reporter)

Another note - I have the original installed on Hard Disk via its own installer, and it definitely doesn't suffer this problem.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-06-26 19:04 administrator New Issue
2022-06-26 19:04 administrator Status new => assigned
2022-06-26 19:04 administrator Assigned To => Psygore
2022-11-22 13:37 Paul Head Note Added: 0012025
2022-11-22 13:39 Paul Head Note Added: 0012026
+Issue History