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Download Installs

From here you can download Install packages for various demos and games.
Don't forget that you must have installed WHDLoad, DIC, RawDIC and Patcher before you can use these installs!

Applications (3)

ordered by name: all installs

Demos (876)

ordered by demo name: 1-9 A B C Da-De Di-Dy E F-G H I-J K-L Ma-Me Mi-Mr Mu-My N O P-Q R S-Sn So Sp-Sy Ta-Te Th-Ty U-V W-Z
or all installs on one single page
ordered by group name: 8 Ab-Al Am-An Ap-Ax B Ca-Co Cr-Cy Da-De Di-Du E F-G H-I J-K L M N-O P Q R Sa-Se Sh-So Sp-Sy Ta-Th Ti-Tu U-V W-Z
or all installs on one single page

Games (2633)

ordered by name: 1-9 A0-Ak Al Am-Aq Ar-As At-Az B0-Ba Bc-Bi Bl Bm-Bs Bu Ca Ce-Ch Ci-Cl Co Cr-Cu Cy Da-Dd De Dg-Di Do Dr Du-Dy Ea-Em En-Ey F0-Fe Fi Fl-Fo Fr-Fu Ga-Gh Gi-Go Gr-Gu Ha-He Hi-Ho Hu-Hy Ia-Iv J K La Le Li-Ll Lo-Lu M0-Ma Mc-Mf Mi Mo-My N O P0-Pg Ph-Pi Pl-Pp Pr-Py Q Ra-Rb Re Ri-Ry Sa-Se Sh Si-Sk Sl-So Sp Sq-St Su-Sy Ta-Te Tf-Th Ti To Tr-Tz U V Wa-Wh Wi Wo-Ww X-Z
or all installs on one single page

Magazines (104)

ordered by name: all installs

Cracktros (36)

ordered by name: all installs
The cracktro packages are directly runable and do not need any addtional external files.

here can you can find weekly updated archives of all installs

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last change : 2025-02-17
© 1996-2025 Bert Jahn, All Rights Reserved