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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005939Analog_Analogia[All Projects] Generalpublic2024-12-24 09:55
ReporterTorti the Smurf 
Assigned ToPsygoreProject InfoAnalogia (Analog)
Summary0005939: One Part in this Mega Demo has tempo/speed issues
DescriptionThe "EMPORIUM" part has speed issues. Does not matter if CACHE or NOcache.
Tested on Mist/er and my WinUAE setup. I think this part had also issues on my real A600 Furia but that is so long ago.
( i have my A600 stored away; my precious )

Every other part in this demo works like it should; it´s really only this one called "EMPORIUM"
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem28 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.9
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Attached Files



note ~0014300

Torti the Smurf (reporter)

Jupp, its the EMPORIUM PART that has timing issues.
idk if there are too many or too less blitterwaits :)

IF the chiptempo is like expected,
the music runs too fast in the countdown part but catches it normal speed later.
Ff the chip timing is a bit off (too fast or too slow)
then there are major slowdowns in the EMPORIUM PART ...

just let it roll for 1 minute and you will see ;)


note ~0014301

Torti the Smurf (reporter)

sorry, for the typos. (typed in a hurry)

note ~0014302

Torti the Smurf (reporter)

Stop Stop Stop !!!

I found here :

that there is a version 1.1 AND its just as i thought.

The Blitter patches where the problem.
As soon i use the new slave with the "Skip blitter patches" option
the EMPORIUM PARTrun now without any stuttering. Smooth as butter ;)

So, i think this case can be closed ;)

Greez and thanks to all of you !!!


note ~0014304

Psygore (developer)

Thanks for your feedback!

Happy holidays :)

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-12-20 16:11 Torti the Smurf New Issue
2022-12-25 14:13 StingRay Assigned To => Psygore
2022-12-25 14:13 StingRay Status new => assigned
2024-12-23 13:33 Torti the Smurf Note Added: 0014300
2024-12-23 13:34 Torti the Smurf Note Added: 0014301
2024-12-23 13:50 Torti the Smurf Note Added: 0014302
2024-12-24 09:55 Psygore Status assigned => closed
2024-12-24 09:55 Psygore Resolution open => fixed
2024-12-24 09:55 Psygore Note Added: 0014304
+Issue History