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Chinese Karate< >Christoph Kolumbus / Voyages Of Discovery

Chip's Challenge (Epyx)

download the install packageChipsChallenge.lha
created at2013-03-07
size of install package55092 Bytes
(use it to report problems with that install)
Mantis BugTracker84
Hall Of Light3011
Lemon Amiga258

Short:    HD-Installer for Chip's Challenge V1.2
Author:   Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com)
Uploader: Codetapper/Action (codetapper@hotmail.com)
Version:  1.2
Type:     game/patch

This patch applies to "Chip's Challenge" (c) 1990 Epyx Inc. - 1 disk.
Supported versions: - Epyx release SPS 2009 (Carlo Pirri)
                    - US Gold release SPS 444 (Christian Sauer)

- Slave requires WHDLoad V13+.
- Game requires 512k chip mem (+0.4Mb other memory for preload option)

FEATURES: (31-May-2001)
- Full load from HD
- Manual protection removed
- Empty DBF loops fixed (x2)
- Blitter waits inserted (x19)
- Instructions included
- International keyboard support added
- White screen flash while loading removed
- Level 3 interrupt assumed a6 was $dff000 at all times - fixed!
- Copperlist bug fixed (move.w #$fffe,$50020 -> move.l #$fffffffe,$50020)
- RomIcon, NewIcon and OS3.5 Colour Icon (created by me!)
- Quit option (default key is 'F10')

VERSION 1.1: (16-Aug-2002)
- Supports the US Gold release (thanks to Christian Sauer!)
- Added a box scan OS3.5 Icon (thanks to Christian Sauer!)
- NewIcon extended to 120x96 pixels

VERSION 1.2: (07-Mar-2013)
- Disable blitter patches with tooltype CUSTOM2=1

- Taken from Sweet Cheater by Keith Krellwitz!
- To activate the cheat press the 'F' key and the type in any of the

  "I THINK THEREFORE I AM"_______Exit level without getting chips.
  "09/12/57"_______________________________________Unlimited time.
  "SAGITTARIANS MAKE BETTER LOVERS"___________For infinite extras.

  Press 'C' to skip levels.

                                 (LEVEL CODES)

        001: "BDHP"   11: "CNPE"   21: "UGRW"   31: "RYMS"   41: "GKWD"
        002: "JXMJ"   12: "WVHI"   22: "WZIN"   32: "PEFS"   42: "LMFU"
        003: "ECBQ"   13: "OCKS"   23: "HUVE"   33: "BQSN"   43: "UJDP"
        004: "YMCJ"   14: "BTDY"   24: "UNIZ"   34: "NQFI"   44: "TXHL"
        005: "TQKB"   15: "COZQ"   25: "PQGV"   35: "VDTM"   45: "OVPZ"
        006: "WNLP"   16: "SKKK"   26: "YVYJ"   36: "NXIS"   46: "HDQY"
        007: "FXQO"   17: "AJMG"   27: "IGGZ"   37: "VQNK"   47: "LXPP"
        008: "NHAG"   18: "HMJL"   28: "UJDD"   38: "BIFA"   48: "JYSF"
        009: "KCRE"   19: "MRHR"   29: "QGOL"   39: "ICXY"   49: "PPXI"
        010: "VUWS"   20: "KGFP"   30: "BQZP"   40: "YWFH"   50: "QBDH"

        051: "IGGJ"   61: "RMOW"   71: "LAJM"   81: "SCWF"   91: "JPQG"
        052: "PPHT"   62: "TIGW"   72: "EKFT"   82: "LLIO"   92: "DTMI"
        053: "CGNX"   63: "GOHX"   73: "QCCR"   83: "OVPJ"   93: "REKF"
        054: "ZMGC"   64: "IJPQ"   74: "MKNH"   84: "UVEO"   94: "EWCS"
        055: "SJES"   65: "UPUN"   75: "MJDV"   85: "LEBX"   95: "BIFQ"
        056: "FCJE"   66: "ZIKZ"   76: "NMRH"   86: "FLHH"   96: "WVHY"
        057: "UBXU"   67: "GGJA"   77: "FHIC"   87: "YJYS"   97: "IOCS"
        058: "YBLT"   68: "RTDI"   78: "GRMO"   88: "WZYV"   98: "TKWD"
        059: "BLDM"   69: "NLLY"   79: "JINU"   89: "VCZO"   99: "XUVU"
        060: "ZYVI"   70: "GCCG"   80: "EVUG"   90: "OLLM"  100: "QJXR"

