2025-01-13 08:38 CET

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006370Locomotion[All Projects] Generalpublic2024-01-11 20:15
Assigned ToProject InfoLocomotion (KingSoft)
Summary0006370: LocomotionKingsoftDe not able to load game
DescriptionWhen selecting the game (A-Z) I receive error, "No Such Game". Game works properly in WinUAE but not on real A2000 with same settings. Older version worked fine. Seems to be issue with latest build. Tried common WHDLoad options but no success.
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem8 MB
WorkbenchOS 2.05
KickROM37 - Kick 2.0
KickSoft37 - Kick 2.0
Attached Files



note ~0013493

aardvark82 (reporter)

That doesn't sound like a WHDLoad error, are you using some frontend program to launch the game?

Are the errors when running the slave directly from the shell or slave icon?

note ~0013494

netman63129 (reporter)

Sorry, I should have uploaded a screenshot. The error is in the game. I translated the German to English...

note ~0013495

aardvark82 (reporter)

Ah, sorry, didn't think it was an in-game error.
This error happens in NTSC mode only with both 1.0 and 1.1 slaves, and also when played from the floppy. Are you sure you didn't play it in PAL when it was working? The game uses full PAL screen in-game, so it wouldn't be even playable in NTSC mode.

note ~0013497

netman63129 (reporter)

Yes, because I have an NTSC A2000 it is common that I must use the PAL option for many games. Probably it worked in the last version using PAL. Unfortunately, in the newest version the PAL option does not work and displays the same error in the screenshot that I sent.

note ~0013498

netman63129 (reporter)

Okay, I solved the problem. The Option PAL does not work. It must be PAL=1. I do not understand why sometimes this is necessary? But in this case it works :-)

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-01-09 00:44 netman63129 New Issue
2024-01-11 05:49 aardvark82 Note Added: 0013493
2024-01-11 06:33 netman63129 File Added: IMG_0457 (1).jpg
2024-01-11 06:33 netman63129 Note Added: 0013494
2024-01-11 09:46 aardvark82 Note Added: 0013495
2024-01-11 17:25 Wepl Project WHDLoad => Locomotion
2024-01-11 17:41 netman63129 Note Added: 0013497
2024-01-11 20:15 netman63129 Note Added: 0013498
+Issue History