        101: "RPIR"  111: "KRQJ"  121: "BPYS"  131: "FIRD"  141: "MCJE"
        102: "VDDU"  112: "NJLA"  122: "SJUM"  132: "ZYFA"  142: "UCRY"
        103: "PTAC"  113: "PTAS"  123: "YKZE"  133: "TIGG"  143: "OKOR"
        104: "KWNL"  114: "JWNL"  124: "TASX"  134: "XPPH"  144: "GVXQ"
        105: "YNEG"  115: "EGRW"  125: "MYRT"  135: "LYWO" 
        106: "NXYB"  116: "HXMF"  126: "QRLD"  136: "LUZL"  
        107: "ECRE"  117: "FPZT"  127: "JMWZ"  137: "HPPX"  
        108: "LIOC"  118: "OSCW"  128: "FTLA"  138: "LUJT"  
        109: "KZQR"  119: "PHTY"  129: "HEAN"  139: "VLHH"  
        110: "XBAO"  120: "FLXP"  130: "XHIZ"  140: "SJUK"  

None of my graphic contacts wanted to do an icon for this game, I'm not
sure why as the graphics are so awesome :) In the end I had to do them
myself and I must say I didn't take too much care on these ones so forgive
me if they are not up to my usual standards!

Greetings to Ralf Huvendiek for the original JST install, Carlo Pirri for
the original, Christian Sauer for the US Gold version and the great icon,
Galahad for his huge Amiga knowledge, all Action members and the entire
WHDLoad team!

Codetapper/Action (07-Mar-2013)

         Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

            ________  ________  ________  ____  ________  ________
           _)       \_)       \_)       \_)   \_)       \_)       \
   __ ___ /___/     /   /_____/\  /     /     /   /     /   /     /
  /_//__// \___    /   /     /CT\/     /     /   /     /   /     /
        /___/     /___      /   /     /_____/___      /___/     /___ __
            \____/    \____/    \____/          \____/    \____//__//_/

           Visit the Action website for more of our productions:

Icons contained in install package

WHDLoad Slave information
ChipsChallenge.slave - 07.03.2013 23:14:52 - 1388 bytes
required WHDLoad version13
flagsNoError EmulTrap ClearMem
required Chip Memory512 KiB ($80000)
Expansion Memory0 KiB
info nameChip's Challenge
info copy1990 Epyx Inc/US Gold
info installInstalled by Codetapper/Action!
Version 1.2 (07.03.2013)
Thanks to Ralf Huvendiek for the JST install and to
Carlo Pirri and Christian Sauer for the originals!

Install Archive Content Listing
110551lh510932Amiga2002-08-16 12:54:34ChipsChallengeHD/ChipsChallenge.colchris
108111lh56990Amiga2001-05-31 12:57:32ChipsChallengeHD/ChipsChallenge.coloricon
182391lh57528Amiga2002-08-16 12:56:16ChipsChallengeHD/ChipsChallenge.newicon
124941lh54308Amiga2001-05-10 22:28:14ChipsChallengeHD/ChipsChallenge.romicon
13881lh5947Amiga2013-03-07 23:14:52ChipsChallengeHD/ChipsChallenge.slave
11931lh5666Amiga2001-05-26 16:37:32ChipsChallengeHD.info
360271lh59061Amiga2013-03-07 23:05:38ChipsChallengeHD/Install
7151lh5357Amiga2002-08-16 22:04:26ChipsChallengeHD/Install.info
116711lh54730Amiga2002-08-16 22:03:16ChipsChallengeHD/Manual
39201lh53207Amiga2001-07-06 02:00:38ChipsChallengeHD/Manual.info
49351lh52374Amiga2013-03-07 23:15:08ChipsChallengeHD/ReadMe
39201lh53207Amiga2001-07-06 01:59:56ChipsChallengeHD/ReadMe.info

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